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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nagle, James 1822-1866 (search)
Nagle, James 1822-1866 Military officer; born in Reading, Pa., April 5, 1822; distinguished himself in the Mexican War with the Washington Artillery; was appointed colonel of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment in 1861; was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, Sept. 10, 1862, and greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Antietam. Owing to ill-health he was forced to resign, May 9, 1863; but when the Confederates invaded Pennsylvania in June of that year he organized the 39th Pennsylvania Regiment and served as its colonel. In the following year he recruited the 149th Pennsylvania Regiment for a service of 100 days; and was commissioned its colonel. He died in Pottsville, Pa., Aug. 22, 1866.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wells, Clark Henry 1822-1888 (search)
Wells, Clark Henry 1822-1888 Naval officer; born in Reading, Pa., Sept. 22, 1822; graduated at the United States Naval Academy in 1846; served in the Mexican War; was on the Petrel when that vessel took part in covering the disembarking of Scott's army and in the bombardment of Vera Cruz; and accompanied the expedition which took Tampico and Tuspan in 1846-47. When the Civil War broke out he was made executive officer of the steamer Susquehanna, which participated in the capture of Port Royal, S. C.; commanded a number of boat expeditions against batteries in the inland coast waters of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; promoted lieutenant-commander in July, 1862; commanded the steamer Galena of the Western Gulf blockading squadron; and was present at the battle of Mobile Bay. Subsequently he served with Admiral Porter at Hampton Roads; was promoted captain in June, 1871; rearadmiral, Aug. 1, 1884; and was retired Sept. 22, following. He died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 28, 1
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
nded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. leader, John 20, sin.; boatman; Reading, Pa. 1 Apl 63; deserted 31 Mch 65 Savannah, Ga. $50. Lee, Philip, Jly 63; 20 Aug 65. —— Lopeman, Charles H. 19, sin.; boatman; Reading, Pa. 1 Apl 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Lowe, John Sergt. 9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Morgan, Joseph. 21, sin.; boatman; Reading, Pa. 1 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Newby, James R. 19, sin.; seaman; N9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Thompson, George 42, mar.; laborer; Reading, Pa. 1 Apl 63; 23 Jly 64 Ft. Green, Folly Id. S. C.; dis. Wounded 18 . 4 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Yates, John W. 19, sin.; hostler; Reading, Pa. 1 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Company F. Adg. Rson, James M. 2tee, Fla. —— Westminster, Vt. Brown, David 35, mar.; laborer; Reading, Pa. 15 Apl. 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. By Hill, S. C. $50. Terry, Johnson L. Corpl. 22, mar.; barber; Reading, Pa. 19 Dec 63 20 Aug 65. $325. Timms, William H. H. 23, sin.; ba
Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania a town of 40,000 pop., on Schuylkill River and Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Railroad, 52 miles from Philadelphia. Extensively engaged in various manufactures.
Death of an Astronomer. --Charles F. Egelman, who for forty-three years past furnished the principal calculations for the almanacs printed in the United States, died at his residence in Reading, Pa., last week, at the ripe age of nearly 79 years.
requesting the President to appoint a day of lasting and prayer. "Propitious weather and beautiful crops" in the tone of the intelligence from Western Virginia. Robert Alken was crushed to death in the paper mill at Trenton, New Jersey, on the 15th inst. The American sailed for Liverpool on Wednesday, taking out about $13,000 in specie. Messrs. Collier, Young, and Shell, are raising a company of Artillery in Petersburg. Col. John Woolfolk, as old citizen of Columbus, Ga. died on the 18th inst. Ex-Gov. McMulten was in Alexandria on Thursday. A Spanish squadron, with 8,000 troops, has sailed for St. Domingo. The Legislature of Ohio adjourned sine dis on Tuesday. There are 3,200 applicants for office in the Philadelphia Custom House. Louis Napoleon has entered his fifty-third year. The negroes of New York talk of forming a Zouave regiment. The idiots at Reading, Pa., Fred a bundred gane "an honer of the arrest of Ress Winnue."
Recent Deaths. --Hon. George M. Keim died at his residence in Reading, Pa., last Monday evening, after a brief illness. He was one of the Breckinridge electors in the last election.--John Sloan, the well known actor and theatrical manager, died in Liverpool on the 25th ult.--The New York papers announce the death of T. B. Johnson, the comedian, who played a season in Richmond not long ago.
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1860., [Electronic resource], Population of cities in the United States. (search)
Baltimore169,054214,03744,93327 Boston136,881177,90241,02130 New Orleans116,375170,76654,39147 St. Louis77,86062,17984,319108 Cincinnati115,435160,06044,62599 Chicago29,963109,42079,457265 Buffalo42,26184,00041,73999 Louisville43,19475,19632,00274 Newark, N. J.38,89472,05533,16185 San Francisco.34,87066,00031,13089 Washington40,00161,40021,39953 Providence41,51350,6699,15622 Rochester36,40348,09611,69332 Detroit21,01946,83425,805123 Milwaukee20,06145,32325,262126 Cleveland17,03443,55026,516156 Charleston, S. C.42,98540,194loss 2791loss 6 Troy.28,78539,65310,86836 New Haven20,34539,27718,93290 Richmond27,57037,95810,38837 Lowell33,38837,0693,68611 Jersey City6,85629,25622,400327 Cambridge15,21526,07410,85971 Roxbury18,56425,1376,77337 Charlest'n, Mass.17,21625,1207,91446 Worcester17,04924,9637,91446 Nashville, Tenn.10,16523,71513,550133 Reading, Pa.15,74323,1717,42847 Salem20,26422,4862,22211 New Bedford16,44322,3695,86636 Dayton, Ohio10,97720,1329,15583
Jan. 8.--A national salute was fired here at noon in honor of Gen. Jackson's resisting nullification in 1832, and Major Anderson's conduct in resisting it in 1860. It was got up by the citizens, irrespective of party. Boston, Jan. 8.--Salutes in commemoration of the battle of New Orleans, and in honor of Major Anderson, were fired to day in many of the principal towns in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire. Democrats and Republicans participated in the demonstrations alike. Reading, Pa., Jan. 8.--A salute of two hundred guns was fired here to-day--one hundred by Captain McKnight's company of Ringgold Artillery, and one hundred by the citizens of Reading — in honor of Gen. Jackson, Major Anderson and the flag of our Union. A salute of thirty-three guns was fired here last night, by the Junior Fire Company, in honor of Major Anderson. Hamburg, Pa., Jan. 8.--A salute of one hundred guns was fired here to-day by citizens, in honor of the battle of New Orleans, Gene
The Daily Dispatch: April 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], Exciting Scenes in Baltimore — passage of Northern troops. (search)
not there, and the crowd fell off and dispersed. The police found it necessary during the night to arrest several parties for disorderly conduct, besides which there was no violation of the law. In front of Barnums the Southern Rights men were addressed by several speakers, and all was good order. Another account says: The troops included a company of the Fourth Artillery, U. S. A., Maj. Pemberton, from St. Paul, Minnesota; two companies from Pottsville, Pa.; one company from Reading, Pa., and the Logan Guard. The U. S. troops were acting as infantry, and carried only their side-arms. The volunteer companies were not more than half uniformed and armed, and presented some as hard-looking specimens of humanity as could be found anywhere. Some were mere boys, and there were a few colored individuals in the ranks, generally acting as servants to the officers. The Sun The march from depot to depot was a rapid one, and the column moved, flanked on either side by files of