She knows Burne-Jones well and says he is a very simple person.
Dined with the Edwin Arnolds . . . . She was Fanny Channing, a tall, elegant, attractive woman and a most adoring wife of a loving husband.
There is something un-English about Arnold, perhaps from his long life in the East and his poetic nature.
He is delightful when not talking politics, but there he is so vehement as to be a little fatiguing though always in a gentle, graceful way. He is a small man with a pleasing face. . or vain in a petty way, but has a sublime self confidence and thinks he (B.) alone can save this nation of stupid snub-nosed Englishmen —and A. seems to think the same of Beaconsfield's policy.
To save the British Empire from the Russians is to Arnold like saving Rome from the Gauls.
Arnold the other day came upon that poem He who died at Azan, read it with delight and finally remembered that he wrote it himself in youth . . . . She (Fanny) showed me his Star of India with pride; but her chil
, 26. See also Mrs. H. W. Longfellow.
April Days, 157, 408.
Army Life in a Black Regiment, 227, 230, 237, 363, 411, 423; at work on, 282.
Arnim, Bettina von, Higginson reads, 343-46.
Arnold, Edward, Higginson visits, 331, 332.
Arnold, Matthew, and Higginson, 301.
Atlantic Essays, 156, 157, 411.
Baby of the Regiment, The, 237, 412.
Barney, Margaret Dellinger, granddaughter of T. W. H., 394, 395.
Barney, Margaret Higginson, daughter of T. W. H. See Higginson, Margaret Wirth and death of first child, 294, 295; at Plymouth, N. H., 296; A Search for the Pleiades, 296; in legislature, 296-99; birth of second child, 298; at Cowpens, 299; and his daughter, 300-07, 318-21, 372, 373; writes Larger History, 301; and Matthew Arnold, 301; summers at Holden, Mass., 305-07; a week's work, 307, 308; Life of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, 307, 308; writes Women and Men, 308; in politics, 308-10, 317, 318; company reunion, 310; on dreams, 310, 311; Monarch of Dreams, 311, 312; and E
Poe's, 214.
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182.
Alcott, Louisa M., 126.
Alden, Capt., John, 139.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264.
All's well, Wasson's, 264.
Americanism, 3, 159.
American Humor, 242, 243.
American poetical Miscellany, 68.
Ames, Fisher, 4, 46.
Ames, Nathaniel, 58.
Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68.
A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240.
Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125.
Areopagitica, Milton's, 165.
Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283.
Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208.
Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70.
Astoria, Irving's, 240.
Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58.
Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162.
Audubon, John James, 239.
Austin, William, 187.
Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158.
Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143.
Barclay of Ury, Whittier's, 147.
Barlow, Joel, 38.
Battle of the Kegs, Hopkinson's, 55.
Baudelaire, 208.
Beauclerc, Lady, Diana, 168.
ude from Yale College, the legend upon the map prefixed to each of his volumes, might be their motto.
His opinions upon Elizabethan writers, upon architecture, upon the drama, upon Greek and Roman literature, would be incredible if they did not stare us in the face from cold type.
His genuine powers are rendered nugatory by his incompetence in the realms of taste and imagination.
He is the complete Puritan, inhospitable to art but thoroughly efficient in dealing with things; and—to modify Arnold's formula concerning the Philistine—a maker of farms that produce, of sermons that edify, of a college that educates, and of characters that wear.
His want of adequate standards leaves his book a miscellany, not so much because there are all sorts of things in it as because of their huge artistic incongruities; not so much because of the variety of its contents as because of the unplumbed gaps between their literary levels.
Yet this is not to say that after some acquaintance with the Tra
merican Revolution, 115
Anne, Queen of England, 348
Annie Laurie, 275, 298
Annual register, the, 104, 105
Antiquities of the Southern Indians,
Particularly of the Georgia Tribes, 317
Appeal to Pharaoh, an, 325
Apple Pie and Cheese, 243
Appleton, Frances Elizabeth, 36
Arabian nights, 260
Argonaut, the, 387
Argus, the (Croswell, E.), 183
Argus of Western America, the (Kendall, G. W.), 184
Aristotle, 197, 320
Arme Heinrich, der, 39
Arnold, George, 242
Arnold, Matthew, 203, 245, 253, 254
Artemus Ward.
See Browne, C. F.
Arthur, Chester A., 110
Ascham, Roger, 124
Ashby, Turner, 305, 306
Ashes of glory, 309
Aspern papers, the, 376
Astroea at the Capital, 283
Astronomy and General physics considered with reference to natural theology, 221
As you like it, 12
At close range, 392
At Fredericksburg, 281
Atlanta Constitution, the, 321-322, 350
Atlantic magazine, the, 167
Atlantic monthly, the, 47, 165, 169, 228, 247, 331, 369