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Robert J. Duffey (search for this): chapter 9
orning until after night. The second day of the battle a company of the Washington artillery was charged and lost its guns; but only temporarily—the Missourians made a countercharge and retook them. The regiment went into the fight 1,000 strong, and lost 233 killed and wounded. Among the killed were Colonel Rich and Captain Sprague, and among the wounded, Lieutenants Kennerly, Boyce and Carrington. Again it was reorganized with Riley, colonel; Hugh A. Garland, lieutenant-colonel, and Robert J. Duffey, major. It was with Breckinridge at Baton Rouge, and added to the reputation it had before achieved. Among the changes made in the organization of the regiments already organized, Frank M. Cockrell was made lieutenant-colonel of the Second infantry, and W. R. Gause, lieutenant-colonel of the Third. Before leaving Des Arc the cavalry regiments were dismounted and their horses sent to Texas to graze. The horses belonged to the men, who as a general thing never heard of them afterward.
R. D. Dwyer (search for this): chapter 9
then moved to Priceville, where they stayed a month, and then moved to Tupelo and finally, on the 29th of July, to Saltillo. From Tupelo what remained of the State Guard left for the TransMis-sissippi department, under command of General Parsons. About the same time Col. John T. Hughes, appointed brigadier-general, left for Missouri on recruiting service. At Priceville Colonel Burbridge resigned the command of the Second infantry, and F. M. Cockrell became colonel of the regiment, with R. D. Dwyer lieutenant-colonel and P. S. Senteney major. At Tupelo General Price's division was reviewed by Generals Hardee and Bragg, and the men complimented on their soldierly bearing and the record they had made on the field. When General Beauregard evacuated Corinth General Halleck did not follow him, and gradually the different commands that had constituted his army were sent to other fields of operation. In August General Beauregard was sick at Bladen Springs, Generals Polk and Hardee wer
e north side of the railroad was three miles from Corinth. The enemy occupied the defenses constructed by Beauregard the previous spring. At ten o'clock the line moved forward and confronted the line of the enemy. The timber covering the slopes had been felled and formed a serious obstruction. But the men forced their way through it, under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, and drove the enemy from every position held, capturing five pieces of artillery. The divisions of Maury and Hebert, composing Price's corps, continued to press on, fighting all the way, sometimes checked temporarily, but never yielding a foot of ground they had won. At sunset the enemy in front of Price's corps had been driven into the town, and the men, weary and exhausted and nearly famished, rested for the night. During the night the Federals were heavily reinforced, and strengthened their position in every way possible. Two hours before daylight Price's artillery opened at short range with good e
John Pope (search for this): chapter 9
egard, who commanded the Confederates, as slightly more than half that number. Two days after Price's command took position, two divisions of Federals under Gen. John Pope occupied Farmington, and General Beauregard made an attempt to capture them. General Hardee was to attack their center and General Bragg their left wing, andet in their rear. General Hardee was too eager or the Federal commander too timid, for before Van Dorn and Price, who had to cross a heavy swamp, got in position, Pope became alarmed and retreated, leaving behind him his tent and some of his military accouterments. Price's soldiers only got a flying shot at the enemy as they escaped. The affair was described by General Pope in one of his dispatches, as a hard fight and a great victory, and has been the principal stock in trade of Gen. John M. Palmer, who was present as a subordinate officer, ever since. Corinth is situated in a low, flat, marshy country, and General Beauregard's command suffered seve
P. S. Senteney (search for this): chapter 9
stayed a month, and then moved to Tupelo and finally, on the 29th of July, to Saltillo. From Tupelo what remained of the State Guard left for the TransMis-sissippi department, under command of General Parsons. About the same time Col. John T. Hughes, appointed brigadier-general, left for Missouri on recruiting service. At Priceville Colonel Burbridge resigned the command of the Second infantry, and F. M. Cockrell became colonel of the regiment, with R. D. Dwyer lieutenant-colonel and P. S. Senteney major. At Tupelo General Price's division was reviewed by Generals Hardee and Bragg, and the men complimented on their soldierly bearing and the record they had made on the field. When General Beauregard evacuated Corinth General Halleck did not follow him, and gradually the different commands that had constituted his army were sent to other fields of operation. In August General Beauregard was sick at Bladen Springs, Generals Polk and Hardee were operating under General Bragg from
Louis H. Kennerly (search for this): chapter 9
eniority was entitled to the first place as a Missouri Confederate organization. The regiment had already made a reputation. It was organized originally with John S. Bowen, colonel; L. L. Rich, lieutenant-colonel; C. C. Campbell, major; Louis H. Kennerly, adjutant; Carey N. Hawes, surgeon; William F. Howells, quartermaster, and James Quinlan, commissary. But on the 25th of December, Colonel Bowen was appointed brigadier-general, and the regiment was reorganized with Lieutenant-Colonel Ricuns; but only temporarily—the Missourians made a countercharge and retook them. The regiment went into the fight 1,000 strong, and lost 233 killed and wounded. Among the killed were Colonel Rich and Captain Sprague, and among the wounded, Lieutenants Kennerly, Boyce and Carrington. Again it was reorganized with Riley, colonel; Hugh A. Garland, lieutenant-colonel, and Robert J. Duffey, major. It was with Breckinridge at Baton Rouge, and added to the reputation it had before achieved. Among th
D. M. Frost (search for this): chapter 9
Second corps of the army of the West. General Little received his commission as brigadier-general, and the organization of his brigade was complete. General Green's brigade, the Second, was in process of completion. Burbridge's regiment was the Second infantry, Pritchard's the Third, McFarland's the Fourth, McCown's the Fifth, and Irwin's the Sixth. Col. John S. Bowen's regiment, which was organized at Memphis some time before and was composed largely of men surrendered at Camp Jackson by Frost, was the First, as it was organized before any of the regiments from Price's command, and by virtue of its seniority was entitled to the first place as a Missouri Confederate organization. The regiment had already made a reputation. It was organized originally with John S. Bowen, colonel; L. L. Rich, lieutenant-colonel; C. C. Campbell, major; Louis H. Kennerly, adjutant; Carey N. Hawes, surgeon; William F. Howells, quartermaster, and James Quinlan, commissary. But on the 25th of Decemb
John T. Hughes (search for this): chapter 9
osing he was still there. The Missouri troops held the rear of the retreating army, but were not disturbed, because there was no pursuit. Price's command went into camp at Baldwin, June 1st, remained there a week and then moved to Priceville, where they stayed a month, and then moved to Tupelo and finally, on the 29th of July, to Saltillo. From Tupelo what remained of the State Guard left for the TransMis-sissippi department, under command of General Parsons. About the same time Col. John T. Hughes, appointed brigadier-general, left for Missouri on recruiting service. At Priceville Colonel Burbridge resigned the command of the Second infantry, and F. M. Cockrell became colonel of the regiment, with R. D. Dwyer lieutenant-colonel and P. S. Senteney major. At Tupelo General Price's division was reviewed by Generals Hardee and Bragg, and the men complimented on their soldierly bearing and the record they had made on the field. When General Beauregard evacuated Corinth General
Pembroke Senteney (search for this): chapter 9
. There the Missouri commands were reorganized, Col. F. M. Cockrell taking command of the First brigade, Col. Martin E. Green of the Second, and Gen. John S. Bowen of the division. The First and the Fourth Missouri infantry were consolidated, Col. Archibald McFarlane of the Fourth becoming colonel, and Col. A. C. Riley of the First, lieutenant-colonel. Lieut.-Col. W. R. Gause succeeded Col. J. A. Pritchard, who had been mortally wounded at Corinth, as colonel of the Third, and Lieut.-Col. Pembroke Senteney was given charge of the Second, in place of Colonel Cockrell, commanding brigade. The battle of Corinth ended the fighting, as far as the Mississippi troops were concerned, for the year 1862. The day before Christmas they, with other troops, were reviewed at Grenada by President Davis, Generals Johnston, Price, Pemberton and Loring, and the Missourians were highly complimented by the President on their soldierly qualities. Early in the new year General Price announced to his
Henry Little (search for this): chapter 9
after were placed in camp at Rienzi, twelve miles south of Corinth. Here the work of reorganization from the State into the Confederate service proceeded. Price's command was the Second division of the Second corps of the army of the West. General Little received his commission as brigadier-general, and the organization of his brigade was complete. General Green's brigade, the Second, was in process of completion. Burbridge's regiment was the Second infantry, Pritchard's the Third, McFarlanriven back, with a loss of nine pieces of artillery, by the First Missouri brigade, the Third Louisiana regiment and Whitfield's Texas legion. But one reflection saddened every heart, says Gen. Dabney H. Maury, in an account of the battle. Gen. Henry Little had fallen dead in the very execution of the advance which had won the bloody field. He was conversing with General Price when he was shot through the head, and fell from his horse without a word. He was buried that night by torchlight in
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