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431 B.C.Now the causes of the Peloponnesian War were in general what I have described, as
Ephorus has recorded them. And when the leading states had become embroiled in war in this
fashion, the Lacedaemonians, sitting in council with the Peloponnesians, voted to make war upon
the Athenians, and dispatching ambassadors to the king of the Persians, urged him to ally
himself with them, while they also treated by means of ambassadors with their allies in
Sicily and Italy and persuaded them to come to their aid with two hundred triremes;
and for their own part they, together with the
Peloponnesians, got ready their land forces, made all other preparations for the war, and were
the first to commence the conflict. For in Boeotia the
city of the Plataeans was an independent state and had an alliance with the Athenians.The fuller account of the following incident is in Thuc. 2.2 ff.
But certain of its citizens, wishing to destroy its
Artaxerxes, the king
of the Persians, diedIn the spring of 424 B.C. after a reign of forty years, and Xerxes succeeded to the throne and
ruled for a year.In Italy, when the Aequi revolted from the Romans, in the war which followed Aulus
Postumius was made Dictator and Lucius Julius was named Master of the Horse. And the Romans, having marched against the territory of the rebels with
a large and strong army, first of all plundered their possessions, and when the Aequi later
drew up against them, a battle ensued in which the Romans were victorious, slaying many of the
enemy, taking not a few captive, and capturing great quantities of booty. After the battle the revolters, being broken in spirit because of the
defeat, submitted themselves to the Romans, and Postumius, because he had conducted the war
brilliantly, as the Romans thought, celebrated the customary triumph. And Postumius, we are
told, did a peculiar thing and altogether unbelievabl