interested herself in the cares of her household and the welfare of those about her. A sister of Miss Jacobs was the mother of Hon. Charles Sumner.
The son, Horace James, was educated at Andover and Yale, became a clergyman and was settled at Wrentham, Worcester and Lowell.
During the war, he was chaplain of the Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, enlisting at Worcester.
It was said of him, Kindness of disposition, strong common sense, great willingness for and capacity for work and clear insightreference by his wife in one of her letters assures us he was a welldressed man even if our memories did not testify to the fact.
I have sent your second best suit.
I thought I would not send your bright buttoned coat, lest the good people of Wrentham should think you were not a real good Orthodox Deacon.
His carriage, as I remember it, was somewhat antique and was called, half in fun and half in earnest,the Gospel wagon.
It was literally a carryall, and was drawn by a good but not handso