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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 6: marriage and life at Brunswick (search)
ound, as in Longfellow, a well-trained American who could be placed over their heads. There were also text-books and readers to be prepared and edited by the young professor, one of which, as I well remember, was of immense value to students, the Proverbes Dramatiques, already mentioned, a collection of simple and readable plays, written in colloquial French, and a most valuable substitute for the previous Racine and Corneille, the use of which was like teaching classes to read out of Shakespeare. Thus full of simple and congenial work, Longfellow went to housekeeping with his young wife in a house still attractive under its rural elms, and thus described by him:— June 23 [1831]. I can almost fancy myself in Spain, the morning is so soft and beautiful. The tessellated shadow of the honeysuckle lies motionless upon my study floor, as if it were a figure in the carpet; and through the open window comes the fragrance of the wild brier and the mock orange. The birds are carollin
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
acobezon, an Indian chief, 207. Sailly, Madame de, 47. St. Gothard Pass, 223. Salem, Mass., 240. Sannazaro, J., 54. Savannah, Ga., 119. Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239. Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 112. Schoolmaster, the, 67, 68. Scott, Sir, Walter, 7, 265. Scudder, Horace E., 24, 73, 243; his Longfellow and his Art, mentioned, 53; his Men and Letters, cited, 54 note; quoted, 261; his Lowell, cited, 168 note; on Longfellow, 269. Sebago Pond, 51. Sevigne, Madame de, 121. Shakespeare, William, 2, 5, 8, 32, 66. Shelley, Percy B., 9, 262, 280. Shepley, Rev., David, 19. Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of Poesy, mentioned, 75. Skinner, Mrs., 88. Solis, Anthony de, 188. Southey, Robert, 7, 46. Spain, 50, 55, 66, 83. Sparks, Jared, 118, 178; letter from, to Longfellow, 29, 30. Spectator, the London, 69. Stackelberg, Baron, 95. Stael, Madame de, 121. Stephenson, Samuel, 14. Stettin, 98. Stockoe, Mr., 95. Stockoe, Mrs., 95. Stockholm, 90, 92, 96, 97
hortly in German. Very shortly, John Stuart Mill and Alfred Tennyson are to be balloted for as honorary members of the Royal Society of Scotland. Some curious old deeds and leases have been discovered in the office of a firm of Birmingham solicitors, bearing dates between 1573 and 1662, relating to property adjoining Shakespeare's house, in Henley street, Stratford-upon-Avon, two of which bear the signature of John Shakespeare, the father of the poet, and in several of which William Shakespeare himself is mentioned as the owner of property. These documents, for the present, are deposited in the museum at Stratford. A marble bust of the author of "Vanity Fair" will shortly be placed close behind the effigy of Joseph Addison in Westminster Abbey. Baron Marochetti, an old friend of the Thackeray family, has undertaken the bust. No less than one hundred and eighty thousand copies of Mr. Dickens' s Christmas number were disposed of within forty-eight hours after publi