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Polybius, Histories, book 4, Cavarus, Gallic King, Negotiates Peace (search)
collect toll from any ship sailing into the Pontus; and in that case the Rhodians and their allies are at peace with the Byzantines." But that with Prusias contained the following provisions: "There shall be peace and amity for ever between Prusias and the Byzantines; the Byzantines shall in no way attack Prusias, nor Prusias the Byzantines. Prusias shall restore to Byzantines all lands, forts, populations, and prisoners of war, without ransom; and besides these things, the ships taken at the beginning of the war, and the arms seized in the fortresses; and also the timbers, stone-work, and roofing belonging to the fort called Hieron" (for Prusias, in his terror of the approach of Tiboetes, had pulled down every fort which seemed to lie conveniently for him): "finally, Prusias shall compel such of the Bithynians as have any property taken from the Byzantine district of Mysia to restore it to the farmers." Such were the beginning and end of the war of Rhodes and Prusias with Byzantium.
Polybius, Histories, book 5, Expedition of Attalus (search)
me few which waited to be forced. Now the cities which transferred their allegiance to him in the first instance were Cyme, Smyrna, and Phocaea; after them Aegae and Temnus submitted, in terror at his approach; and thereupon he was waited upon by ambassadors from Teos and Colophon with offers to surrender themselves and their cities. He received them also upon the same terms as they had enjoyed before, taking hostages; but he treated the ambassadors from Smyrna with special kindness, because they had been the most constant in their loyalty of all. Continuing his march without interruption, he crossed the Lycus and arrived at the hamlets of Mysia, and thence came to Carseae. Overawing the inhabitants of this town, as well as the garrison of the Two Walls, he got them surrendered to him by Themistocles, who had been, as it happened, left by Achaeus in command of this district. Starting thence, and wasting the plain of Apia, he crossed Mount Pelecas and encamped near the river Megistus.
Epictetus, Discourses (ed. George Long), book 1 (search)
appy? Yes. Well then are you troubled with an unfavorable daemon (fortune)? Yes. But think also that you are in misery. This is not consistent with the hypothesis; and another (Zeus) forbids me to think so. How long then must we obey such orders? As long as it is profitable; and this means as long as I maintain that which is becoming and consistent. Further, some men are sour and of bad temper, and they say, I cannot sup with this man to be obliged to hear him telling daily how he fought in Mysia: I told you, brother, how I ascended the hill: then I began to be besieged again. But another says, I prefer to get my supper and to hear him talk as much as he likes. And do you compare these estimates (judgments): only do nothing in a depressed mood, nor as one afflicted, nor as thinking that you are in misery, for no man compels you to that.—Has it smoked in the chamber? If the smoke is moderate, I will stay; if it is excessive, I go out: for you must always remember this and hold it fast
Epictetus, Discourses (ed. Thomas Wentworth Higginson), book 1 (search)
. "Are you then unlucky?" Yes. "Are you thoroughly unfor- tunate?" Yes. "Well; but you must really regard yourself as miserable." But this is no part of the assumption, and there is a power who forbids me [to admit that]. How far, then, are we to carry such analogies? As far as is useful; that is, till we go farther than is reasonable and fit. Moreover, some are peevish and fastidious, and say, I cannot dine with such a fellow, to be obliged to hear him all day recounting how he fought in Mysia. "I told you, my friend, how I gained the eminence." There I begin to suffer another siege. But another says, " I had rather get a dinner, and hear him prate as much as he pleases." Do you decide between these opinions; but do not let it be with depression and anxiety, and the assumption that you are miserable, for no one compels you to that. Is there smoke in my house? If it be moderate, I will stay; if very great, I will go out. For you must always remember, and hold to this, that the doo
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2, P. VERGILI MARONIS, line 716 (search)
Virg. has identified Pithecusa or Aenaria with the Homeric *)/arima (o)/rh), which he calls Inarime, apparently mistaking Il. 2. 783, ei)n *)ari/mois, o(/qi fasi\ *tufwe/os e)/mmenai eu)na/s. Homer's mountains were variously identified, some placing them in Cilicia, some in Mysia or Lydia, some in Syria, while Strabo p. 626 C says that others made them the same as Pithecusa, referring perhaps to Virg. Pindar Pyth. 1. 18 foll. had connected Typhoeus' or Typhon's punishment with Aetus, Pherecydes, cited by Schol. on Apoll. R. 2. 1210, with Pithecusa, so that the transference of the Homeric name was natural enough. For the identification of Homeric localities with Italy and its neighbourhood comp. 7. 10 note. Other legends connected these islands specially with Aeneas, Prochyta being named from a kinswoman of his, Aenaria, the place where his fleet landed. See Lewis, vol. 1, pp. 324, 325. The form Inarime is used not only by the poets but by Pliny 3. 6. Cerda defends Virg. against the
P. Vergilius Maro, Georgics (ed. J. B. Greenough), Book 1, line 71 (search)
who with his harrow breaks The sluggish clods, and hurdles osier-twined Hales o'er them; from the far Olympian height Him golden Ceres not in vain regards; And he, who having ploughed the fallow plain And heaved its furrowy ridges, turns once more Cross-wise his shattering share, with stroke on stroke The earth assails, and makes the field his thrall. Pray for wet summers and for winters fine, Ye husbandmen; in winter's dust the crops Exceedingly rejoice, the field hath joy; No tilth makes Mysia lift her head so high, Nor Gargarus his own harvests so admire. Why tell of him, who, having launched his seed, Sets on for close encounter, and rakes smooth The dry dust hillocks, then on the tender corn Lets in the flood, whose waters follow fain; And when the parched field quivers, and all the blades Are dying, from the brow of its hill-bed, See! see! he lures the runnel; down it falls, Waking hoarse murmurs o'er the polished stones, And with its bubblings slakes the thirsty fields? Or wh
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz), Book 1, Addressed to Gallus (search)
of Marmora). THEIODAMASHylas' father. ANIOriver flowing down Sabine Hills through Tibur to the Tiber. THE GIGANTEAN . . . SHOREthe Phlegraean fields just North of Naples. HADRYADESwood nymphs. PAGASAThessalian port where Argo was built, set sail. MYSIAsouth shore of the Propontis, or Black Sea. ZETES . . . AND . . . CALAISThis version found only here; elsewhere, Zetes and Calais, winged sons of North wind god Boreas, persuade Argonauts to give up search for Hercules; then killed by him. ORITHYIAdaughter of Erechtheus, son of Pandion; mother of Zetes and Calais. HAMADRYADStree nymphs, but seems to stand for nymphs in general; here, of course, they are water nymphs. PEGEspring in Mysia. I make you this warning, Gallus, in favor of continuous love (so that you don't lose your mind and forget): Disaster often comes to the unsuspecting lover. The cruel Ascanius made that plain to the Argonauts. Your boy approximates Theiodamantean Hylas, in appearance as much as in name. So, whether
Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan), BOOK II, CHAPTER VI: POZZOLANA (search)
eating-baths. Likewise also it is related that in ancient times the tides of heat, swelling and overflowing from under Mt. Vesuvius, vomited forth fire from the mountain upon the neighbouring country. Hence, what is called “sponge-stone” or “Pompeian pumice” appears to have been reduced by burning from another kind of stone to the condition of the kind which we see. 3. The kind of sponge-stone taken from this region is not produced everywhere else, but only about Aetna and among the hills of Mysia which the Greeks call the “Burnt District,” and in other places of the same peculiar nature. Seeing that in such places there are found hot springs and warm vapour in excavations on the mountains, and that the ancients tell us that there were once fires spreading over the fields in those very regions, it seems to be certain that moisture has been extracted from the tufa and earth, by the force of fire, just as it is from limestone in kilns. 4. Therefore, when different and unlike thing
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 252 (search)
drowght, becommeth standing lakes. Heere nature sendeth new springs out, and there the old in takes. Full many rivers in the world through earthquakes heretofore Have eyther chaundgd theyr former course, or dryde and ronne no more. Soo Lycus beeing swallowed up by gaping of the ground, A greatway off fro thence is in another channell found. Even so the river Erasine among the feeldes of Arge Sinkes one whyle, and another whyle ronnes greate ageine at large. Caycus also of the land of Mysia (as men say) Misliking of his former head, ronnes now another way. In Sicill also Amasene ronnes sumtyme full and hye, And sumtyme stopping up his spring, he makes his chanell drye. Men drank the waters of the brooke Anigrus heretofore, Which now is such that men abhorre to towche them any more. Which commes to passe, (onlesse wee will discredit Poets quyght) Bycause the Centaures vanquisshed by Hercules in fyght Did wash theyr woundes in that same brooke. But dooth not Hypani