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Logistics. it would be much too long, in a summary like this, to give all the details concerning the different operations of Logistics. This branch forms one of the special studies of the officers of the General Staff. General Jomini, in his treatise on the Art of War, gives, as belonging to Logistics, the following:-- 1st. To prepare beforehand all the necessary materiel for the opening of the campaign. Draw up the orders and instructions for the assemblage of the army and its beingll be found in all army regulations; and this, as well as the cantoning of troops, being the special mission of the officers of the general staff, it would be useless to say more here concerning it. I trust that this summary will suffice to give the reader a general but a clear idea of the great operations of war. For special study, the works of General Jomini, Ternay, Frederick II., Archduke Charles, Loyd, Clausewitz, the Memoirs of Napoleon, Marshal Marmont, etc. etc. should be consulted.
be so made that, from resting, the troops can quickly join and form in line of battle. In camping, the tents should be disposed so that each battalion, brigade, division, etc. can form from its camp at once in line or in order for marching; advanced guards, posts, and pickets should be disposed, and the distances from the main body should be calculated the same as for columns in marching — that is, that the army should have time to assemble and form for battle. The disposition for camps will be found in all army regulations; and this, as well as the cantoning of troops, being the special mission of the officers of the general staff, it would be useless to say more here concerning it. I trust that this summary will suffice to give the reader a general but a clear idea of the great operations of war. For special study, the works of General Jomini, Ternay, Frederick II., Archduke Charles, Loyd, Clausewitz, the Memoirs of Napoleon, Marshal Marmont, etc. etc. should be consulted
advanced guard, he offers his own flank to the corps already more advanced or still behind. Davoust, while retreating from Ratisbon, before the battles of Abensberg, Eckmuhl, etc., formed in a sis; Soult on a parallel road to Jena, about 10 miles from this place, and 6 to 7 from the Guard; Davoust, Bernadotte, and Murat arrive at Naumburg, from whence Bernadotte has to march, on the 14th, to Dornburg, and Davoust to Apolda. A part of the cavalry is still at Auma, and the Bavarian division is left at Plauen to cover the French right flank. Naumburg is about 18 miles from Jena. If wehe whole army, and, by his arrival in front of the Prussians, keeps them in their position till Davoust arrives at Naumburg. If the Prussians attack him, their loss only becomes more certain, as thems the pivot in the manoeuvre, he is outflanked by Soult; and if he attacks the latter, Ney and Davoust are on his flanks. The result of this manoeuvre — which was, however, excellently favored by
line of battle without disorder. If the army is large, so that several corps may be formed, they should be disposed as shown in Figs. 3 or 4, Plate V. If the enemy attacks the advanced guard, he offers his own flank to the corps already more advanced or still behind. Davoust, while retreating from Ratisbon, before the battles of Abensberg, Eckmuhl, etc., formed in a similar way; he executed his march between the Austrian force and the Danube. The flank march of General Radetski, in 1848, from Verona to Mantua, is also remarkable. By manoeuvre marches we understand marches executed by large armies, and having more of a strategical object than a tactical one; they are, in fact, strategical flank marches. I will give the dispositions for marching as used by Napoleon at Ulm in 1805, and at Jena in 1806. Each of the corps designated in the plan was of three divisions, and in the manoeuvres at Ulm that of Ney was of five. In these marches the force of each army corps, and
center. On the 12th the greater part of the army arrived at Gera, and on the 13th, in the evening, the different army corps occupied the following positions:-- General Angereau at Kahla, 10 miles from Jena, and 7 from Ney, who was at Rohda, 9 miles from Jena; Lannes at Jena; the Guard followed Lannes; Soult on a parallel road to Jena, about 10 miles from this place, and 6 to 7 from the Guard; Davoust, Bernadotte, and Murat arrive at Naumburg, from whence Bernadotte has to march, on the 14th, to Dornburg, and Davoust to Apolda. A part of the cavalry is still at Auma, and the Bavarian division is left at Plauen to cover the French right flank. Naumburg is about 18 miles from Jena. If we consider this disposition, we shall find that it answers nearly every case. The Prussian army is entirely separated from its base, and all the corps are so disposed that they can easily assist each other. Lannes forms the advanced guard of the whole army, and, by his arrival in front of the
understand marches executed by large armies, and having more of a strategical object than a tactical one; they are, in fact, strategical flank marches. I will give the dispositions for marching as used by Napoleon at Ulm in 1805, and at Jena in 1806. Each of the corps designated in the plan was of three divisions, and in the manoeuvres at Ulm that of Ney was of five. In these marches the force of each army corps, and the distance between them, are such that it can resist the enemy's army long enough, till sustained by the others nearest to it. Examples: march and Manoeuvres of Napoleon near Jena, 1806. the operations near Jena were the following:-- The Prussian army, numbering 120,000 men, was thus disposed: 20,000 near Eisenach, 50,000 near Erfurth, and 50,000 men near Blankenhain. Napoleon's army was near Bamberg, and amounted to from 170,000 to 180,000 men. Napoleon determined to cut the Prussians entirely from their base of operation. For this, he advanced in
ar Bamberg, and amounted to from 170,000 to 180,000 men. Napoleon determined to cut the Prussians entirely from their base of operation. For this, he advanced in three columns--one in the direction from Coburg to Sahlfeld, another at Kronach and Sahlburg, and a third at Hof and Plauen. The extreme left of the Prussians was at Schleitz. It was outflanked by the last column, and repulsed by the column in the center. On the 12th the greater part of the army arrived at Gera, and on the 13th, in the evening, the different army corps occupied the following positions:-- General Angereau at Kahla, 10 miles from Jena, and 7 from Ney, who was at Rohda, 9 miles from Jena; Lannes at Jena; the Guard followed Lannes; Soult on a parallel road to Jena, about 10 miles from this place, and 6 to 7 from the Guard; Davoust, Bernadotte, and Murat arrive at Naumburg, from whence Bernadotte has to march, on the 14th, to Dornburg, and Davoust to Apolda. A part of the cavalry is still at Auma, an
manoeuvre marches we understand marches executed by large armies, and having more of a strategical object than a tactical one; they are, in fact, strategical flank marches. I will give the dispositions for marching as used by Napoleon at Ulm in 1805, and at Jena in 1806. Each of the corps designated in the plan was of three divisions, and in the manoeuvres at Ulm that of Ney was of five. In these marches the force of each army corps, and the distance between them, are such that it can resist Naumburg. If the Prussians attack him, their loss only becomes more certain, as the decisive point is Naumburg. The result of these marches and manoeuvres was the total loss of the Prussian army. March and manoeuvre of Napoleon near Ulm, 1805. The Austrian general, Mack, with from 70,000 to 80,000 men, advanced from the Austrian frontier as far as Ulm. Napoleon's army, arriving from Wurzburg, Mayence, Spire, and Kehl, numbered 180,000 men. This army was not directed against Ulm,
th, and 50,000 men near Blankenhain. Napoleon's army was near Bamberg, and amounted to from 170,000 to 180,000 men. Napoleon determined to cut the Prussians entirely from their base of operation. For this, he advanced in three columns--one in the direction from Coburg to Sahlfeld, another at Kronach and Sahlburg, and a third at Hof and Plauen. The extreme left of the Prussians was at Schleitz. It was outflanked by the last column, and repulsed by the column in the center. On the 12th the greater part of the army arrived at Gera, and on the 13th, in the evening, the different army corps occupied the following positions:-- General Angereau at Kahla, 10 miles from Jena, and 7 from Ney, who was at Rohda, 9 miles from Jena; Lannes at Jena; the Guard followed Lannes; Soult on a parallel road to Jena, about 10 miles from this place, and 6 to 7 from the Guard; Davoust, Bernadotte, and Murat arrive at Naumburg, from whence Bernadotte has to march, on the 14th, to Dornburg, and
October 14th, 1806 AD (search for this): chapter 11
against Ulm, but against the lower towns on the Danube. The arrangement of the columns is similar to that on a flank march. Ney formed the flank guard, and Soult the advanced guard; the different corps were from 5 to 10 miles distant from each other, and the whole front of operations was from 45 to 50 miles in length. Wherever Mack attacks, he finds the corps he attacks always supported, in less than three hours, by two or three Marches and Manoeuvres of Napoleon at Jena. 13, 14 October, 1806. other corps; and, besides, the direction is always such that, wherever he attacks, he is outflanked. If he directs his efforts against Ney, who forms the pivot in the manoeuvre, he is outflanked by Soult; and if he attacks the latter, Ney and Davoust are on his flanks. The result of this manoeuvre — which was, however, excellently favored by Mack's own incapacity — was the complete destruction of the Austrian army under his command. I will say a few words on the repose of troop
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