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sed at the evening, and retreated this having about thirty of his dead on . Very respectfully, &c., R F Lee, General. The following dispatch, received foregoing, gives some additional of Captain achieve Carter Depot via Dennie Hill June 25th, 1864 Captain commanding at this General handsomely killing and wounding at killed and twenty-four of ours. J. Withers, A. A. G. The following official dispatches were report yesterday. Atlanta, June 24 Dear: Gen. Hood, on our left, reports that being attacked on the afternoon of the drove back the enemy, taking one his breast works. The pursuit was stopped by exposure to fire of field batteries. Afternoon's division was mainly on Hindman's slightly. There was brisk in Hardee's front much of the yesterday; a good deal of cannonading . J. E. Johnston, General. Marietta, June 23, Gen. Hodd reports that the enemy, inline of Atlanta, attacked Stevenson's skirmi
cting entirely on the defensive, and must have been confused by his hold assault. Two divisions of the Fifth Corps were within easy supporting distance on the right, and the Sixth Corps was ready for any hostilities on the left Several charges were made by the rebels, who suffered severely. There was heavy firing in front of the Ninth Corps about midnight. At times the musketry broke out into regular vodeys. The firing lasted all night. Headq'rs Army of the Potomac, June 24. Maj. Holt, of the First Massachusetts, is slightly wounded. It is reported that the Seventeenth New York battery has lost four guns by being surprised. Skirmishing was continued all last night on burled, but with what result is not yet known. The Third Excelsior Regiment, Lieut Colonel Leonard commanding, will leave here to morrow for home, their term of service having expired. This regiment participated in all the battles of the Peninsula, under Gen McClellan, and wi
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], List of casualties in Wickham's cavalry brigade. (search)
arrison, White, Jolley, Nat Thackston, S T Wootton, 3d Va cav; privates W Busic, B T Wayland, and Corp'l J T Amos, 4th Va cav. Missing: John F Hill. June 21st--Near White House.--Killed Privates A W Parr and B F Settle, 4th Va Wounded: Sergt Mal Jno Bowling, Lt John Knight, Corp'l R H Walton, privates J Ham, T R Fanquarean, F L Petrick, C Clarkes, 3d Va cav; Corp'l A Norman, Pvtes A A Lyns, J E Larkin, F Edwards, W H Kinnon, J R Martin, L D Biale, H Fones, and F Duke, 4th Va cav. June 24--Near Nanes's — Killed: Sergt G T Funkhouser, 1st Va cav; Sergt J M Lowry. Capt W W Tabbs, privates J M Wright, E Ward, 2d Va cav, J J Paryear, Thos Glass, J C Spencer, 3d Va cav. Wounded: Capt C T Litchfield, Corp'l W Hunter, Lieut J T Leith, privates J P Hill, W. R Roseau G Hardgrove, H. Soule, Jenkins, 1st Va cav; Lts Wade and Conner, privates B D Mitchell, S M Thomas, F D Wheat, R C Newman, J A Kannier, T D Bosham, J P Smith, W A Minifes, S Moore, J J Morgan, A White, J H Drummon, and
es of Charles City C H. The brigade of Gen J R Chambliss bore a conspicuous part in this engagement, particularly the 9th and 10th Va cavalry, and received for their gallant services the thanks and congratulations of the general commanding for their conduct. The following is a correct list of the casualties, kindly furnished me by our Adjutant in the 10th Virginia cavalry. J S H. Headqr's 10th Va cavalry,June 28th, 1864. Report of the casualties in the late engagement (June 24th) at Samaria Church: Company A.--Killed: Trooper J L Davis, Jr Wounded: Troopers J Ketes, D N Morris, G N Crump. Company B.--Killed: Trooper J L Wagner. Wounded: Troopers J H Henbee, P Koonts, J Clodfelter. Company F.--Wounded: Capt J H Dettor, Trooper J R Herndon. Company H.--Wounded: 1st Lt S K Newham, Corp J R Foltz. Killed: Trooper P Calhoun. Company H.--Wounded: Trooper H Blackmare, Company I.--Killed: Trooper J N Gary. Recapitulation: Killed4
One hundred dollars reward. --I will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to me of my servant woman Edny, who ran away from my house is Henrico county on the night of the 24th June Eley is about 35 years old, bright mulatto, long hair and rather thin vis. age, having lost some of her jaw teeth, and about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high. I will give the above reward it taken out of the county, or $50 if taken in the county. A N McCHESNEY. jy 4--
Casualties of the 6th Regiment S C Cavalry, on the 24th June, at ladd'd Store: Co A Killed: Private Jas M Babb. Wounded: X W Curry, in hip, slightly; James Taylor, in shoulder, slightly; E M Sharp, leg amputated. Co E Killed: None. Wounded: Corp'l Jas E Quaticburne, in thigh, severely; Privates John Eidson, in hand, slightly; Williamson Rowler, in foot, severely; T A Sego, in neck, severely. Co D — No casualties. Co E — Killed: Nons. Wounded: Corp'l Sam Simpson, in bowels, mortally; Privates D S Rogers, in groin, very severely; S N Griffin, in wrist, severely. Co F — Killed: None. Wounded: Privates John Humphrey, and Robert Yarborough. Missing: R J Vaughn. Co G and H — No casualties. Co J — Killed: Serg't W W Jenkins, and private A F Gardner. Wounded: L A McCall, in foot, severely. Co K — Killed: None. Wounded: Privates J P McManus, in breast, severely; G M Ellrod, in shoulder, severely; N M Cook, in hand, slightly; Reas Bowen,
100 Dollars reward. --I will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to me of my servant woman Edny, who ran away from my house, in Henrico county, on the night of the 24th June. Edny is about 35 years old, bright mulatto, long hair, and rather thin visage, having lost some of her jaw teeth, and about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high. I will give the above reward if taken out of the county, or $50 if taken in the county, A N McCHESNEY. jy 5--2t
100 dollars reward. --I will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to me of my servant woman Edny, who ran away from my house, in Henrico county, on the night of the 24th June. Edny is about 35 years old, bright mulatto, long hair, and rather thin visage, having lost some of her jaw teeth, and about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high. I will give the above reward if taken out of the county, or $50 if taken in the county. A. N. McCHESNEY. jy 5--2t
vain, they could not prevent him from engaging in an unequal combat." The Constitutionnel does not state from whom came these pressing entreaties, or who tried to prevent his fighting. It was in consequence of the remonstrances of the United States Minister that the Alabama was under the necessity of quitting Chesbourg, and once beyond the legal distance, she had no alternative but to fight, to surrender, or try to escape. France-rebel-the New Privateer. [From the Gironde of Bordeaux, June 24. The steamer Yeddo which has just been constructed in the building yard of M. Arman, of this city, and which is supposed to belong to the Confederate Government, left the roadstead yesterday morning. She had made a trial trip on Monday last, and completed her preparations on the following day. The Yeddo measures 682 tons, and has a crew (entirely French) of sixty five men.--She is commanded by Captain Pater, who is a native of France also; and was for a long time master of vessels belo