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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier). Search the whole document.

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Oliver Wendell Holmes (search for this): chapter 5
365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Friends, The Society of, VII. 305. Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271. Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284. Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189. Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380. Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284. Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267. Haverford College, VII. 361. Heroine of Long Point, The, v. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, VI. 309. Hopkins, Samuel, VI. 130. Indian Civilization, VII. 232. Indian Question, The, VII. 238. International Arbitration, VII. 245. Italian Unity, VII. 229. Journal, John Woolman's, VII. 315. Justice and Expediency, VII. 9. Leggett, William, VI. 184. Lesson and our Duty, The, VII. 148. Lighting Up, The, v. 376. Little Iron Soldier, The, v. 251. Longfellow, VI. 311. Lord Ashley and the Thieves, VII. 221. Magicians and Witch Folk, v. 399.
es II., VI. 348. Evangeline, VII. 365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Friends, The Society of, VII. 305. Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271. Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284. Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189. Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380. Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284. Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267. Haverford College, VII. 361. Heroine VII. 305. Suffrage for Women, VII. 247. Sumner, Charles, and the State Department, VII. 155. Sumner, The Censure of, VII. 167. Swedenborg, VII. 274. Taking Comfort, v. 381. Tappan, Lewis, VI. 278. Taylor, Bayard, VI. 281. Torrey, The Funeral of, VI. 271. Training, The, v. 345. Two Processions, The, VII. 115. Utopian Schemes and Political Theorists, VII. 199. What is Slavery? VII. 100. Whipple, Edwin Percy, VI. 318. Winthrop, John, VI. 436. Woman Suf
Lydia Maria Child (search for this): chapter 5
46. Beautiful, The, v. 412. Better Land, The, VII. 280. Bible and Slavery, The, VII. 96. Black Men in the Revolution and War of 1812, The, VI. 406. Blind, Reading for the, VII. 236. Border War of 1708, The, VI. 368. Boy Captives, The, VI. 395. Bunyan, John, VI. 9. Carlyle, Thomas, on the Slave-Question, VII. 133. Censure of Sumner, The, VII. 167. Channing, William Ellery, VI. 283. Chapter of History, A, VII. 120. Charms and Fairy Faith, v. 385. Child, Lydia Maria, VI. 286. City of a Day, The, v. 351. David Matson, v. 314. Death of President Garfield, VI. 284. Democracy and Slavery, VII. 108. Dinsmore, Robert, VI. 247. Dumb Relations, Our, VII. 242. Ellwood, Thomas, VI. 37. Endicott, Governor, VI. 434. England under James II., VI. 348. Evangeline, VII. 365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Frien
John Quincy Adams (search for this): chapter 5
Index of titles of prose writings Abolitionists, The, their Sentiments and Objects, VII. 58. Adams, John Quincy, VII. 93. Agency of Evil, The, VII. 249. American Anti-Slavery Society, Formation of the, VII. 145. Anti-Slavery Anniversary, VII. 193. Anti-Slavery Convention of 1833, The, VII. 171. Ashley, Lord, and the Thieves, VII. 221. Baxter, Richard, VI. 146. Beautiful, The, v. 412. Better Land, The, VII. 280. Bible and Slavery, The, VII. 96. Black Men in the Revolution and War of 1812, The, VI. 406. Blind, Reading for the, VII. 236. Border War of 1708, The, VI. 368. Boy Captives, The, VI. 395. Bunyan, John, VI. 9. Carlyle, Thomas, on the Slave-Question, VII. 133. Censure of Sumner, The, VII. 167. Channing, William Ellery, VI. 283. Chapter of History, A, VII. 120. Charms and Fairy Faith, v. 385. Child, Lydia Maria, VI. 286. City of a Day, The, v. 351. David Matson, v. 314. Death of President Garfield, VI. 28
Edwin Percy Whipple (search for this): chapter 5
o the Celebration of my Eightieth Birthday by the Colored Citizens of Washington, D. C., VII. 196. Roberts, John, VI. 104. Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody, VI. 216. School-day Remembrances, VI. 316. Scottish Reformers, Tile, VI. 417. Sewall, Samuel E., Letter to, VII. 87. Singletary, Dr., My Summer with, v. 197. Society of Friends, Tile, VII. 305. Suffrage for Women, VII. 247. Sumner, Charles, and the State Department, VII. 155. Sumner, The Censure of, VII. 167. Swedenborg, VII. 274. Taking Comfort, v. 381. Tappan, Lewis, VI. 278. Taylor, Bayard, VI. 281. Torrey, The Funeral of, VI. 271. Training, The, v. 345. Two Processions, The, VII. 115. Utopian Schemes and Political Theorists, VII. 199. What is Slavery? VII. 100. Whipple, Edwin Percy, VI. 318. Winthrop, John, VI. 436. Woman Suffrage, VII. 227. Women, Suffrage for, VII. 247. Woolhan's, John, Journal, VII. 315. World's End, The, v. 419. Yankee Gypsies, v. 326.
William Lloyd Garrison (search for this): chapter 5
cracy and Slavery, VII. 108. Dinsmore, Robert, VI. 247. Dumb Relations, Our, VII. 242. Ellwood, Thomas, VI. 37. Endicott, Governor, VI. 434. England under James II., VI. 348. Evangeline, VII. 365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Friends, The Society of, VII. 305. Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271. Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284. Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189. Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380. Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284. Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267. Haverford College, VII. 361. Heroine of Long Point, The, v. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, VI. 309. Hopkins, Samuel, VI. 130. Indian Civilization, VII. 232. Indian Question, The, VII. 238. International Arbitration, VII. 245. Italian Unity, VII. 229. Journal, John Woolman's, VII. 315. Justice and Expediency, VII. 9. Leggett, William, VI. 184
William Ellery Channing (search for this): chapter 5
y Convention of 1833, The, VII. 171. Ashley, Lord, and the Thieves, VII. 221. Baxter, Richard, VI. 146. Beautiful, The, v. 412. Better Land, The, VII. 280. Bible and Slavery, The, VII. 96. Black Men in the Revolution and War of 1812, The, VI. 406. Blind, Reading for the, VII. 236. Border War of 1708, The, VI. 368. Boy Captives, The, VI. 395. Bunyan, John, VI. 9. Carlyle, Thomas, on the Slave-Question, VII. 133. Censure of Sumner, The, VII. 167. Channing, William Ellery, VI. 283. Chapter of History, A, VII. 120. Charms and Fairy Faith, v. 385. Child, Lydia Maria, VI. 286. City of a Day, The, v. 351. David Matson, v. 314. Death of President Garfield, VI. 284. Democracy and Slavery, VII. 108. Dinsmore, Robert, VI. 247. Dumb Relations, Our, VII. 242. Ellwood, Thomas, VI. 37. Endicott, Governor, VI. 434. England under James II., VI. 348. Evangeline, VII. 365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 38
Samuel Hopkins (search for this): chapter 5
Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Friends, The Society of, VII. 305. Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271. Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284. Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189. Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380. Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284. Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267. Haverford College, VII. 361. Heroine of Long Point, The, v. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, VI. 309. Hopkins, Samuel, VI. 130. Indian Civilization, VII. 232. Indian Question, The, VII. 238. International Arbitration, VII. 245. Italian Unity, VII. 229. Journal, John Woolman's, VII. 315. Justice and Expediency, VII. 9. Leggett, William, VI. 184. Lesson and our Duty, The, VII. 148. Lighting Up, The, v. 376. Little Iron Soldier, The, v. 251. Longfellow, VI. 311. Lord Ashley and the Thieves, VII. 221. Magicians and Witch Folk, v. 399. Margaret Smith's Journal, v. 9
Edward Everett (search for this): chapter 5
re of Sumner, The, VII. 167. Channing, William Ellery, VI. 283. Chapter of History, A, VII. 120. Charms and Fairy Faith, v. 385. Child, Lydia Maria, VI. 286. City of a Day, The, v. 351. David Matson, v. 314. Death of President Garfield, VI. 284. Democracy and Slavery, VII. 108. Dinsmore, Robert, VI. 247. Dumb Relations, Our, VII. 242. Ellwood, Thomas, VI. 37. Endicott, Governor, VI. 434. England under James II., VI. 348. Evangeline, VII. 365. Everett, Edward, VI. 274. Fame and Glory, VII. 383. Fanaticism, VII. 391. First Day in Lowell, v. 368. Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320. Friends, The Society of, VII. 305. Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271. Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284. Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189. Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380. Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284. Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267. Haverford College, VII. 361. Heroine of Long Point, The, v. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, VI
John Roberts (search for this): chapter 5
y, v. 258. Patucket Falls, v. 360. Peculiar Institutions of Massachusetts, VII. 209. Pilgrims of Plymouth, The, VI. 431. Placido, the Slave Poet, VI. 261. Poetry of the North, The, VII. 396. Pope Night, VI. 389. Presidential Election of 1872, The, VII. 161. Proselytes, The, v. 305. Reading for the Blind, VII. 236. Republican Party, The, VII. 240. Response to the Celebration of my Eightieth Birthday by the Colored Citizens of Washington, D. C., VII. 196. Roberts, John, VI. 104. Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody, VI. 216. School-day Remembrances, VI. 316. Scottish Reformers, Tile, VI. 417. Sewall, Samuel E., Letter to, VII. 87. Singletary, Dr., My Summer with, v. 197. Society of Friends, Tile, VII. 305. Suffrage for Women, VII. 247. Sumner, Charles, and the State Department, VII. 155. Sumner, The Censure of, VII. 167. Swedenborg, VII. 274. Taking Comfort, v. 381. Tappan, Lewis, VI. 278. Taylor, Bayard, VI. 281. Torrey,
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