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Timothy Fitch (search for this): chapter 2
made their home for several years in the east part, the part the former had occupied. The name Barrel immediately attracts our attention, and we wonder why a scion of that well-known family should have made this unpretentious house his dwelling place. The records of the following marriages in a way afford an answer as to why he was drawn thither, and we have elsewhere concluded that Medford in a much earlier time had many attractions to draw here those who were looking for a home. Timothy Fitch, merchant of Nantucket and Boston, and one-time owner of the Watson house, and Abigail Donnahew of Medford were married by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell, August 19, 1746. There were several daughters by this marriage, and Hannah married Joseph Barrel of Boston, November 26, 1771. John Brown Fitch of Boston and Hepziah Hall of Medford were married by Rev. David Osgood, January 27, 1785. In this marriage triangle of the Barrel, Fitch and Hall families we understand why Joseph Barrel, Jr.,
John Usher (search for this): chapter 2
ons were built each side of the central portion. All traces of the estate and even the hill no longer exist. For an interesting item concerning the Barrel family, and one concerning Medford, our readers are referred to Francis Hill Bigelow's Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, pp. 302, 303, 363. After this digression, which we trust is pardonable, believing it to be correlative and not irrelevant to this sketch, we are back in Medford in the old Watson house again and find John Usher of our town preceding Barrell, Jr., as a tenant. The old meeting-house had seen under its shadow, living in this house, a Revolutionary soldier who was a friend of Washington, and as a counter-balance, also was a Loyalist, who as one, was an enemy of Washington, living here at an earlier date, and now, about 1800, was to be neighbor to another of the latter class. (Regis-Ter, Vol. XV, p. 97). Our incomparable chronicler Caleb Swan. noted that Mr. Green took the whole house and for
David Osgood (search for this): chapter 2
sewhere concluded that Medford in a much earlier time had many attractions to draw here those who were looking for a home. Timothy Fitch, merchant of Nantucket and Boston, and one-time owner of the Watson house, and Abigail Donnahew of Medford were married by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell, August 19, 1746. There were several daughters by this marriage, and Hannah married Joseph Barrel of Boston, November 26, 1771. John Brown Fitch of Boston and Hepziah Hall of Medford were married by Rev. David Osgood, January 27, 1785. In this marriage triangle of the Barrel, Fitch and Hall families we understand why Joseph Barrel, Jr., became a resident of our town. He married Electa Bingham of Boston, also given as of Stockbridge, the Rev. S. West performing the ceremony July 5, 1795. (Register, Vol. XIX, p. II.) Hannah Barrel, sister of Joseph, Jr., was married by the Rev. Jedediah Morse of Charlestown, February 8, 1798, to Benjamin Joy, a well-known physician of Boston. The senior Ba
Hall, sisters of Nathaniel Hall, who lived in the Secomb house, rented the east part. A little later these ladies exchanged their quarters with the Swans, who about this time became owners of the property. About 1815 the west half was occupied by the wife of Captain Trevet of the revenue service. She was a daughter of Major Warner of Medford. A Mr. Warner lived on the Bishop lot where later the first Thatcher Magoun erected the building now the home of the Public Library. Were these Warners identical? Two years later Mrs. Green returned to the west half, remaining until 1822, when, with the Gilchrist family, she moved to Charlestown, N. H. This part then became the home of widowed sisters from Georgia, Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Wallace, who were cousins of Mrs. William R. Gray of Boston. (Register, Vol. XXI, p. 28.) The old meeting-house next had for its neighbor one whose religious tenets were quite unlike those of the people who worshipped within its walls. A French C
Francis Hill Bigelow (search for this): chapter 2
works erected in Boston. This beautiful place was called Poplar Grove. Benjamin Joy sold the estate in 1816 to the Massachusetts General Hospital for the Mc-Lean Asylum for the Insane. The mansion was used as quarters for the officers of the institution, and additions were built each side of the central portion. All traces of the estate and even the hill no longer exist. For an interesting item concerning the Barrel family, and one concerning Medford, our readers are referred to Francis Hill Bigelow's Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, pp. 302, 303, 363. After this digression, which we trust is pardonable, believing it to be correlative and not irrelevant to this sketch, we are back in Medford in the old Watson house again and find John Usher of our town preceding Barrell, Jr., as a tenant. The old meeting-house had seen under its shadow, living in this house, a Revolutionary soldier who was a friend of Washington, and as a counter-balance, also was a Loyalist
August 19th, 1746 AD (search for this): chapter 2
on of that well-known family should have made this unpretentious house his dwelling place. The records of the following marriages in a way afford an answer as to why he was drawn thither, and we have elsewhere concluded that Medford in a much earlier time had many attractions to draw here those who were looking for a home. Timothy Fitch, merchant of Nantucket and Boston, and one-time owner of the Watson house, and Abigail Donnahew of Medford were married by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell, August 19, 1746. There were several daughters by this marriage, and Hannah married Joseph Barrel of Boston, November 26, 1771. John Brown Fitch of Boston and Hepziah Hall of Medford were married by Rev. David Osgood, January 27, 1785. In this marriage triangle of the Barrel, Fitch and Hall families we understand why Joseph Barrel, Jr., became a resident of our town. He married Electa Bingham of Boston, also given as of Stockbridge, the Rev. S. West performing the ceremony July 5, 1795. (Registe
July 5th, 1795 AD (search for this): chapter 2
r Turell, August 19, 1746. There were several daughters by this marriage, and Hannah married Joseph Barrel of Boston, November 26, 1771. John Brown Fitch of Boston and Hepziah Hall of Medford were married by Rev. David Osgood, January 27, 1785. In this marriage triangle of the Barrel, Fitch and Hall families we understand why Joseph Barrel, Jr., became a resident of our town. He married Electa Bingham of Boston, also given as of Stockbridge, the Rev. S. West performing the ceremony July 5, 1795. (Register, Vol. XIX, p. II.) Hannah Barrel, sister of Joseph, Jr., was married by the Rev. Jedediah Morse of Charlestown, February 8, 1798, to Benjamin Joy, a well-known physician of Boston. The senior Barrel was a well-known wealthy Boston merchant who had a fine house and an elegant garden on Summer street, when it was a residential section of the city, where there were many fine places. The estate was well laid out, the garden embellished with fish ponds, and when, toward the
llished with fish ponds, and when, toward the end of the eighteenth century, he sold this place and moved to Cobble Hill, Charlestown (Somerville was not set apart from Charlestown till 1842), he built for himself a fine brick mansion, a creation of Bulfinch, and duplicated in some ways the garden of the Summer street residence. The glass in the house is said to have been from the first works erected in Boston. This beautiful place was called Poplar Grove. Benjamin Joy sold the estate in 1816 to the Massachusetts General Hospital for the Mc-Lean Asylum for the Insane. The mansion was used as quarters for the officers of the institution, and additions were built each side of the central portion. All traces of the estate and even the hill no longer exist. For an interesting item concerning the Barrel family, and one concerning Medford, our readers are referred to Francis Hill Bigelow's Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, pp. 302, 303, 363. After this digression, wh
ass. (Regis-Ter, Vol. XV, p. 97). Our incomparable chronicler Caleb Swan. noted that Mr. Green took the whole house and for a while let the west part to the Wyley family from Georgia. Mrs. Green removed to Boston at the death of her husband, 1809, and the Misses Abby and Mary Hall, sisters of Nathaniel Hall, who lived in the Secomb house, rented the east part. A little later these ladies exchanged their quarters with the Swans, who about this time became owners of the property. About 1815 the west half was occupied by the wife of Captain Trevet of the revenue service. She was a daughter of Major Warner of Medford. A Mr. Warner lived on the Bishop lot where later the first Thatcher Magoun erected the building now the home of the Public Library. Were these Warners identical? Two years later Mrs. Green returned to the west half, remaining until 1822, when, with the Gilchrist family, she moved to Charlestown, N. H. This part then became the home of widowed sisters from Ge
dford in a much earlier time had many attractions to draw here those who were looking for a home. Timothy Fitch, merchant of Nantucket and Boston, and one-time owner of the Watson house, and Abigail Donnahew of Medford were married by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell, August 19, 1746. There were several daughters by this marriage, and Hannah married Joseph Barrel of Boston, November 26, 1771. John Brown Fitch of Boston and Hepziah Hall of Medford were married by Rev. David Osgood, January 27, 1785. In this marriage triangle of the Barrel, Fitch and Hall families we understand why Joseph Barrel, Jr., became a resident of our town. He married Electa Bingham of Boston, also given as of Stockbridge, the Rev. S. West performing the ceremony July 5, 1795. (Register, Vol. XIX, p. II.) Hannah Barrel, sister of Joseph, Jr., was married by the Rev. Jedediah Morse of Charlestown, February 8, 1798, to Benjamin Joy, a well-known physician of Boston. The senior Barrel was a well-known weal
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