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ouble that of the President of the United States. Mr. Forrest gets even a shade still better terms, and even many stock actors receive a steady yearly income higher than that of our Secretaries of State. Mr. Brougham received last season, at Wallack's, $175 a week, besides benefits and allowances for his pieces; Mr. Lester Wallack receives $125 a week; Mr. Blake $115, and Mr. Walcot $100. At the Winter Garden and Niblo's, Messrs. Couldock and Dyott receive $70 and $50, and Messrs. Conway and Fisher $70 and $80 respectively a week. At Miss Keene's this season there are no high salaries, ut at the opening of the last she paid Mr. Jordan $100. Last season, too, Mrs. John Wood and Mr. Jefferson received each $150 a week under the management of Mr. Stuart.--Neither Garrick, nor Betterton, nor Munden, nor Dowton received one-half this sum in their best days. No wonder, with such increasing salary of artists, and diminution in the price of admission, that managers now-a-days never realize t
e said he did not like the resolution. [Loud cheers from the crowd.] The President stated that such demonstrations must be suppressed hereafter. On a repetition of the offence, he would at once order the Sergeant-at-Arms to clear the gallery. Mr. Montague proceeded to say that he would not vote for any resolution that inaugurated favoritism, for he was willing to give all a fair chance. He moved to lay the resolution on the table, but withdrew the motion at the request of Mr. Fisher, who offered a substitute for the resolution, declaring that the Convention will meet at the African Church on Monday. Mr. Early had no disposition to exclude any one, and would not countenance secret sessions. But the dignity and decorum of the Convention must be preserved, and the demonstration a few moments ago was the most forcible argument that could be made, in favor of his resolution. Mr. Hall moved to lay the whole subject on the table. Negatived. The substitute was
r. Clemens proceeded to advocate his resolution, and moved its adoption. Mr. Fisher said he was about to offer a similar resolution, but had not supposed that anwillingness to accept the substitute, and therefore withdrew his resolution. Mr. Fisher's resolution was then adopted. personal explanation. Mr. Clemens tho lay it on the table for the present. It could be called up to-morrow. Mr. Fisher said he would call for the yeas and nays on that motion. Mr. Wise raised, and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Fisher offered the following: resolved, that the Governor of this Commonwealthresolution. Mr. Clemens called for the ayes and noes on the motion. Mr. Fisher explained the resolution and its object, in reply to an inquiry from Mr. Wicks. Ambler, Blakey, Boissean, Borst, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Conn, R. H. Cox, Fisher, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr. , Thos. F. Goode, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Har
on's birthday. Mr. Carlile said that as the Committee on Federal Relations would not probably be prepared to report before Monday, previous to which there was not much necessity for debate; and to-morrow being the 22d of February, when, he presumed, some of us would like to have an opportunity to read the Farewell Address of the Father of his Country, he would offer the following resolution: Resolved, That when this Convention adjourn, it adjourn to meet again on Monday next. Mr. Fisher moved to amend by inserting "Saturday" in the place of Monday. Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, was opposed to adjourning over at all. It was rumored that the Peace Conference was about to conclude its labors, and he thought no time should be lost, in view of that fact. If the gentleman from Harrison (Mr. Carlile) wanted to hear Washington's Farewell Address, he would agree to go to his room and read it to him. Mr. Dorman explained why he should vote against adjourning over to Monday. A re
people of the Commonwealth. After some further remarks by Mr. Tredway, Mr. Carlile withdrew his motion, and said he would content himself with voting "no" on the resolution. The question was then taken, and the resolution passed. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, offered the following: Resolved, That this Convention does not wish to inaugurate a National Convention, and would not rely on such a body to afford redress for the grievances and wrongs of which the South complains, nor ens asked if the rules did not allow him to object to any resolution on Federal Relations. The President said that under a rule adopted, all such resolutions would be referred, after they had been explained by the member offering them. Mr. Fisherthen proceeded to advocate his resolution, after which it was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. The following resolutions were also offered, and referred to the same committee: By Mr. Whitfield, of Isle of Wight. Re
or he thought its effect would be to protract the session interminably, while he doubted not that there was enough newspaper enterprise in Richmond to print all that was necessary to be printed without burdening the State with the expense. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, opposed the resolution, and moved that it be laid upon the table. On this motion the yeas and nays were called, and resulted — yeas 30, nays 62. So the Convention refused to lay the resolution upon the table. Mr.mitted to the people for ratification, by which Virginia shall resume all the powers delegated by her to the Federal Government, and declare her connexion with that Government dissolved. Referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, offered the following, which were likewise referred: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, any attempt on the part of the Federal Government to collect revenue on goods in transit to any port or ports in any o
Passengers per Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, Master, from New York. Jas. M. Griffin, Geo. S. Ferriss, H. B. Ferrise, Geo. W. Ross. Thos. Bell, W. C. Gifford, John Stemmitz. Jno. Wynant, Mrs. Fisher and child, Thos. W. Lyon, A. H. Godwin, Thos. Crelin. W. A. Miller, R. S. Kellong, D. Petty, Mrs. Crowley, Mrs. Rosenburg, F. R. Surfleet, Mrs. Taggett, Mrs. Capt. Cope. Mrs. R. H. Veghte, John H. Smack, Geo. Gifford, N. Dayton, and 4 in steerage. Also, from Norfolk — Thos. Nash, Jr., R. M. Taylor, Sidney Strother, E. Bolbringer.
of the people of Virginia be and they are hereby most cordially tendered to the Hon. John J. Crittenden, for his reasonable, jealous and patriotic efforts in the Senate of the United States to bring about a just and honorable adjustment of our national difficulties. Mr. Wise, of Princess Anne, moved to lay the resolution upon the table, upon which motion Mr. Brown called for the yeas and nays, and the vote resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Blakey, Bolssean, Borst, Boulbin, Conn, Fisher, Graham, Harvie, Hunton, Isbeth, Leake, Macfarland, Millor, Morton, Orrick, Baldwin, Seawell, Slanghter, Speed, Strange, Thernton, Ro. H. Turner, Wise, and Woods--23. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Aston, baldwin, Alfred Mr. Barbour, James Barbour, Taylor, Berlin, Blow, Jr., Boggess, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Caperton, Carder, Chapman, Clemens, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, Ro. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Beskias, Dulany, Early, Echols, Forbes, Fugate, Ga
xation would fall equally upon all. He hoped the resolutions would pass, forthe proposed inquiry ought to be made. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, made an argument upon the question of taxation. Hehad supposed when the Convention was called, that iad riots, such as would be witnessed in the streets of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York within the next sixty days. Mr. Fisher renewed the motion to lay the resolutions on the table, but withdrew it at the request of Mr. Turner, of Jackson, obedient servants, W. Mitchell, E. F. Chambers, Wm. Henry Norris, Isaac D. Jones, J. Hanson Thomas. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, moved that the communication be laid on the table and printed. Mr. Samuel McDowell Moore, of Rockr from Northampton modify his motion, and let the communication be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Fisher accepted the modification, and the paper was so referred and ordered to be printed. Committee of the Whole. The
assembled at half-past 10. Prayer by the Rev. Geo. Woodbridge, of the Monumental Church. Personal explanation. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, arose to set himself right in regard to his remarks of yesterday, which had been misrepresented in theand save the integrity of the Commonwealth. He had expressed his concurrence in an editorial of the Richmond Examiner. Mr. Fisher also corrected the report of his speech as it appeared in the official paper, the Enquirer, wherein he was made to praimendments to be offered to the first section of the report, the Committee would proceed to vote upon that section. Mr. Fisher, of Northampton, said that the gentleman from Ohio, who had indicated a desire to reply to the gentleman from Richmond,ld not rise. If no gentleman was prepared to speak, the Committee was prepared to vote. The question was taken on Mr. Fisher's motion, and decided in the negative. Mr. Holcombe, of Albemarle, said he had desired to discuss the propositions