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Your search returned 1,470 results in 357 document sections:
Religious Convections. Augusta, May 8.
--The Diocesan Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church is in session in this city.
The attendance is large.
The Southern Baptist Convention is also in session here, embracing delegates from churches in all the Southern States, except Delaware.
There is a large number of delegates present.
The Daily Dispatch: May 11, 1863., [Electronic resource], Our Unchanged prisoners. (search)
The Yankees driven from Tupelo. Jackson, May 8.
--Gov. Pettus has official information that our troops drove the Yankees from Tupelo and held that town.
The Daily Dispatch: May 10, 1864., [Electronic resource], The movement on Richmond --two more Repulses of the enemy by Gen Lee — affairs on the Southside — feint at Drewry's Bluff — fight expected near Petersburg Today — the Central Railroad Tapped, &c, &c. (search)
The movement on Richmond--two more Repulses of the enemy by Gen Lee — affairs on the Southside — feint at Drewry's Bluff — fight expected near Petersburg Today — the Central Railroad Tapped, &c, &c.
The only late news of the operations of the army of Gen. Lee are contained in the following dispatches from him received at the War Department:
Near Spotsylvania C H, 2.30 P M, May 8th, via Orange C H. To Hon. Jas. A. Seddon:
After a sharp encounter with the 5th army corps, (Warren's,) and Torbett's division of cavalry, Gen. R. H. Anderson, with the advance of the army, repulsed the enemy with heavy slaughter, and took possession of the Court-House. I am the more grateful to the Giver of all factory that our loss is small. R E Lee, Gen.
Headq'rs army Northern Va., May 8th, 1864--9 P. M.
Hon. Secretary of War:
After the repulse of the enemy from Spotsylvania Court-House this morning, receiving reinforcements, he renewed the attack to our position, but was a