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Browsing named entities in Polybius, Histories.
Found 10,956 total hits in 2,891 results.
Capua (Italy) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
Capua and Petelia
THE people of Capua, in Campania, becoming wealthy
Capua and Petelia, the contrast of their fortunes.
through the fertility of their soil, degenerated into
luxury and extravagance surpassing even the common report about Croton andCapua, in Campania, becoming wealthy
Capua and Petelia, the contrast of their fortunes.
through the fertility of their soil, degenerated into
luxury and extravagance surpassing even the common report about Croton and Sybaris. Being
then unable to support their burden of prosperity
they called in Hannibal; and were accordingly treated with great
severity by Rome. But the people of Petelia maintained their
loyalty to Rome and held out so obstinately, when besiegeCapua and Petelia, the contrast of their fortunes.
through the fertility of their soil, degenerated into
luxury and extravagance surpassing even the common report about Croton and Sybaris. Being
then unable to support their burden of prosperity
they called in Hannibal; and were accordingly treated with great
severity by Rome. But the people of Petelia maintained their
loyalty to Rome and held out so obstinately, when besieged by
Hannibal, that after having eaten all the leather in the town, and
the bark of all the trees in it, and having stood the siege for
eleven months, as no one came to their relief, they surrendered
with the entire approval of the Romans. . . . Butrk of all the trees in it, and having stood the siege for
eleven months, as no one came to their relief, they surrendered
with the entire approval of the Romans. . . . But Capua by its
influence drew over the other cities to the Carthaginians. . . .
Croton (Italy) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
Capua and Petelia
THE people of Capua, in Campania, becoming wealthy
Capua and Petelia, the contrast of their fortunes.
through the fertility of their soil, degenerated into
luxury and extravagance surpassing even the common report about Croton and Sybaris. Being
then unable to support their burden of prosperity
they called in Hannibal; and were accordingly treated with great
severity by Rome. But the people of Petelia maintained their
loyalty to Rome and held out so obstinately, when besieged by
Hannibal, that after having eaten all the leather in the town, and
the bark of all the trees in it, and having stood the siege for
eleven months, as no one came to their relief, they surrendered
with the entire approval of the Romans. . . . But Capua by its
influence drew over the other cities to the Carthaginians. . . .
Rome (Italy) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
Sybaris (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
Capua and Petelia
THE people of Capua, in Campania, becoming wealthy
Capua and Petelia, the contrast of their fortunes.
through the fertility of their soil, degenerated into
luxury and extravagance surpassing even the common report about Croton and Sybaris. Being
then unable to support their burden of prosperity
they called in Hannibal; and were accordingly treated with great
severity by Rome. But the people of Petelia maintained their
loyalty to Rome and held out so obstinately, when besieged by
Hannibal, that after having eaten all the leather in the town, and
the bark of all the trees in it, and having stood the siege for
eleven months, as no one came to their relief, they surrendered
with the entire approval of the Romans. . . . But Capua by its
influence drew over the other cities to the Carthaginians. . . .
260 BC (search for this): book 8, chapter 1
363 BC (search for this): book 8, chapter 1
215 BC (search for this): book 8, chapter 1
The Necessity of Caution in Dealing with an Enemy
TIBERIUS a Roman Pro-consul fell into an ambuscade,
Fall of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus [Cons. B. C. 215 and 213] as he was advancing
from Lucania to Capua, by the treachery of the Lucanian Flavius, B. C. 212. Livy, 25, 16.
and, after offering with his attendants a gallant
resistance to the enemy, was killed.
Now in regard to such catastrophes, whether
it is right to blame or pardon the sufferers is
by no means a safe matter on which to pronounce an opinion; because it has happened to several men, who have been perfectly correct in all their actions, to fall
into these misfortunes, equally with those
who do not scruple to transgress principles of right
confirmed by the consent of mankind. We should not however idly refrain from pronouncing an opinion: but should
blame or condone this or that general, after a review of
the necessities of the moment and the circumstances of
the case. Fall of Archidamus, B. C. 226-225. And my observatio
212 BC (search for this): book 8, chapter 1
The Necessity of Caution in Dealing with an Enemy
TIBERIUS a Roman Pro-consul fell into an ambuscade,
Fall of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus [Cons. B. C. 215 and 213] as he was advancing
from Lucania to Capua, by the treachery of the Lucanian Flavius, B. C. 212. Livy, 25, 16.
and, after offering with his attendants a gallant
resistance to the enemy, was killed.
Now in regard to such catastrophes, whether
it is right to blame or pardon the sufferers is
by no means a safe matter on which to pronounce an opinion; because it has happened to several men, who have been perfectly correct in all their actions, to fall
into these misfortunes, equally with those
who do not scruple to transgress principles of right
confirmed by the consent of mankind. We should not however idly refrain from pronouncing an opinion: but should
blame or condone this or that general, after a review of
the necessities of the moment and the circumstances of
the case. Fall of Archidamus, B. C. 226-225. And my observatio
226 BC - 225 BC (search for this): book 8, chapter 1
Thessaly (Greece) (search for this): book 8, chapter 1