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Patrick Loftus (search for this): chapter 125
au, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Michael Scot
William Loftus (search for this): chapter 125
au, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Michael Scot
his ship has never been found wanting. Every thing was done that circumstances permitted, and in a proper manner. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, F. S. Stellwagen. Lieutenant Commander Abbott's report. sir: In obedience to your order, I proceeded to the rebel ram, and was received by Lieutenants Parker and Phyrock, and conducted by the former inside of the house, where I was received by her captain. His name I did not learn. I told him I had come in the name of Capt. Stell-wagen to give up the U. S. steamer Mercedita, she being in a sinking and perfectly defenseless condition. They asked me about the condition of our boats and the number of the crew. I told them our boats were not large enough, nor in a proper condition to carry our number of crew. After privately consulting with the Commodore the Captain returned to me, saying: That they had concluded to parole our officers and crew, provided I would pledge my sacred word of honor that neither I or
the senior officer that I would leave in tow of the Memphis unless he gave other orders. Accompanying please find list of casualties. In conclusion, I beg to call attention to the desire manifested by all under my command to destroy the enemy, and particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W.
he quarter-deck; but most of them struck the hull, being near and below the water line. In the mean time, the Augusta, Commander Parrott, the Quaker City, Commander Frailey, and the Memphis, Acting Lieut. Watmough, kept up a fire upon the enemy, diverting their attention from the Keystone State, which was soon after taken in towntion he has exhibited in caring for the wounded. Being unable to communicate with the senior officer present, personally or by signal, I deemed it my duty (Commander Frailey advising the step) to make the best of my way to Port Royal; Commander Frailey, by my request, advising the senior officer that I would leave in tow of the MCommander Frailey, by my request, advising the senior officer that I would leave in tow of the Memphis unless he gave other orders. Accompanying please find list of casualties. In conclusion, I beg to call attention to the desire manifested by all under my command to destroy the enemy, and particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer
William Dietz (search for this): chapter 125
u, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gould, William Coffin, Moses O'Connor, Thomas Kelley, John Sullivan, John Quinn, Michael Scot
the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thoma
Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have since died. The following is a report of the killed and wounded on the Keystone State: Killed — Jacob H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, kill
William E. LeRoy (search for this): chapter 125
n-clad, leaving the Mercedita to her fate, to sink or not, next engaged the Keystone State, Commander Leroy, who was attacked by the other. Their fire was gallantly returned, but a shell exploding in the fore-hold of this vessel, she was set on fire. Commander Leroy kept off until the fire was got under, when he steered again for the iron-clad, having ordered on a full head of steam, determiorward herewith copies of the reports of Capt. Stellwagen, Lieutenant Commander Abbott, and Commander Leroy; also, the reports of the casualties on board the Mercedita and the Keystone State. On tT. Abbott, Lieutenant Commander. Captain Henry S. Stellwagen, U. S. Steamer Mercedita. Commander Leroy's report. sir: I have to report that about five o'clock on this day, January thirty-man, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report
as been asked for by Capt. Stellwagen. I received this intelligence on Saturday, at three P. M., by the Augusta, which ship immediately returned to Charleston. The Mercedita soon after arrived, and the Keystone State, in tow of the Memphis, when the latter vessel was at once sent back to her station. The James Adger, Commander Patterson, was also towed back. She was just coming into Port Royal, and was ordered back to Charleston. The Powhatan, through the commendable zeal of Captain Gordon, was also got ready by nine o'clock P. M. I had the channel and bar buoys lighted, when she passed out safely. I forward herewith copies of the reports of Capt. Stellwagen, Lieutenant Commander Abbott, and Commander Leroy; also, the reports of the casualties on board the Mercedita and the Keystone State. On the Mercedita there were four killed and three wounded, and on the Keystone State twenty killed and twenty wounded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. F. Du Pont,
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