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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rhode Island, (search)
ed to Brown University in honor of Nicholas Brown......1804 British occupy Block Island......1813 Commodore Oliver H. Perry leaves Newport to take command of the American squadron on Lake Erie......1813 Friends' school at Portsmouth established in 1784, but discontinued after four years, is revived and established at Providence......1814 President James Monroe visits Rhode Island......June 30, 1817 Rhode Island Historical Society incorporated......1822 Reception given General Lafayette at Providence......Aug. 23, 1824 Commodore Perry dies, aged thirty-four, of yellow fever, on the United States schooner Nonesuch in the harbor of Port Spain, island of Trinidad; buried with military honors at Newport......Dec. 4, 1826 Act establishing public schools throughout the State......January, 1828 Race riot in Providence begins between sailors and negroes, military aid is called in and the riot act read......Sept. 21-24, 1831 City of Providence incorporated......Nov
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vermont, (search)
upon Otter Creek during the winter of 1813-14, under Thomas Macdonough, engage in the battle of Plattsburg and Lake Champlain; Americans victorious......Sept. 11, 1814 President James Monroe makes a tour through Vermont......1817 Norwich University founded at Norwich......1819 Resolutions of the Vermont legislature presented in the United States Senate, declaring slavery a moral and political evil, and that Congress has the right to prohibit its extension......Dec. 9, 1820 General Lafayette lays the corner-stone of the new university building at Burlington, to replace that destroyed by fire in 1824......June 29, 1825 Act for the establishment of common schools......1827 Anti-masonic governor, William A. Palmer, elected......1831 House of Representatives divided into a Senate and General Assembly......1836 Vermont asylum for the insane at Brattleboro, incorporated November, 1834, is opened......December, 1836 Legislature adopts anti-slavery resolutions......
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
eave Portsmouth April 18 and occupy Petersburg, driving out Baron Steuben and General Nelson......April 24, 1781 General Lafayette approaches Petersburg......May 11, 1781 General Phillips dies at Petersburg......May 13, 1781 Lord Cornwalliss Petersburg......May 19, 1781 Cornwallis sends Arnold to New York......May, 1781 Cornwallis starts in pursuit of Lafayette......May, 1781 Lafayette and Wayne unite their forces......June 7, 1781 Cornwallis retires to Williamsburg......JJames and reaches Portsmouth......July 9, 1781 Cornwallis retires with his army to Yorktown......Aug. 4, 1781 General Lafayette at the forks of the Pamunky and Mattaponey......Aug. 13, 1781 American and French army starts for Yorktown, Va.,hiladelphia on the way to Yorktown......Sept. 2, 1781 Count de St. Simon lands 3,200 French at Jamestown Island, and Lafayette joins him at Green Spring......Sept. 3, 1781 They occupy Williamsburg, about 15 miles from Yorktown......Sept. 5, 17
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Van Cortlandt, Philip 1749-1831 (search)
the 2d New York Regiment, with which he fought at Bemis's Heights and Saratoga. In the winter of 1778 he was sent to protect the New York frontiers against the Indians under Brant. He was a member of the court that tried General Arnold for improper conduct at Philadelphia, and was in favor of cashiering him. Had all the court, wrote Van Cortlandt in his diary, known Arnold's former conduct as well as myself, he would have been dismissed the service. In 1780 he commanded a regiment under Lafayette; was with him in Virginia; and for his gallant conduct at Yorktown was promoted to brigadiergeneral. At the close of the war he retired to the Manor-house. From 1788 to 1790 he was a member of the New York legislature, and also of the State convention that adopted the national Constitution. He was United States Senator from 1791 to 1794, and member of Congress from 1793 to 1809. Lafayette was accompanied by General Van Cortlandt in his tour through the United States in 1824-25. He die
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Varnum, James Mitchell 1748- (search)
e Revolution. He was made colonel of the 1st Rhode Island Regiment in January, 1775, and soon afterwards entered the Continental army, becoming brigadier-general in February, 1777. He was at Red Bank (Fort Mercer), in command of all the troops on the Jersey side of the Delaware, when the British took Philadelphia; and it was under his direction that Major Thayer made his gallant defence of Fort Mifflin (q. v.). General Varnum was at Valley Forge the following winter; took part in the battle of Monmouth (June 28, 1778) ; joined Sullivan in his expedition to Rhode Island, serving under the immediate orders of Lafayette, and resigned in 1779, when he was chosen major-general of militia, which office he held until his death. In the Continental Congress (1780-82 and 1786-87) he was very active, and an eloquent speaker. Appointed judge of the Supreme Court in the Northwestern Territory, he removed to Marietta, O., in June, 1788, and held the office until his death there, Jan. 10, 1789.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
cies of property that fell in his way, Phillips embarked his army and dropped some distance down the river. When, soon afterwards, Cornwallis approached Virginia from the south, he ordered Phillips to meet him at Petersburg. Before the arrival of the earl (May 20), General Phillips died (May 13) at Petersburg. On May 24 Cornwallis crossed the James and pushed on towards Richmond. He seized all the fine horses he could find, with which he mounted about 600 cavalry, whom he sent after Lafayette, then not far distant from Richmond, with 3,000 men, waiting for the arrival of Wayne, who was approaching with Pennsylvania troops. The marquis fell slowly back, and at a ford on the North Anne he met Wayne with 800 men. Cornwallis had pursued him as far as Hanover Court-house, from which place the earl sent Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe, with his loyalist corps, the Queen's Rangers, to capture or destroy stores in charge of Steuben at the junction of the Ravenna and Fluvanna rivers. In thi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vose, Joseph 1738-1816 (search)
Vose, Joseph 1738-1816 Military officer; born in Milton, Mass., Nov. 26, 1738; led the expedition which destroyed the light-house and hay on islands in Boston Harbor, May 27, 1775. In November he was made lieutenant-colonel of Greaton's regiment, and accompanied it to Canada in the spring of 1776. In 1777 he joined the main army in New Jersey, and his last military service was under Lafayette at Yorktown. He died in Milton, Mass., May 22, 1816.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washingtoniana. -1857 (search)
hen the conspiracy assumed another phase. Without the knowledge of Washington the board of war devised a winter campaign against Canada, and gave the command to Lafayette. It was a trick of Gates to detach the marquis from Washington. It failed. Lafayette was summoned to York to receive his commission from Congress. There he mfit of the owners all goods which might prove serviceable to the public. On Dec. 30 these powers were extended to April 10, 1778. Through the exertions of General Lafayette, who went to France in 1779, arrangements were made with Louis XVI. to send to the aid of the struggling Americans a French land and naval force. The Frencmbeau, who was commanded to serve under Washington. This was a wise arrangement. The commission granted to Washington by the French monarch was brought over by Lafayette on his return to America. The ships and troops speedily followed. In the following summer Washington contemplated the aspect of public affairs with great anxie
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wayne, Anthony 1745- (search)
ncaster road, in Pennsylvania, when his command was much cut up, but the remainder retreated in safety. He led the right wing of the army in the attack at Germantown, and was slightly wounded. In the battle of Monmouth he was very distinguished; and his capture of Stony Point, on the Hudson, in July, 1779, was one of the most brilliant achievements of the war. In that attack he was wounded in the head, and Congress gave him a vote of thanks and a gold medal. In June, 1781, Wayne joined Lafayette in Virginia, where he performed excellent service until the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. After the surrender, the Pennsylvania line, under Wayne, marched to South Carolina, and their commander, with a part of them, was sent by General Greene to Georgia. On May 21, 1782, Colonel Brown marched out of Savannah in strong force to confront rapidly advancing Wayne. The latter got between Brown and Savannah, attacked him at midnight, and routed the whole party. This event occurred o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Yorktown, siege of (search)
Yorktown, siege of The allied armies joined Lafayette at Williamsburg, Va., Sept. 25, 1781, and on the 27th there was a besieging army there of 16,000 men, under the chief command of Washington, assisted by Rochambeau. The British force, about half as numerous, were mostly behind intrenchments at Yorktown. On the arrival of Washington and Rochambeau at Williamsburg they proceeded to the Ville de Paris, De Grasse's flag-ship, to congratulate the admiral on his victory over Graves on the 5earl lost hope. After that the bombardment of his lines was continuous, severe, and destructive, and on the 17th he offered to make terms for surrender. On the following day Lieutenant-Colonel Laurens and Viscount de Noailles (a kinsman of Madame Lafayette), as commissioners of the allies, met Lieutenant-Colonel Dundas and Major Ross, of the British army, at the house of the Widow Moore to arrange terms for capitulation. They were made similar to those demanded of Lincoln at Charleston eight