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Your search returned 51 results in 37 document sections:
From St. Louis.
--Siegel Dismissed.--The Louisville Courier prints the following extract from a private letter from St. Louis, dated Aug. 24, 1861;
Things are as bad as ever here.
Men are being arrested daily, judged and consigned to the House of Labor, and imprisoned.
Christian Pulls was arrested this morning and sentenced to thirty days labor.
Brownlee is preparing to leave with his family, under the sentence to leave the State in four days.
The New York News is still coming, but it will be stopped.
The Louisville Courier is cut off. All the news we get is what is picked up from persons traveling through the country; Gen. Fremont is making formidable arrangements around this city, digging entrenchments and building fortifications around the Fair Grounds and the Lafayette Park, the latter eternallly ruined, the grove killed and the trees ruined.
The Democrat of this morning says that Siegel and his staff were mustered out of service on Thursday evening las
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], The distinction between aliens and citizens. (search)