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An example for Military men. In 1808, the Duke of Wellington was placed in command of the important British expedition destined to operate in the Peninsula. He had made all his preparations with the foresight and thoroughness characteristic of the man; and the had actually sailed, when the country determined to supersede him in their command. In a very laconic note, no reasons for the change, Vis Castlereagh, Secretary of State, the Duke then Sir. Arthur that the command of the had been assigned to Sir. Hew Dal with Sir. Harry Burrard second By this operation, Sir. Ar place of command was suddenly an army to a brigade the very act of preparing to enemy. An ordinary soldier at once have thrown up his command disgust. Though deeply morning he sacrificed all person considerations to patriotism and and in a letter, written soon I shall do my best to en the success of the army; and you on it, that I shall not hurry or commence them one than they ought to be in
ught twenty from Africa to Virginia. In his work upon the slave trade, Mr. Carey, of Pennsylvania, says "the trade in negro slaves to the American colonies was too small before 1750 to attract attention." The same writer says that the slaves numbered 55,850 in 1714 of which 30,000 were brought from Africa. The importations between 1715 and 1750 are estimated by Mr. Carey at 90,000; between 1751 and 1760, 35,000; between 1761 and 1770, 74,000; between 1771 and 1790, 34,000; between 1790 and 1808, 70,000.--Total, 333,000. The number in the last- mentioned decade is considered by the census to be evidently too small.--Charleston alone, in the first four years of that decade, imported 30,075, which were consigned to 91 British subjects, 88 citizens of Rhode Island, 10 French subjects, and 13 natives of Charleston. Foreigners and New Englanders always conducted the traffic. Making a correction for Mr. Carey's under-estimate, the whole number of Africans at all times imported into
er Sedgwick. The President then delivered his address, after which the House withdrew. Replies to the address were then discussed and adopted in the Senate and in the House, and were presented by committees of those bodies. In 1802 the House of Representatives removed to a temporary hall, made by roofing over the half-built south wing of the Capitol, and consequently so low that it was called "the oven." In 1804, the House moved back into the north wing, until its hall was finished, in 1808. These two wings were temporarily connected by a wooden gallery. On the 24th of August, 1814, the British troops occupied the Capitol, after having fired a volley through the windows. Admiral Cockburn, of his Majesty King George's navy, took the Speaker's chair, and put the question: "Shall this harbor of Yankee Democracy be burned? All for it will say aye — contrary minded, no!" The ayes had it, and soon the red-coated vandals had large fires kindled, which destroyed the interior of