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Page county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
Loudoun county, Va. Edward H. Wyvill, Prince George's county, Md.; Edward Matzine Switzerland; John M. S. Ireland Wm. F. Luckett, Loudoun county, Va; John R. Goodwin, Stafford County. Va; Anthony McGee, Fairfax county, Va.; John A. Alther, Page county, Va.; Francis M. Shank, Page county, Va.; Thomas W. Paynter, Jefferson county, Va.; After I E. Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wynklar, Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Page county, Va.; Thomas W. Paynter, Jefferson county, Va.; After I E. Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wynklar, Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Orison, Loudoun county. Va.; Henry F. Weekle, Rockingham county, Va; James. Grigshy, King George county, Va.; John Rawlings, King George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond. Va.; C inton W. Gulick, Lincas er county, Va.; John W. Virt, Loudoun county, Va.; Highly interesting from Missouri. A. St. Louis correspondent of the Milwaukee News writes as follows, under date of April 24th: I have spent a good many hours in looking around this city and chatting with men from all parts of
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
he works at Yorktown were constructed, states that the rebels evacuated the place owing to the near approach of our parallels covering the immense siege works of our men. That they feared the success of the Union gunboats on the York river and James river, by means of which their communication with the outer world would be cut off. The order was given to evacuate by Gen Johnston on Thursday, to commence the following morning, which was accordingly done. General Magruder is said to hav The Monitor and other vessels of our-naval fleet are all in readiness for action on short notice, and all hands are hoping she will come down. The supposed design of the enemy is to edde vor to prevent any expedition from going up the James river to out off the retreat from Yorktown. Three deserters arrived here this morning in a rebel schooner, and report the evacuation of Mulberry Island and Jamestown early yesterday morning. From General Halleck's command. Pittsburg
Jasper, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 22
1st and advanced towards Chattanooga, a distance of 12 miles, and captured a quantity of stores and a southern mail carried by the railroad hands. A panic prevailed at Chattanooga. The enemy are moving all their property in the direction of the Atlantic. Gen. Leadbeater had been punished for cowardice at Bridgeport. There were not more than 000 troops at Chattanooga. They destroyed sal pstre cave, and returned safely with the captured property. Another expedition penetrated to Jasper, and found a strong Union le ing. On the same day a skirmish with the enemy's cavally took place at Athem ur outposts were driven back but on being reinforced, the enemy retreated in the direction of Florence, Alabama. There are straggling bands of mounted men, partly citizens, scattered along my entire threatening the bridges, one of which they succeeded in destroying. C. M. Mitchell. Brag Gen. Commanding. The battle at South Mills. The following official report
Chickahominy Creek (Oregon, United States) (search for this): article 22
d to have recommended the abandonment of the works, deeming them untenable. The deserters all agree in stating that their troops were very much demoralized, and he came dis ed when the order to retreat was made, as they all anticipated having an engagement at this point. The deserters also agree in saying that the rebels had a force of 000,000 men on the peninsula, together with some 400 pieces of field artillery. From the best information received, they have fallen back to Chickahominy creek, beyond Williamsburg, where they are expected to make a stand. Immediately after the flight of the enemy becoming known, the troops were ordered under arms, and are now in motion from the right and left wings of the army. A large force, under Gen. Trueman, consisting of ca ry, artillery and infantry, are in the advance, and probably come up with the rear of the enemy before night, if they should remain near Williamsburg. Our gunboats have passed above Yorktown, and are now
Stafford Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
vessel u your command. I am, respectfully your ob't er 't G son Weller. Release of Confederate prisoners. The following named persons were released from military custody, by military, authority, from the old Capital prison, at Washington, last week, after taking the oath of allegiance: William Mathews, Loudoun county, Va. Edward H. Wyvill, Prince George's county, Md.; Edward Matzine Switzerland; John M. S. Ireland Wm. F. Luckett, Loudoun county, Va; John R. Goodwin, Stafford County. Va; Anthony McGee, Fairfax county, Va.; John A. Alther, Page county, Va.; Francis M. Shank, Page county, Va.; Thomas W. Paynter, Jefferson county, Va.; After I E. Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wynklar, Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Orison, Loudoun county. Va.; Henry F. Weekle, Rockingham county, Va; James. Grigshy, King George county, Va.; John Rawlings, King George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond
Rockingham (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
ounty, Md.; Edward Matzine Switzerland; John M. S. Ireland Wm. F. Luckett, Loudoun county, Va; John R. Goodwin, Stafford County. Va; Anthony McGee, Fairfax county, Va.; John A. Alther, Page county, Va.; Francis M. Shank, Page county, Va.; Thomas W. Paynter, Jefferson county, Va.; After I E. Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wynklar, Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Orison, Loudoun county. Va.; Henry F. Weekle, Rockingham county, Va; James. Grigshy, King George county, Va.; John Rawlings, King George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond. Va.; C inton W. Gulick, Lincas er county, Va.; John W. Virt, Loudoun county, Va.; Highly interesting from Missouri. A. St. Louis correspondent of the Milwaukee News writes as follows, under date of April 24th: I have spent a good many hours in looking around this city and chatting with men from all parts of the State, and I am satisfied that there are as many S
King George county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wynklar, Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Orison, Loudoun county. Va.; Henry F. Weekle, Rockingham county, Va; James. Grigshy, King George county, Va.; John Rawlings, King George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond. Va.; C inton W. Gulick, Lincas er county, Va.; John W. Virt, Loudoun county, Va.; Highly interesting from Missouri. A. St. Louis correspondent of the Milwaukee NKing George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond. Va.; C inton W. Gulick, Lincas er county, Va.; John W. Virt, Loudoun county, Va.; Highly interesting from Missouri. A. St. Louis correspondent of the Milwaukee News writes as follows, under date of April 24th: I have spent a good many hours in looking around this city and chatting with men from all parts of the State, and I am satisfied that there are as many Secessionists here as ever Nine-tenths of the Americans in this city are Secessionists, and nothing but the sight of brass buttons and red tape keeps them down. Our pickets at Benton barracks are fire last nearly every night. One of Col. Barstow's men was shot in the leg, find one of Colone
Mulberry Island (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
ded by any other gunboats, as usual, and it is supposed it is not her intention to visit us to-day. The Monitor and other vessels of our-naval fleet are all in readiness for action on short notice, and all hands are hoping she will come down. The supposed design of the enemy is to edde vor to prevent any expedition from going up the James river to out off the retreat from Yorktown. Three deserters arrived here this morning in a rebel schooner, and report the evacuation of Mulberry Island and Jamestown early yesterday morning. From General Halleck's command. Pittsburg Landing May 31, 9 P.M. Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. General Pam's Division made a reconnaissance to Farmington to-day, and found about 4,500 of the enemy, and drove them in hand some style, killing 30 and wounding many also capturing some prisoners and their tents camp equipage, etc. At dark our cavalry was in pursuit of their artillery and a bag gage train beyond Farmington, in t
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 22
k, which is two miles below Florence, Ala., sunk the water being above her guards. It was impossible for me to raise her. I am happy to inform you that the rebels have neither a boat or a gun on river — I captured their last gun at Florence, and it is now on board the "Lady Foote," late Robb. I learned at Florence that their bridge was destroyed by order of Gen. Beauregard. The inhabitants were very indignant at such a wanton destruction. Operation of General M Hell in East Tennessee Huntsville, Ala., May 4. Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Your dispatch is received. A soldier's highest reward for service is to merit and receive the approbation of his superior officers. An expedition from Bridgeport crossed the river on the 1st and advanced towards Chattanooga, a distance of 12 miles, and captured a quantity of stores and a southern mail carried by the railroad hands. A panic prevailed at Chattanooga. The enemy are moving all their prope
Loudoun (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
from the old Capital prison, at Washington, last week, after taking the oath of allegiance: William Mathews, Loudoun county, Va. Edward H. Wyvill, Prince George's county, Md.; Edward Matzine Switzerland; John M. S. Ireland Wm. F. Luckett, LoudLoudoun county, Va; John R. Goodwin, Stafford County. Va; Anthony McGee, Fairfax county, Va.; John A. Alther, Page county, Va.; Francis M. Shank, Page county, Va.; Thomas W. Paynter, Jefferson county, Va.; After I E. Lay, Franklin parish, La., James Wyn Jefferson county, Va.; James Frazier Stafford county, Va.; James L. er, Stat ford county, Va.; Frederick A. Orison, Loudoun county. Va.; Henry F. Weekle, Rockingham county, Va; James. Grigshy, King George county, Va.; John Rawlings, King George county, Va.; Lowin Stewart, Richmond. Va.; C inton W. Gulick, Lincas er county, Va.; John W. Virt, Loudoun county, Va.; Highly interesting from Missouri. A. St. Louis correspondent of the Milwaukee News writes as follows, under date of Apri
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