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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.
Found 116 total hits in 35 results.
Rawley W. Martin (search for this): chapter 1.35
John W. Daniel (search for this): chapter 1.35
The battle of Gettysburg, [from the times-dispatch, April 10, 1904.]
And the charge of Pickett's Division.
Accounts of Colonel Rawley Martin and Captain John Holmes Smith.
With Prefatory note by U. S. Senator John W. Daniel.
[Very much has been published regarding the momentous battle of Gettysburg, but the following additions can but be welcome to our readers.
Reference may be made to ante p. 33 and preceding volumes of the Southern Historical Society Papers, particularly the early volumes, Ii-X inclusive.—editor.]
Washington, D. C., March 30, 1904. Editor of the Times-Dispatch:
Sir,—Enclosed are accounts of the charge at Gettysburg by two officers of Pickett's Division of high reputation for courage and reliability—the one being Lieutenant-Colonel Rawley W. Martin, then of the 53d Virginia Infantry, Armistead's Brigade, and the other Captain John, Holmes Smith, of the Lynchburg Home Guard, who, after Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkwood Otey, and Major Risque Hutter,<
Henry Edmunds (search for this): chapter 1.35
James L. Kemper (search for this): chapter 1.35
Rawley Martin (search for this): chapter 1.35
The battle of Gettysburg, [from the times-dispatch, April 10, 1904.]
And the charge of Pickett's Division.
Accounts of Colonel Rawley Martin and Captain John Holmes Smith.
With Prefatory note by U. S. Senator John W. Daniel.
[Very much has been published regarding the momentous battle of Gettysburg, but the following additions can but be welcome to our readers.
Reference may be made to ante p. 33 and preceding volumes of the Southern Historical Society Papers, particularly t magnificent exploit of war come to light; and the more brilliant does it appear.
Slowly, and surely, also do the evidences gather that point toward the responsible agents of the failure that ensued.
Respectfully, Jno. W. Daniel.
Colonel Rawley Martin's account.
Lynchburg, Va., August 11, 1897. Commander Sylvester Chamberlain, Buffalo, N. Y.:
My dear Sir,—In the effort to comply with your request to describe Pickett's charge at Gettysburg, I may unavoidably repeat what has of
Risque Hutter (search for this): chapter 1.35
U. S. Senator (search for this): chapter 1.35
The battle of Gettysburg, [from the times-dispatch, April 10, 1904.]
And the charge of Pickett's Division.
Accounts of Colonel Rawley Martin and Captain John Holmes Smith.
With Prefatory note by U. S. Senator John W. Daniel.
[Very much has been published regarding the momentous battle of Gettysburg, but the following additions can but be welcome to our readers.
Reference may be made to ante p. 33 and preceding volumes of the Southern Historical Society Papers, particularly the early volumes, Ii-X inclusive.—editor.]
Washington, D. C., March 30, 1904. Editor of the Times-Dispatch:
Sir,—Enclosed are accounts of the charge at Gettysburg by two officers of Pickett's Division of high reputation for courage and reliability—the one being Lieutenant-Colonel Rawley W. Martin, then of the 53d Virginia Infantry, Armistead's Brigade, and the other Captain John, Holmes Smith, of the Lynchburg Home Guard, who, after Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkwood Otey, and Major Risque Hutter<
W. T. Armistead (search for this): chapter 1.35
[8 more...]
Solomon Banks (search for this): chapter 1.35
Jonathan W. Daniel (search for this): chapter 1.35