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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Oliver Wendell Holmes (search for this): article 1
on. S. S. Galloway, of Ohio, said: That the President told him he would send a letter to the meeting; but on calling for it, per agreement, the President said he could not find the time to write one that would do justice to his feelings. "Two years ago," he said, he "passed through Baltimore clandestinely, and now they invite me to their meetings. How can I express my feelings? Tell them I am with them in heart and in sympathy in the great cause of unconditional emancipation. " [Applause.] Miscellaneous. Four persons — McKee, Crocert, Oliver, and Gomez--two of them commission merchants, have been arrested in New York for furnishing fuses to the Confederates. Gen. Don Carios Buell is to be Gen. Grant's new chief of staff. Oliver Wendell Holmes was nominated by the Republicans of Boston for the Legislature, but he declined to run. Two Herald correspondents, Hart and Hendricks, were captured on the 31st, near Meade's headquarters, by Mosby's guerillas.
Hon. S. S. Galloway, of Ohio, said: That the President told him he would send a letter to the meeting; but on calling for it, per agreement, the President said he could not find the time to write one that would do justice to his feelings. "Two years ago," he said, he "passed through Baltimore clandestinely, and now they invite me to their meetings. How can I express my feelings? Tell them I am with them in heart and in sympathy in the great cause of unconditional emancipation. " [Applause.] Miscellaneous. Four persons — McKee, Crocert, Oliver, and Gomez--two of them commission merchants, have been arrested in New York for furnishing fuses to the Confederates. Gen. Don Carios Buell is to be Gen. Grant's new chief of staff. Oliver Wendell Holmes was nominated by the Republicans of Boston for the Legislature, but he declined to run. Two Herald correspondents, Hart and Hendricks, were captured on the 31st, near Meade's headquarters, by Mosby's guerillas.
Horatio Seymour (search for this): article 1
he North. We give some further extracts from our New York files of the 2d Inst.: New York election — speech of Gov. Seymour. The election in New York, for members of the Legislature and other State officers, was to take place yesterday. willing to second their Governor, and the Republicans hoping to embarrass him by an opposition Senate and House. Gov. Horatio Seymour made a speech on Friday last at Syracuse, before a very large meeting. The most noticeable fact (according to the Governor, but who in the approaching election intend to vote the Democratic ticket. We copy one or two extracts from Gov. Seymour's speech: One year ago we were a people united in purpose — to-day we are distracted and paralyzed. --Why? To-dnd we will see to it that there is a State for every star. [Continued cheering.] The meeting then adjourned, and Gov. Seymour arriving again at the hotel, shook hands and conversed with citizens and friends until the hour for dinner. The E
Wadsworth (search for this): article 1
gislature — the Democrate, anxious to get a body willing to second their Governor, and the Republicans hoping to embarrass him by an opposition Senate and House. Gov. Horatio Seymour made a speech on Friday last at Syracuse, before a very large meeting. The most noticeable fact (according to the Democratic papers) connected with the meeting was that, of the list of Vice Presidents read, two from each town in the county were prominent gentlemen who voted for Lincoln for President, and for Wadsworth last year for Governor, but who in the approaching election intend to vote the Democratic ticket. We copy one or two extracts from Gov. Seymour's speech: One year ago we were a people united in purpose — to-day we are distracted and paralyzed. --Why? To-day the South which was then ready to fall to pieces, is united, and apparently as strong as ever. Why? That party most endangers the public welfare which not only refuses to use every influence that can be brought to hear, but opp
Hon. S. S. Galloway, of Ohio, said: That the President told him he would send a letter to the meeting; but on calling for it, per agreement, the President said he could not find the time to write one that would do justice to his feelings. "Two years ago," he said, he "passed through Baltimore clandestinely, and now they invite me to their meetings. How can I express my feelings? Tell them I am with them in heart and in sympathy in the great cause of unconditional emancipation. " [Applause.] Miscellaneous. Four persons — McKee, Crocert, Oliver, and Gomez--two of them commission merchants, have been arrested in New York for furnishing fuses to the Confederates. Gen. Don Carios Buell is to be Gen. Grant's new chief of staff. Oliver Wendell Holmes was nominated by the Republicans of Boston for the Legislature, but he declined to run. Two Herald correspondents, Hart and Hendricks, were captured on the 31st, near Meade's headquarters, by Mosby's guerillas.
h chapter of Paul's epistle to Timothy was read by the Rev. Mr. Okeson. The Rev. Dr. Rodman, the pastor of the church, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Parkman, performed the solemn rites according to the Episcopal form of service. At 5 o'clock the coffin was placed in the hears, and the procession then moved forward to the burying-ground. The interment was made at Elmwood Cemetery. Some Stories of Lincoln — the change in Baltimore. At a Republican meeting in New York Saturday night Gov. Yates, of Illinois, gave Abraham the I, the following handsome puff. "As I said at the Chicago Convention, I say now, I believe he is the instrument in the hands of God to lead this chosen people to the banks of deliverance on the other side. When I sent my flaming dispatches to Mr. Lincoln, "Bring on your confiscation and emancipation proclamations," Old Abe telegraphed back to me, "Dick, hold still and see the salvation of God." [Prolonged cheers and applause.] Fellow-citizens, you have
August 20th, 1863 AD (search for this): article 1
r. Gait, committed outside. There were then in the institution nearly 300 patients. Those insane people were without medical supervision or support, and Gen. McClellan ordered Dr. Thompson, of Illinois, in charge, and all needful supplies were furnished. In June, Dr. Thompson was relieved by the appointment of Dr. G. F. Watson by Gov. Pierpont. This arrangement continued until the withdrawal of the United States army from in front of Richmond, when Dr. Watson retired. On the 20th of August, 1863, Assistant Surgeon P. Wager, of the 5th Pennsylvania cavalry, was placed in charge, and from that time the Asylum has been under the care of the Government. There were then in the Asylum 252 patients, and 42 officers, attendants, and servants. Since that period, 5 patients have been admitted and 61 have been discharged and died, leaving a population of 238. The matron and some other officers and their attendant, to their praise, remained faithful to their posts, and are disch
that there is a State for every star. [Continued cheering.] The meeting then adjourned, and Gov. Seymour arriving again at the hotel, shook hands and conversed with citizens and friends until the hour for dinner. The Eastern Virginia Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg. The New York Time contains a letter signed John P, Gray, who was sent to the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg to Inspect it. The following is an extract from his report: I remained, and visited the Asylum with Gen. Foster and staff, and while there received from Col. Robert M. West, commanding the post, and Dr. John D. Weaver, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, physician in charge, all the sets in their possession in regard to the institution, since it has been under the case of the military forces. May 5, 1863, the battle of Williamsburg was fought. Soon afterward, the accomplished Superintendent of the Asylum, Dr. Gait, committed outside. There were then in the institution nearly 300 patients. Those in
May 5th, 1863 AD (search for this): article 1
Time contains a letter signed John P, Gray, who was sent to the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg to Inspect it. The following is an extract from his report: I remained, and visited the Asylum with Gen. Foster and staff, and while there received from Col. Robert M. West, commanding the post, and Dr. John D. Weaver, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, physician in charge, all the sets in their possession in regard to the institution, since it has been under the case of the military forces. May 5, 1863, the battle of Williamsburg was fought. Soon afterward, the accomplished Superintendent of the Asylum, Dr. Gait, committed outside. There were then in the institution nearly 300 patients. Those insane people were without medical supervision or support, and Gen. McClellan ordered Dr. Thompson, of Illinois, in charge, and all needful supplies were furnished. In June, Dr. Thompson was relieved by the appointment of Dr. G. F. Watson by Gov. Pierpont. This arrangement continued until the
Hendricks (search for this): article 1
on. S. S. Galloway, of Ohio, said: That the President told him he would send a letter to the meeting; but on calling for it, per agreement, the President said he could not find the time to write one that would do justice to his feelings. "Two years ago," he said, he "passed through Baltimore clandestinely, and now they invite me to their meetings. How can I express my feelings? Tell them I am with them in heart and in sympathy in the great cause of unconditional emancipation. " [Applause.] Miscellaneous. Four persons — McKee, Crocert, Oliver, and Gomez--two of them commission merchants, have been arrested in New York for furnishing fuses to the Confederates. Gen. Don Carios Buell is to be Gen. Grant's new chief of staff. Oliver Wendell Holmes was nominated by the Republicans of Boston for the Legislature, but he declined to run. Two Herald correspondents, Hart and Hendricks, were captured on the 31st, near Meade's headquarters, by Mosby's guerillas.
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