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Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) 36 0 Browse Search
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W. G. Jones (search for this): article 19
to see their example imitated throughout the South. The Boston Gazette says Perc y always was a favorite with the ladies, and could find out their secrets. He says now that it will be soon necessary to fit up one of the rooms at the White House as a nursery. Col. Jim Jackson was advised by a "rebel" lady with whom he was conversing at Owensboro, Ky., the other day, to learn his soldiers to swim, as they would probably soon have occasion to cross the Ohio in a big hurry. Judge W. G. Jones, of the Confederate Court at Mobile, has sustained the Sequestration Act by refusing to grant a motion to quash a writ of garnishment under that Act. Thomas A. Laster, of Alabama, died in New Orleans a few days since, from a wound received in an affray with a man named Michael McCue. Our Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia papers report an unusual number of troops proceeding to the coasts of their respective States. The report published in the Southern papers a few days
stroying a large amount of valuable property. A New Orleans paper says General Robert Patterson, of the Yankee army, holds $300,000 of securities in Louisiana, which will be sequestered. George Robinson, aged ninety-three years, the oldest and one of the most highly respected citizens of Shelby county, Ky., died Sunday last. Wm. P. Clark, a member of the Washington (N. C.) mounted riflemen, was accidentally shot and killed at his camp at Fair-fax C. H. a few days since. "Peyton," a celebrated negro race rider in New Orleans, was thrown from a horse and killed on the Mataire race track, near New Orleans, a few nights since. Nathan Foreman, of the parish of Lafayette, La., has raised a hog, now two years old, which weighs a thousand pounds. The State Convention of North Carolina will convene in Raleigh on Monday, the 18th inst. John B. Blanks, mail agent on the Southside Railroad, died in Petersburg on Friday morning last. When you get pretty well
er of the Washington (N. C.) mounted riflemen, was accidentally shot and killed at his camp at Fair-fax C. H. a few days since. "Peyton," a celebrated negro race rider in New Orleans, was thrown from a horse and killed on the Mataire race track, near New Orleans, a few nights since. Nathan Foreman, of the parish of Lafayette, La., has raised a hog, now two years old, which weighs a thousand pounds. The State Convention of North Carolina will convene in Raleigh on Monday, the 18th inst. John B. Blanks, mail agent on the Southside Railroad, died in Petersburg on Friday morning last. When you get pretty well out of employment, try attending to your own business for a while. Thomas A. Compton, an old and highly respectable citizen of Vicksburg, Miss., died in that city on Monday last. W. S. Bennett, of Gainesville, Fla., was killed a few days since, by his horse taking right and running away with him. Gen. John C. Breckinridge arrived in Knoxville Te
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