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Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), Odes (ed. John Conington) 10 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc. (ed. C. D. Yonge) 8 0 Browse Search
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Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 8 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc. (ed. C. D. Yonge) 8 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc. (ed. C. D. Yonge) 6 0 Browse Search
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), The Works of Horace (ed. C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley) 6 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 6 0 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 36 (search)
are not cheated of the truth.Meton certainly was too good an astronomer to have spoken of "stars." This Metonic Cycle was designed to adjust the lunar year, which all the Greeks used, to the solar year. Its scheme called for the intercalation of seven lunar months in the nineteen years. Modern computation shows that 235 lunations are 6,939 days, 16.5 hours, and 19 solar years are 6,939 days, 14.5 hours. An inscription from Miletus reveals that in 432 B.C. the summer solstice, which is the beginning of the solar year, fell on the 13th day of the month Scirophorion, the date given by Diodorus for the beginning of Meton's 19-year cycle. See B. D. Meritt, The Athenian Calendar in the Fifth Century, p. 88. In Italy the Tarantini removed the inhabitants of Siris,On the gulf of Tarentum. as it is called, from their native city, and adding to them colonists from their own citizens, they founded a city which they named Heracleia.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 41 (search)
431 B.C.Now the causes of the Peloponnesian War were in general what I have described, as Ephorus has recorded them. And when the leading states had become embroiled in war in this fashion, the Lacedaemonians, sitting in council with the Peloponnesians, voted to make war upon the Athenians, and dispatching ambassadors to the king of the Persians, urged him to ally himself with them, while they also treated by means of ambassadors with their allies in Sicily and Italy and persuaded them to come to their aid with two hundred triremes; and for their own part they, together with the Peloponnesians, got ready their land forces, made all other preparations for the war, and were the first to commence the conflict. For in Boeotia the city of the Plataeans was an independent state and had an alliance with the Athenians.The fuller account of the following incident is in Thuc. 2.2 ff. But certain of its citizens, wishing to destroy its ind
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 54 (search)
where they added to their force twenty ships from the Rhegians and the other Chalcidian colonists. Making Rhegium their base they first of all overran the islands of the LiparaeansThe group of small volcanic islands west of the toe of Italy; cp. Book 5.7. because they were allies of the Syracusans, and after this they sailed to Locri,Epizephyrian Locris on the east shore of the toe of Italy. where they captured five ships of the Locrians, and then laid siege to the sItaly. where they captured five ships of the Locrians, and then laid siege to the stronghold of Mylae.On the north coast of Sicily west of Messene. When the neighbouring Sicilian Greeks came to the aid of the Mylaeans, a battle developed in which the Athenians were victorious, slaying more than a thousand men and taking prisoner not less than six hundred; and at once they captured and occupied the stronghold. While these events were taking place there arrived forty ships which the Athenian people had sent, deciding to push the war more vigorously
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 64 (search)
Artaxerxes, the king of the Persians, diedIn the spring of 424 B.C. after a reign of forty years, and Xerxes succeeded to the throne and ruled for a year.In Italy, when the Aequi revolted from the Romans, in the war which followed Aulus Postumius was made Dictator and Lucius Julius was named Master of the Horse. And the Romans, having marched against the territory of the rebels with a large and strong army, first of all plundered their possessions, and when the Aequi later drew up against them, a battle ensued in which the Romans were victorious, slaying many of the enemy, taking not a few captive, and capturing great quantities of booty. After the battle the revolters, being broken in spirit because of the defeat, submitted themselves to the Romans, and Postumius, because he had conducted the war brilliantly, as the Romans thought, celebrated the customary triumph. And Postumius, we are told, did a peculiar thing and altogether unbelievabl
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 76 (search)
on the contrary, desiring to strike with fear those whom they suspected of planning secession, displayed an example for all to see in the punishment they inflicted on the inhabitants of Scione; for after reducing them by siege, they put to the sword all of them from the youth upwards, sold into slavery the children and women, and gave the islandScione was a cherso-nesos ("near-island"). to the Plataeans to dwell in, since they had been expelled from their native land on account of the Athenians.See chap. 56. In the course of this year in Italy the Campanians advanced against Cyme with a strong army, defeated the Cymaeans in battle, and destroyed the larger part of the opposing forces. And settling down to a siege, they launched a number of assaults upon the city and took it by storm. They then plundered the city, sold into slavery the captured prisoners, and selected an adequate number of their own citizens to settle there.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 80 (search)
our. For the victory lay with the Phocians, who slew more than one thousand Locrians. The Athenians under the command of Nicias seized two cities, Cythera and NisaeaThe loss of Cythera was a blow to the Spartans, that of Nisaea to the Megarians.; and they reduced Melos by siege, slew all the males from the youth upward, and sold into slavery the children and women.Melos was destroyed in 416 B.C. Such were the affairs of the Greeks in this year. In Italy the Fidenates, when ambassadors came to their city from Rome, put them to death for trifling reasons. Incensed at such an act, the Romans voted to go to war, and mobilizing a strong army they appointed Anius Aemilius Dictator and with him, following their custom, Aulus Cornelius Master of Horse. Aemilius, after making all the preparations for the war, marched with his army against the Fidenates. And when the Fidenates drew up their forces to oppose the Romans, a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 3 (search)
to wait at that place and add to their forces the allies in that region. And when they had all been assembled, they sailed across the Ionian Strait and came to land on the tip of Iapygia, from where they skirted along the coast of Italy. They were not received by the Tarantini, and they also sailed on past the Metapontines and Heracleians; but when they put in at Thurii they were accorded every kind of courtesy. From there they sailed on to Croton, from whose inhabitaon to Croton, from whose inhabitants they got a market, and then they sailed on past the temple of Hera LaciniaCape Lacinium is at the extreme western end of the Tarantine Gulf. and doubled the promontory known as Dioscurias. After this they passed by Scylletium, as it is called, and Locri, and dropping anchor near Rhegium they endeavoured to persuade the Rhegians to become their allies; but the Rhegians replied that they would consult with the other Greek cities of Italy.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 5 (search)
the decision of the people from the ambassadors, he took the others who had been accused together with him aboard his own trireme and sailed away in company with the Salaminia. But when he had put in at Thurii, Alcibiades, either because he was privy to the deed of impiety or because he was alarmed at the seriousness of the danger which threatened him, made his escape together with the other accused men and got away. The ambassadors who had come on the Salaminia at first set up a hunt for Alcibiades, but when they could not find him, they sailed back to Athens and reported to the people what had taken place. Accordingly the Athenians brought the names of Alcibiades and the other fugitives with him before a court of justice and condemned them in defaulti.e. in their absence. to death. And Alcibiades made his way across from Italy to the Peloponnesus, where he took refuge in Sparta and spurred on the Lacedaemonians to attack the Athenians.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 6 (search)
he enemy were superior in cavalry and wishing to improve their equipment for the siege of the city, sailed back to Catane. And they dispatched men to Athens and addressed letters to the people in which they asked them to send cavalry and funds; for they believed that the siege would be a long affair; and the Athenians voted to send three hundred talents and a contingent of cavalry to Sicily. While these events were taking place, Diagoras, who was dubbed "the Atheist,"He is said to have been a dithyrambic poet of Melos who was apparently accused of making blasphemous remarks about Athenian divinities (cp. Lys. 6.17 ff.). was accused of impiety and, fearing the people, fled from Attica; and the Athenians announced a reward of a talent of silver to the man who should slay Diagoras. In Italy the Romans went to war with the Aequi and reduced Labici by siege.Cp. Livy 4.47.These, then, were the events of this year.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 38 (search)
Alcibiades and had sent the fleet back to Phoenicia, he gave up the hopes he had placed in Pharnabazus, and by himself, after equipping both the ships brought from the Peloponnesus and those supplied by his allies from abroad, he dispatched Dorieus with thirteen ships to Rhodes, since he had learned that certain Rhodians were banding together for a revolution.— The ships we have mentioned had recently been sent to the Lacedaemonians as an allied force by certain Greeks of Italy.—And Mindarus himself took all the other ships, numbering eighty-three, and set out for the Hellespont, since he had learned that the Athenian fleet was tarrying at Samos. The moment the generals of the Athenians saw them sailing by, they put out to sea against them with sixty ships. But when the Lacedaemonians put in at Chios, the Athenian generals decided to sail on to Lesbos and there to gather triremes from their allies, in order that it should not turn out