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er. Rosecrans advanced June 24. with intent to flank the enemy's right, concentrating on Manchester, and thence menacing his communications below Tullahoma in such manner as to compel him to comions. Our army moved on tree main roads: the 14th corps, Gen. Thomas, in the center, toward Manchester; the 21st, Gen. Crittenden, on our left, toward McMinnville; the 20th, Gen. A. D. McCook, direuld bring up his entire division and secure it. On the 27th, Rosecrans had his headquarters in Manchester, with Thomas's corps around him; Sheridan, with the right division of McCook's corps, arrivingred, had been forced back, with little more than smart, persistent skirmishing, to Fairfield. Manchester itself had been surprised by Wilder on the morning of that day. Granger had started Juneenden's corps, on our left, advanced in three columns, under Wood, Van Cleve, and Palmer, from Manchester and McMinnville, across the Sequatchie valley at different points, moved directly on Chattanoo
  B 2 12 14   27 27 175   C   10 10   19 19 166   D 2 14 16   16 16 157   E 1 12 13   23 23 161   F 1 14 15   18 18 189   G   11 11   33 33 176   H   12 12   19 19 154   I   19 19   22 22 162   K 1 8 9 1 23 24 174   L 1 6 7   17 17 114   M 1 8 9   15 15 117 Totals 9 139 148 1 252 253 1,953 battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Shiloh, Tenn. 12 Campbellton, Ga., Sept. 10, 1864 7 Stone's River, Tenn. 48 Pulaski, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1864 8 Manchester, Tenn. 1 Waynesboro, Ga., Nov. 28, 1864 6 Shelbyville Road, Tenn. 1 Louisville, Ga., Dec. 1, 1864 2 Middleton, Tenn., June 30, 1863 1 Sherman's March, Ga. 3 Winchester, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1863 1 Rockingham, N. C., March 7, 1865 2 Chickamauga, Ga. 14 Fayetteville, N. C., March 9, 1865 1 Fairburn, Ga., Aug. 19, 1864 2 Averasboro, N. C., March 16, 1865 17 Flint River, Ga., Aug. 31, 1864 1 Mount Olive, N. C., March 19, 1865 1 Jonesboro, Ga. 2 Owensburg, N. C.,
and a Kentucky squadron — all cavalry — all of whom were with him at the battle of the Little Pond, of which I write. Gen. Hascall's and Col. Wagner's brigades of Gen. Wood's division are encamped two miles from McMinnville, on the railroad to Manchester. On the morning of the thirtieth ultimo, it was learned that Forrest's brigade was encamped six miles from here toward Manchester, and arrangements were made to attack him in the morning and drive him on to Gen. McCook or Crittenden, coming upManchester, and arrangements were made to attack him in the morning and drive him on to Gen. McCook or Crittenden, coming up from the east and south. But at four P. M. it was discovered that Forrest was crossing the railroad about two miles from here, and rapidly marching for the McMinnville and Murfreesboro road, which they would gain at a point called Little Pond, six miles from the railroad, eight miles from Wood's camp, and nine miles from McMinnville. The game seemed about to be lost. Not a second to spare. Gen. Hascall being sick in bed, Col. E. P. Fyffe of the Twenty-sixth Ohio, was ordered to take three r
pposition. On the thirtieth, the First, Third, and Eleventh corps were concentrated at Emmittsburgh, under General Reynolds, while the right wing moved up to Manchester. Buford reported the enemy in force on the Cashtown road near Gettysburgh, and Reynolds moved up to that place on the first of July. He found our cavalry warmrp-shooters, which much annoyed us from the woods and their riflepits. On the fifth we occupied Murfreesboro, and pursued the enemy six or seven miles toward Manchester, but the difficulty of bringing up supplies, and the great loss of artillery horses, was thought to render further pursuit inexpedient. Our loss in this battlevance in force on their left at Shelbyville, while the mass of his army in reality, seized Hoover's, Liberty, and the other gaps, by hand-fighting, and moved on Manchester, thus turning the right of the enemy's defences of Duck River, and directly threatening Bragg, who was compelled to fall back to Tullahoma, hotly pursued by Gra
e and decisive contest that must occur on the following day. It appears that General Meade had issued a circular (of which I saw seval copies) on the morning of Wednesday, July first, to all his corps commanders, stating that his advance had accomplished all the objects contemplated — namely, the relief of Harrisburgh and Philadelphia — and that he would now desist altogether from the offensive. He proposed to post the whole army in line of battle on Pipe Creek, the right flank resting on Manchester and the left on Middleburgh, involving an entire change of front, and there await the movements of the enemy. The position which General Meade had selected for the final struggle between the two armies was some fifteen miles distant from Gettysburgh, where fate willed that it should occur. Whether this important circular ordering him to fall back reached the lamented Reynolds before he became engaged at Gettysburgh it is difficult to say. It could not have failed to reach General Sickles
test, cleared the woods and drove the enemy from his trenches, capturing from seventy to eighty prisoners. Sunday morning, the fourth of January, it was not deemed advisable to commence offensive movements, and news soon reached us that the enemy had fled from Murfreesboro. Burial-parties were sent out to bury the dead, and the cavalry was sent to reconnoitre Early on Monday morning General Thomas advanced, driving the rear-guard of rebel cavalry before him six or seven miles toward Manchester McCook and Crittenden's corps following, took position in front of the town, occupying Murfreesboro. We learned that the enemy's infantry had reached Shelbyville by twelve M. on Sunday, but owing to the impracticability of bringing up supplies and the loss of five hundred and fifty-seven artillery-horses, further pursuit was deemed unadvisable. It may be of use to give the following general summary of the operations and results of the series of skirmishes, closing with the battle
my eye, I take great satisfaction in noticing. The officers and men all displayed great self-sacrifice. Major Wynkoop, of the Seventh Pennsylvania, commanding, and Lieutenant Wooley, Adjutant-General of the First brigade, carried out every order with unhesitating energy and will, displaying the highest order of gallantry. Captain E. Otis, of the Fourth regular cavalry, although he does not belong to my division, but being posted on the left wing of our skirmishers on the march on the Manchester road, I feel it my duty as well as take great pleasure in stating he is an able and .efficient officer. Brigadier-General D. S. Stanley being in command of the forces pursuing the retiring rebels on the march, it fell to my lot to convey and see his orders executed. Before closing this report it is my duty to make honorable mention of the meritorious conduct of Lieutenant Newell, commanding a section of artillery attached to my division. During the first day's engagement near Lavergne
graduated at West Point in 1853. In May, 1862, he was appointed colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalry, and served in northern Mississippi. In July he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers and distinguished himself on October 8th at the battle of Perryville. He commanded a division of the Army of the Cumberland at Stone's River, and was appointed major-general of volunteers early in 1863. He took part in the pursuit of General Van Dorn, afterwards aided in the capture of Manchester, Tennessee, on June 27th, and was in the battle of Chickamauga. In the battles around Chattanooga he attracted the attention of General Grant. In April, 1864, he was placed in command of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, and its brilliant exploits under his leadership culminated in the death of General J. E. B. Stuart at Yellow Tavern, where the Confederates were defeated. In August, 1864, he was placed in command of the Army of the Shenandoah. He defeated General Early at Opequ
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Kirby Smith's Kentucky campaign. (search)
cceeded in getting his artillery safely off. This perilous march, with armies equal to his own in numbers and superior in condition in front and rear, reflects great credit upon the Federal commander. It cannot be denied that the failure to effect his capture rests solely with General Smith. It was owing chiefly to the unaccountable delay in the transmission of the fact of Morgan's evacuation. General Stevenson should have followed more closely; but that officer abandoned the pursuit at Manchester, and turning abruptly to the left, marched to Lancaster, deeming, probably, that the cooperation of his division with Gen. Bragg's forces was of more consequence than the tiresome pursuit of a flying column, which, if it escaped capture, could not be recruited in time to assist Buell in the stirring events about to transpire in Kentucky. From Mount Sterling, Heth was sent back to Georgetown, Marshall to Owingsville, to prevent Morgan from taking that route to Cincinnati, and General Smi
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
eyond Littlestown, on the road to Hanover. General Sykes was at Union Mills. General Sedgwick was within two miles of Manchester. General Gregg, with his division of cavalry, was at Manchester, and General Kilpatrick, with his division, at HanoverManchester, and General Kilpatrick, with his division, at Hanover. General Meade's Headquarters were at Taneytown. The same night, the 30th of June, the Army of Northern Virginia was disposed in the following manner: General Hill was at Cashtown; his advance, consisting of Heth's and Pender's divisions, towaran he always was. Early in the day of July 1 the commanding general sent to Sedgwick, commanding the Sixth Corps, at Manchester, on the extreme right, the following despatch: July 1, 1863. commanding officer Sixth Corps: I am directed by ther its long march, and only waiting for the dawn to push onward to the front. The Sixth Corps was some hours out from Manchester, hastening along on its ever-memorable forced march to reach their comrades in battle. Merritt's cavalry brigade, of