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Cayuga (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
s turpentine 3,766 83 507 58 3,259 25 do Aug. 25, 1865 Magnolia.   Cotton, 4 bales     46 40 New Orleans Sept. 1, 1865 Cayuga.   Cotton, 42 bales and 11 bags 26,580 54 2,364 00 24,216 54 Key West Aug. 25, 1865 Clyde.   Cotton, 50 bales     1865 South Carolina. Brig Eco. 4,281 21 1,039 35 3,246 86 New Orleans Aug. 23, 1865 Gertrude, Princess, Royal, Kanawha, Cayuga. Schooner Flash 2,485 61 1,117 18 1,368 43 New York Dec. 1, 1863 Restless, Onward. Brig Falcon 3,655 93 1,263 29 2,,110 22 34,618 62 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Kennebec. Schooner J. T. Davis 9,925 00 1,465 04 8,459 96 do May 21, 1864 Cayuga. Schooner John Douglas 41,011 62 3,402 52 37,609 10 do June 18, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner Jupiter 35,982 40 3,299 80New York April 12, 1864 Quaker City, Monticello. Schooner Wave 19,900 89 1,905 45 17,995 44 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Cayuga. Schooner Winona or Alert 93,281 25 7,037 14 86,244 11 do April 23, 1864 Kanawha, Colorado, Richmond, Gertrude, Kenneb
Conestoga (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
ham.   Cotton, 27 bales 6,576 15 406 43 6,169 72 Springfield June 11, 1864 Conestoga.   Cotton, 42 bales, etc. 13,784 52 708 98 13,075 54 do Dec. 3, 1864 Linde Pittsburg.   Cotton, 55 bales 15,434 52 717 63 14,716 89 do June 11, 1864 Conestoga. Canoe and cargo 292 41 130 47 161 94 Washington Nov. 17, 1864 George Mang64 Lexington.   Cotton, 20 bales 4,971 70 295 20 4,676 50 do June 11, 1864 Conestoga. Schooner Charleston 13,872 49 2,646 65 11,225 84 Philadelphia Feb. 29, 18, and 5 hogsheads sugar 33,901 53 7,916 89 25,984 64 Springfield May 19, 1864 Conestoga.   Cotton, 6 bales 1,444 97 140 13 1,304 84 do Jan. 6, 1865 Pittsburg. 13 Waiting for prize list of the Conestoga. 1,175 00 1,014 39 160 61 do   Conestoga. Schooner M. J. Smith 89,809 65 7,381 35 82,425 30 New Orleans April 23, 1ashington Oct. 29, 1864 Curlew, Gen. Pillow, New Era, Louisville, Mound City, Conestoga, Marmora, Signal, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Gen. Lyon, Romeo, Carondelet, Tyler<
Canandaigua (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
tts. Schooner Annie Dees 16,637 09 2,027 89 14,609 20 do Dec. 8, 1863 Seneca, G. W. Blunt, Canandaigua, Flag, Mem phis, Powhatan, Housatonic, Marblehead, Mercedita, Flambeau, Keystone State. Stan. 28, 1864 Rhode Island. Steamer Cherokee 152,507 02 4,732 47 147,774 55 do Feb. 9, 1864 Canandaigua.   Cotton, 39 bales 7,923 09 604 75 7,318 34 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 Fort Henry.   Cottondelion, and South Carolina. 1,842 55 490 84 1,351 71 Philadelphia   Powhatan, New Ironsides, Canandaigua, Housatonic, Paul Jones, Huron, Unadilla, Marblehead, Wamsutta, Augusta, Lodona, Stettin, DanSchooner David Crockett 14,462 73 1,389 77 13,072 96 Philadelphia Oct. 5, 1865 America, Flag, Canandaigua, Flambeau. Sloop, D. Sargent 5,417 97 1,094 91 4,323 06 New York Feb. 29, 1864 Kittatinny. 1864 Mount Vernon. Steamer Secesh 19,080 46 1,394 77 17,685 69 Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1864 Canandaigua, New Ironsides, Powhatan, Wamsutta, Paul Jones, Lodona, Housatonic, Huron, Unadilla, Para, St
Currituck (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
er American Coaster 350 00 119 27 230 73 do Oct. 19, 1863 Currituck. Ship Amelia $5,708.32 awarded to claimants. 30,446 list of the Currituck. 575 00 301 40 273 60 Washington   Currituck. Sloop Clara Ann. 1,300 75 308 12 992 63 do Jan. 11, 1e Fleet 3,105 79 574 83 2,530 96 Washington Nov. 20, 1863 Currituck.   Canoe, 1; flatboat, 1 Waiting for prize list of 249 93 679 47 do Feb. 15, 1865 Eureka, Yankee, Freeborn, Currituck, Commodore Read, Teazer, Fuchsia, Jacob Bell. Steamer ector 285 10 128 99 156 11 Washington May 4, 1862 Corwin, Currituck. Steamer Diamond 29,683 10 1,958 08 27,725 02 do Jan. chooner Hampton 5,586 42 684 80 4,901 62 do Jan. 11, 1864 Currituck. Schooner Henry Travers 7,648 76 1,142 61 6,506 15 Key32 1,526 40 Washington Oct.1 9, 1863 Primrose, Anacostia, Currituck, Satellite. Schooner Lookout 1,468 87 254 00 1,214 87 co, 18 boxes 329 14 95 23 233 91 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Currituck, Anacostia. Schooner Three Brothers 320 00 116 92 203
Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
ladelphia Dec. 1, 1863 Restless. Schooner Julia 17,347 96 1,419 22 15,928 74 Key West Oct. 10, 1863 Kittatinny. Sloop Julia 571 39 181 24 390 15 do Oct. 17, 1863 Sagamore. Schooner Julia 9,942 56 1,572 65 8,369 91 Boston April 27, 1863 Cambridge. Steamer Juno 135,102 00 4,608 44 130,393 67 do Jan. 30, 1864 Connecticut. Sloop John Wesley 1,875 90 244 21 1,631 69 Key West Mar. 17, 1864 Circassian. Sloop Jane Adelie 6,699 71 667 24 6,032 47 do Mar. 9, 1864 De Soto. Sloop Julia Union 377 00 341 27 35 73 do April 12, 1864 Commodore. Schooner Ripple 26,986 56 2,067 36 24,919 20 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 Kanawha. Schooner Revere Waiting for prize list of the Cambridge and Susquehanna. 765 46 300 00 465 46 Boston   Cambridge, Susquehanna. Steamer Rouen 38,662 26 1,905 72 36,756 54 do Mar. 9, 1865 Keystone State. Sloop Racer 6,350 38 741 13 5,609 25 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 Beauregard. Sloop Resolute 563 25 122 53 440 72 do Mar. 22, 1865 Beauregard. Schoon
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
t of the General Sterling Price. 199 13 83 64 115 49 Springfield   General Sterling Price.   Cotton, 13 bales 2,694 24 334 79 2,359 45 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 Port Royal. Schooner Charm 9,756 25 1,017 54 8,738 71 do Mar. 29, 1864 Sagamore, Gem of the Sea.   Corn, 250 bushels 62 00 6 49 1 51 do Mar. 29, 1864 Fort Henry.   Cotton, 50 bales 7,254 19 841 50 6,412 69 New York May, 1864 Vanderbilt.   Cotton, 12 bales and 14 bags $2,834 69 $524 19 $2,310 50 Key West Dec. 21, 1864 Port Royal.   Cotton, 11 bales Waiting for prize list of the Somerset. 3,023 34 287 21 2,736 13 do   Somerset.   Cotton, 1 bale Waiting for prize list of the Lner Florence Nightingale 37,362 61 2,904 04 34,458 57 do June 22, 1864 Tioga, Octorara. Sloop Fashion. 12,348 87 1,175 91 11,172 96 New Orleans June 29, 1864 Port Royal. Schooner Friendship 3,209 94 850 37 2,359 57 do April 12, 1864 Tennessee. Schooner Fanny 10,317 61 1,125 66 9,191 95 do July 28, 1864 Owasco. Schoone
De Soto, Jefferson County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
20,240 28 217,060 53 Key West April 12, 1864 De Soto. Steamer Alliance 25,041 96 1,760 22 23,28ita 2,289 66 513 90 1,775 76 do Mar. 29, 1864 De Soto.   Cotton, 22 bales 3,727 42 390 68 3,336 2 25 1,527 00 15,775 25 Key West Mar. 9, 1864 De Soto.   Goods, lot of Waiting for prize listelie 6,699 71 667 24 6,032 47 do Mar. 9, 1864 De Soto. Sloop Julia 15,428 96 1,502 42 13,926 54 17,651 16 223,244 46 Key West April 12, 1864 De Soto. Schooner John Scott 37,728 84 3,110 22 34a 30,646 45 2,228 42 28,418 03 do May 7, 1864 De Soto, Stonewall. Steamer Lizzie Davis 18,351 1644,567 76 8,278 68 36,289 08 do Jan. 30, 1863 De Soto, Kittatinny. Sloop Mercury Waiting for 94 2,495 52 32,486 42 Key West Feb. 29, 1864 De Soto. Steamer Maggle Fulton $1,107 71 $377 09 $ Sea Bird     3,288 09 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 De Soto. Steamer Sumter 3,600 00 237 95 3,362 05 S 95,324 97 6,953 04 88,371 93 do Oct. 7, 1863 De Soto. Schooner Wm. E. Chester 22,298 74 2,590 3[6 more...]<
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
din. Steamer Armstrong 251,382 26 7,321 53 244,060 73 New York April 20, 1865 R. R. Cuyler, Gettysburg, Mackinaw, Montgomery. Sloop Annie Thompson 14,847 96 1,639 50 13,208 46 Philadelphia May 1,778 22 3,655 77 52,122 45 New York June 19, 1865 Tristam Shandy, Lillian, Britannia, Osceola, Gettysburg. Schooner Badger 10,824 32 947 89 9,886 43 Key West June 29, 1865 Adela. Boat and sundri 1865 Governor Buckingham, Niphon.   Cotton, 156 sacks, etc.     15,150 00 do Sept. 1, 1865 Gettysburg. Schooner Comus 5,166 52 700 81 4,465 71 Key West Sept. 1, 1865 Iuka. Schooner Cora 32,61 39 do Sept. 8, 1865 Somerset   Cotton, 80 bales     32,037 76 Philadelphia Sept. 22, 1865 Gettysburg, Keystone State, $620 counsel fees   Cotton, 52 bales 23,552 53 1,826 58 21,725 95 do Sept. July 28, 1864 Owasco. Steamer Little Ada 44,489 95 1,580 69 42,909 26 Boston Feb. 16, 1865 Gettysburg. Steamer Lady Sterling 509,354 64 9,463 35 494,891 29 New York Feb. 7, 1865 Calypso, Eolus.
Chillicothe (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
2,129 bales, 28 barrels molasses, 18 bales wool 465,234 95 13,732 79 451,502 16 do Mar. 1, 1865 Black Hawk, Eastport, Lafavette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Fort Hindman, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, Lexington, Ouachita, Cricket, Gazelle, General Price, W. H. Brown. [718 bales of c   Cotton, 24 bales 8,125 71 335 21 7,790 50 Springfield June 20, 1865 Black Hawk, Fort Hindman, Cricket, Eastport, Lafavette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, Lexington, Ouachita, Gazelle, General Price, W. H. Brown.   Cotton, 75 bales Waiting for prack Hawk.   Cotton, 5 bales 2,169 35 290 54 1,878 81 do April 12, 1864 Black Hawk, Fort Hindman, Cricket, Eastport, Lafayette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, Lexington, Ouachita, Gazelle, General Price, W. H. Brown, Juliet.   Cotton, 10 1/2 bales 2,397
Fort Jackson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
etc Waiting for prize list of the Robb. 355 95 95 39 260 56 Springfield   Alfred Robb. Steamer Boston. 23,036 03 2,308 49 20,727 54 Boston. Oct. 10, 1864 Fort Jackson. Steamer Banshee 111,216 65 6,268 17 104,948 48 New York Oct. 25, 1864 Fulton, Grand Gulf. Sloop Buffalo. 13,328 85 2,416 37 10,912 48 Philadelphia Nov. West. Steamer Tristram Shandy 418,873 81 6,801 26 412,072 55 Boston Oct. 10, 1864 Kansas. Steamer Thistle 163,392 90 2,539 07 160,853 83 do Jan. 14, 1865 Fort Jackson. Schooner Three Brothers 1,638 87 193 59 1,445 28 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 Nita. Schooner Terrapin 697 58 183 23 514 35 do Aug. 25, 1865 Roebuck. SchoonSchooner Wild Pigeon 188 71 81 22 107 49 do   Hendrick Hudson. (Waiting for prize list.) Steamer Wando 415,690 83 6,203 94 409,486 89 Boston Sept. 23, 1865 Fort Jackson. Steam-tug Young America 13,500 00 219 72 13,280 28 do Oct. 5, 1865 Cumberland. Steamer Young Republic 422,341 99 10,822 20 411,519 79 do Aug. 24, 1865 G
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