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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1861., [Electronic resource].
Found 1,226 total hits in 527 results.
Thomas Lawson (search for this): article 1
Crutchfield (search for this): article 1
Haskins (search for this): article 1
City Council.
--The monthly meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Haskins, Critchfield, Stokes, Griffin, Scott, Eppes, Burr, Glazebrook, and Hill.
Mr. Stockes presented a report from the Commissioners of Schools in Jefferson Ward, respecting the unauthorized use of a room in Bethel Church, for a school, by the Treasurer of the State Literary Fund.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the Commissioners of ay.
Respectfully, John W. Woody.
Referred to the Committee of Finance.
A petition from Richard Fox, Gauger, praying for an increase of fees, was debated, and referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Burr, Stokes, and Haskins.
The following ordinance on the subject was subsequently reported by Mr. Burr:
'An Ordinance to amen an Ordinance entitled. 'An Ordinance concerning the Ganger.'
"Be it ordained by the Council of the city of Richmond, that the sevent
David J. Saunders (search for this): article 1
City Council.
--The monthly meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Haskins, Critchfield, Stokes, Griffin, Scott, Eppes, Burr, Glazebrook, and Hill.
Mr. Stockes presented a report from the Commissioners of Schools in Jefferson Ward, respecting the unauthorized use oyed in signing the small notes issued by the city, respectfully recommend the payment of the following sums to persons employed in the said service, viz: To David J. Saunders $1,000; Thomas Lawson $300; M. L. Stratton $200; D. J. Saunders, Jr., $200; John Saunders $300; Moseby C. Stratton $150; David J. Burr $200; P. R. Grattan $2D. J. Saunders, Jr., $200; John Saunders $300; Moseby C. Stratton $150; David J. Burr $200; P. R. Grattan $200; P. W. Ralston $150. Total, $2,700. The committee that acted on this report, have doubts of the propriety of paying officers of the city any additional amounts for extra duty that they may be called on to perform, in such times as these, or at any other time, and while they are willing to make the above allowances to them, they
Robert Howard (search for this): article 1
John Saunders (search for this): article 1
Stockes (search for this): article 1
City Council.
--The monthly meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Haskins, Critchfield, Stokes, Griffin, Scott, Eppes, Burr, Glazebrook, and Hill.
Mr. Stockes presented a report from the Commissioners of Schools in Jefferson Ward, respecting the unauthorized use of a room in Bethel Church, for a school, by the Treasurer of the State Literary Fund.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the Commissioners of Schools for Jefferson Ward be authorized to demand, of the President of the Seamen's Bethel Society, possession of the school-room in the Seamen's Church.
Mr. Burr offered a resolution authorizing the payment of $500 to Mr. Robert Howard, for a new Index of Deeds, prepared under his supervision.
Mr. Grattan read a memorial, prepared by himself under the direction of the Council, addressed to the State Convention, asking the body to legalize the previous issue of small votes by
Eppes (search for this): article 1
City Council.
--The monthly meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Haskins, Critchfield, Stokes, Griffin, Scott, Eppes, Burr, Glazebrook, and Hill.
Mr. Stockes presented a report from the Commissioners of Schools in Jefferson Ward, respecting the unauthorized use of a room in Bethel Church, for a school, by the Treasurer of the State Literary Fund.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the Commissioners of Schools for Jefferson Ward be authorized to demand, of the President of the Seamen's Bethel Society, possession of the school-room in the Seamen's Church.
Mr. Burr offered a resolution authorizing the payment of $500 to Mr. Robert Howard, for a new Index of Deeds, prepared under his supervision.
Mr. Grattan read a memorial, prepared by himself under the direction of the Council, addressed to the State Convention, asking the body to legalize the previous issue of small votes by
John Griffin (search for this): article 1
City Council.
--The monthly meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Haskins, Critchfield, Stokes, Griffin, Scott, Eppes, Burr, Glazebrook, and Hill.
Mr. Stockes presented a report from the Commissioners of Schools in Jefferson Ward, respecting the unauthorized use of a room in Bethel Church, for a school, by the Treasurer of the State Literary Fund.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the Commissioners of e and deliberation by the committee, should be adopted without change.
Mr. Scott wished it understood that, in opposing the report, he only included that portion which proposed to further compensate officers already in the pay of the city.
Messrs. Griffin and Denoon opposed any alteration in the report.
It was then adopted--Mr. Scott voting no.
Mr. Glazebrook presented the following petition.
To the Council of the City of Richmond--Gentlemen: I respectfully petition your honorable
Glazebrook (search for this): article 1