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d thus discovered that good roads existed from Brown's ferry up the river, and back of the first rabel positions. Troops, crossing the bridge at Brown's ferry, could be seen, and their numbers estival at Bridgeport, but the bridge of boats at Brown's ferry was frail, and, although it was used w On the 21st, he got his second division over Brown's ferry bridge, and Ewing was up from Trenton;ne that the rebels might suppose the troops at Brown's ferry were reenforcing Chattanooga. Howard, Tennessee, and the bridges at Chattanooga and Brown's ferry were swept away; and, on the 22d, yet of the Army of the Cumberland: The bridges at Brown's ferry being down to-day, and the excessivelyailroad; while Osterhaus was to march up, from Brown's ferry to the place of crossing, and then sup far up Lookout valley; he saw the crossing at Brown's ferry, but doubtless hoped that the rains an Sherman, as soon as that commander crossed at Brown's ferry, it was impossible to know whether he [2 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
ntly seen. Toward two o'clock Buckner and Anderson put themselves in motion. The latter, with the brigades of Jones and Brown, attacked Rousseau's line formed by the brigades of Lyttle and Harris. The Union troops made a vigorous resistance, comp his left flank, fell back upon Doctor's Creek. Adams came up to take the place of the Confederate brigades of Jones and Brown in front of him. In order to render Liddell's success complete by bearing more to the right, Buckner sent forward Cleburnfey had arrived from the interior of Arkansas with fifteen hundred horse; he had baffled the vigilance of the Federal general Brown, who occupied Springfield, and was marching directly toward Independence, where he hoped to effect a junction with thn increased by the recent success just related. Schofield was anxious to unite all his forces to prevent this junction. Brown despatched twelve hundred cavalry in pursuit of Coffey. General Blunt, commanding in the west of Kansas, also detailed s
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
t the cost of this opportune sacrifice seemed destined to end the war in their favor. So severe a law could not fail to challenge sharp opposition. The statesmen who had imposed it upon the people of the South, as a cruel consequence of the venture in which they had embarked their fellow-citizens, were exposed to the most severe attacks. This law clashed, in fact, with all the ideas of liberty and independence conceived under the equitable and peaceful government of the United States. Mr. Brown, governor of Georgia, placed himself at the head of this opposition, and was sustained by the legislature of his State. But the Confederate government finally broke down all opposition; and the struggle being prolonged, the law of April 16th was gradually applied to those who by their age or other causes had at first been exempted from its provisions. As this law was made the basis of all the military legislation of the Confederacy, it is necessary that we should explain its principal cl
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
Division, P. Sheridan. 36th Brigade, D. McCook; brigade, Laibolt; brigade, Griesel. Cavalry, Stanley's brigade. Confederate army. Commander-in-chief, General Braxton Bragg. Army of east Tennessee, Major-general Kirby Smith. Division, Churchill. Division, Humphrey Marshall. Division, Heath. Army of the Mississippi, Lieutenant-general Leonidas Polk. 1st corps, Major-general Hardee. 1st Division, Patton Anderson. Powell's brigade, Adams' brigade, Jones' brigade, Brown's brigade. 2d, Division, Buckner. Lidell's brigade, Cleburne's brigade, Johnson's brigade, Wood's brigade. 3d corps (without commander, the corps being divided). 1st Division, Cheatham. Smith's brigade, Donelson's brigade, Stuart's brigade, Maney's brigade. 2d Division, Withers. Ii. Battle of Corinth. Federal army. Department of West Tennessee, Major-general Grant. Division, Sherman, Brigade, ......; brigade, ...... Division, Hurlbut. Veatch's brigade, Lauman'
Baltimore. See Calvert. Bank of England chartered, III. 191 Bank of France, III. 354. Barclay, Robert, governor of New Jersey, II. 414. Barlow, his voyage, I. 92. Behring's discoveries, III. 453. Bellamont, Lord, in New York, III. 59. In New England, 82. Berkeley, George, character of, III. 372. Berkeley, Sir William, in Virginia, I. 203. In England, II. 68. Plants Carolina, 134. Dissatisfied, 203. His severity to Bacon and his friends, 219, 221, 231. Sails for Europe, 233. Bienville, III. 200. Explores the country, 202. Blake, Joseph, II. 172. Bloody Brook, II. 104. Boston founded, I. 356. Antinomian, 388. Its liberality, II. 109. Insurgent, 447. Bourdonnais, La, III. 453. Brackett, Anne, II. 110. Bradford, William, I. 314. Bradstreet, Simon, II. 74. Brebeuf, Father, III. 122. Character, 124. Martyrdom, 140. Bressani, Father, III. 134. Breton, Cape, settled by the French, II. 235. Brown, John and Samuel, I. 349.
squehanna would return to its allegiance. Germain to Clinton, most secret, 8 March, 1778. Sir Henry Clinton was no favorite of the minister's; these brilliant achievements were designed for Cornwallis. During the autumn of 1778, two expeditions were sent out by Prevost from East Florida. They were composed in part of regulars; the rest were vindictive refugees from Georgia and South Carolina, called troopers, though having only a few horses that were kept to go plundering into Georgia. Brown, their commander, held directly from the governor of East Florida the rank of lieutenantcolonel, so that the general was prevented from reducing them to some order and regulation. Prevost to Clinton, 25 Sept., 1778. One of these mixed parties of invaders summoned the fort at Sunbury to surrender. But when Colonel Mackintosh answered, Come and take it, they retreated. The other corps was stopped at the Ogeechee. On Chap. XIII.} 1778. their return they burned at Midway the church, almo
way back with one hundred riflemen; having joined to them a body of woodsmen, he defeated the British garrison under Colonel Brown at Augusta, and captured the costly presents designed for the Cherokees. The moment was critical; for Cornwallis, inly to a state of obedience. With a corps of one hundred provincials and one hundred Chap. XVI.} 1780. Sept. Cherokees, Brown maintained a position on Garden Hill for nearly a week, when he was rescued by Cruger from Ninety-Six. At his approach, them were scalped and some taken prisoners. Of the latter, Captain Ashby and twelve others were hanged under the eyes of Brown; thirteen who were delivered to the Cherokees were killed by tortures, or by the tomahawk, or were thrown into fires. Thirty in all were put to death by the orders of Brown. Cruger desired to waylay and capture the retreating party, and Ferguson eagerly accepted his invitation to join in the enterprise. Cruger moved with circumspection, taking care not to be led
British still held Ninety-Six and Augusta. Conforming to the plan which Greene had forwarded from Deep river, General Pickens and Colonel Clarke with militia kept watch over the latter. On the twentieth of May, they were joined by Lieu- 20. tenant-Colonel Lee. The outposts were taken one after another, and on the fifth of June the main fort June 5. with about three hundred men capitulated. One officer, obnoxious for his cruelties, fell after the surrender by an unknown hand. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, the commander, had himself hanged thirteen American prisoners, and delivered citizens of Georgia to the Cherokees to suffer death with all the exquisite tortures which savage barbarity could contrive; but on his way to Savannah an escort protected him from the inhabitants whose houses he had burned, whose Chap. XXIV.} 1781. May 22. relations he had hanged. On the twenty-second of May, Greene, with Kosciuszko for his engineer, and nine hundred and eighty-four men, began the sie
llou Hall, and upon its roof was placed the college bell, cast by G. H. Holbrook at East Medway, Mass., in 1857. The father of this foundry man learned his trade of Paul Revere. If this old bell could talk it might tell many strange stories of the pranks of the young collegians, or perhaps something of its own history. Whether purchased by the college corporation, or the gift of some friend, may ever remain unknown. That it had a message to the students is evidenced by these words, from Brown and the Blue.— “Arouse to your waiting task, too long Forgot,” to one came the message strong; To another Today still beckons to fame, His listening neighbor heard Duty's name And went at the work; with eyes on the ground The plodder knew one day more in his round; But the brow of his fellow grew bright at the voice, The chiming called him to toil of his choice. Clang-clang! Clang-clang! With mystical meaning the loud bell rang. In the 1850s there were many fires, incendiary or oth<
Arrived, Schr. M. C. Hopkins, Hopkins, New York, ice, Griffin Taylor, and hay Bridgford & Co. Schr. D. Herbert, Myers, Fort Calhoun, light. Sailed, Steamship Yorktown. Parrish, New York, mdse. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdse. and passengers. D. & W. Currie. Steamer City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdse, and passengers, C. P. Cardoza. Bark Matagorda, Brown, down the river, light. Schr. W. W. Griffin,--, down the river, light.