Found 874 total hits in 486 results.
ll, Joseph G., 71, 81, 82.
Coleridge, Samuel T., 262, 291; his Ancient Mariner, mentioned, 149.
Coleridge, Sara, 141.
Colman, Samuel, Longfellow's letter to, 139, 140.
Cologne, 8.
Columbian Muse, the, a collection of poems, 23.
Como, Lake of, 223.
Concord, Mass., 133, 271.
Condry, Capt., 102.
Congress, U. S., 11, 13.
Connecticut, 90.
Conolly, Rev. H. L., 194,195.
Constantinople, 3.
Cooper, James F., 80, 133.
Copenhagen, 93, 98, 100, 103, 105, 106.
Corby Castle, 219. lph Waldo, 1, 6, 75,164, 192, 196, 209, 259, 271, 285, 292, 294; on Kavanagh, 199; his influence upon literature, 261, 262; lectures in Cambridge, 272.
England, 7, 12, 33, 71, 72, 101, 167, 170, 195, 214, 223, 248, 252, 255, 257, 259, 260, 263; Lake poets of, 9.
Enterprise (ship), 14.
Erskine, Mr., 95.
Esther Wynne's Love Letters, mentioned, 122.
Europe, 1, 20, 45, 46, 52, 56, 60, 65, 71, 73, 78, 84, 86, 87, 101, 104,120, 147, 160, 170, 190, 210, 241, 260, 271, 294.
25, 126 note.
Bosworth, Dr., 111.
Bowdler, Miss, Hannah, 62.
Bowdoin, Mrs., gives fund to Bowdoin College, 45.
Bowdoin College, 17, 18, 23, 60, 61, 73; Longfellow graduates from, 37; becomes professor of modern languages at, 56; Longfellow's salary at, 64.
Boxer (British brig), 14.
Bradbury, James W., 19; in debate with Longfellow, 21.
Bradley, Dean, 249.
Brattle Street, or Tory Row, Cambridge, 117, 289.
Brattleboro, Vt., 161.
Brewster, Elder, 13.
British Museum, 5.
Brittany, 158.
Brock, Thomas, 249.
Brookline, Mass., 146, 284.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 132, 143.
Brown, John, 271.
Browning, Robert, 3, 6, 216, 218, 267; compared with Longfellow, 270; Longfellow a student of, 272, 273.
Brownson, Orestes A., 125.
Bruges, 161.
Brunswick, Me., 18, 64, 69, 82, 100, 163.
Bryant, William C., 8, 23, 60, 62, 64, 80, 112, 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizing of, 133, 134; indifferent to Longfellow, 145; his Selection
similar to Craigie House, 116.
Mullins, Priscilla, 146.
Mussey, Dr., 83.
Nahant, Mass., 187, 205, 244.
Naples, 53, 223.
New England, 14, 36, 47, 78, 116, 131, 199; Longfellow's plan of sketches about, 51; traditions of, 130; fugitive slave agitation in, 186.
New England Magazine, 67 and note, 68, 69 note.
New York City, 23, 45, 69, 70, 140, 149, 164, 188, 219.
New York, 149.
New York University, 6.
New York Independent, the, 5 note.
New York Review, the, 140.
Newburyport, Mass., 102.
Ney, Marshal, 47.
Niagara, 264.
Niccolini, 54.
Nichols, Rev. Dr., Ichabod, 91.
Nimmo, William P., 8.
North American Review, the, mentioned, 29, 87, 134, 137, 258; quoted, 70, 71, 130-132, 144, 145, 200; cited, 126 note; Longfellow contributes to, 58, 75-77; criticism of Longfellow in, 70.
Northampton, Mass., 81, 82.
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 195.
Norton, Prof., Andrews, 109, 192.
Norton, Prof. Charles E., 192; on Longfellow's Dante translation, 227; his translation compa
, 137-139, 171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70; development of, 124; criticism of, 125, 126; turgid rhetoric of, 128.
India, 215.
Indians, 18, 79, 129,132; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208.
Innsbruck, 223.
Interlaken, 8.
Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow imitates, 26, 27; speaks of Longfellow, 50; his Sketch Book compared with Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 69-71.
Italy, 33, 50, 55, 65, 96, 142, 223.
Jamaica Plain, Mass., 146.
James, G. P. R., 237.
Janin, Jules, 161.
Jefferson, Thomas, 6.
Jewett, Sarah O., 198.
Johnson, Eastman, 272.
Jones, J. A., 23.
Jones, Sir, William, 43; his Letters, 42.
Joubert, J., his Pensees, quoted, 235.
Keats, John, 280.
Kemble, Mrs., 200.
Kent, Duke of, 118.
Khayyam, Omar, 282.
Kiel, 108.
Kingsley, Rev., Charles, 237.
Knickerbocker, the, 140.
Korner, Charles Theodore, 64.
Kossuth, Louis, 173.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 52.
Lamartine, Alpho
Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 133, 158.
Quincy, Miss, 158.
Racine, Jean, 65, 176.
Raleigh, Va., 82.
Raynes, Capt., 131.
Reboul, of Nimes, 191.
Reed, E. J., 224.
Revolution, American, the, 12,117.
Rhine River, 131, 170, 193.
Richter, Jean Paul, 64, 112, 113, 127.
Riddle, George, 290.
Riedesel, Baroness, 117.
Robert College, 3.
Robinson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 161.
Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern Painters, quoted, 237.
Russia, 43.
Russia, steamer, 219.
Sachs, Hans, 234.
Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207.
Sailly, Madame de, 47.
St. Gothard Pass, 223.
Salem, Mass., 240.
Sannazaro, J., 54.
Savannah, Ga., 119.
Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239.
Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 112.
Schoolmaster, the, 67, 68.
Scott, Sir, Walter, 7, 265.
Scudder, Horace
British brig), 14.
Bradbury, James W., 19; in debate with Longfellow, 21.
Bradley, Dean, 249.
Brattle Street, or Tory Row, Cambridge, 117, 289.
Brattleboro, Vt., 161.
Brewster, Elder, 13.
British Museum, 5.
Brittany, 158.
Brock, Thomas, 249.
Brookline, Mass., 146, 284.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 132, 143.
Brown, John, 271.
Browning, Robert, 3, 6, 216, 218, 267; compared with Longfellow, 270; Longfellow a student of, 272, 273.
Brownson, Orestes A., 125.
Bruges, 161.
Brunswick, Me., 18, 64, 69, 82, 100, 163.
Bryant, William C., 8, 23, 60, 62, 64, 80, 112, 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizing of, 133, 134; indifferent to Longfellow, 145; his Selections from the American Poets, mentioned, 145.
Bull, Ole, 214, 215.
Burns, Robert, 7, 8, 62, 188.
Bushnell, Rev., Horace, his letter to Longfellow about the Divine Tragedy, 245, 246.
Byron, Lord, 7, 9, 80, 280.
Cadenabbia, 223.
Cadmus (ship), 46.
Cambridge, Mass.,
Dr. Samuel G., 284.
Howe family, 214.
Howells, William D., 126, 198; on Kavanagh, 200.
Hudson River, 132, 248.
Hughes, Mr., 96.
Hugo, Victor, 3, 5,
Humphreys, David, 23.
Hunt, Helen, 122.
Huron, Lake, 209.
Hyperion, 55, 112, 113, 127, 134, 137-139, 171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70; development of, 124; criticism of, 125, 126; turgid rhetoric of, 128.
India, 215.
Indians, 18, 79, 129,132; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208.
Innsbruck, 223.
Interlaken, 8.
Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow imitates, 26, 27; speaks of Longfellow, 50; his Sketch Book compared with Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 69-71.
Italy, 33, 50, 55, 65, 96, 142, 223.
Jamaica Plain, Mass., 146.
James, G. P. R., 237.
Janin, Jules, 161.
Jefferson, Thomas, 6.
Jewett, Sarah O., 198.
Johnson, Eastman, 272.
Jones, J. A., 23.
Jones, Sir, William, 43; his Letters, 42.
Joubert, J., his Pensees, quoted, 235.
Brookline, Mass., 146, 284.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 132, 143.
Brown, John, 271.
Browning, Robert, 3, 6, 216, 218, 267; compared with Longfellow, 270; Longfellow a student of, 272, 273.
Brownson, Orestes A., 125.
Bruges, 161.
Brunswick, Me., 18, 64, 69, 82, 100, 163.
Bryant, William C., 8, 23, 60, 62, 64, 80, 112, 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizing of, 133, 134; indifferent to Longfellow, 145; his Selections from the American Poets, mentioll, Miss, Sally, 121.
Lucerne, 8.
Lugano, 224.
Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163.
Lunt, George, 165.
Lyly, John, 55.
McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22.
McLane, Mr., 118.
Madrid, 50.
Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220.
Maler River, the, 93.
Malherbe, Francis de, 191.
Marienberg, 157, 161, 170.
Marseilles, 3, 94.
Marshall, Emily, 19.
Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6.
Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11.
ective system of, 182, 183.
Harvard College Papers, quoted, 84-87, 122, 123,151-160,179-183, 203-206.
Harvard Graduates' Magazine, 71 note.
Havre, 46, 158.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 7, 18, 44, 53, 64, 68, 133, 134, 193, 198, 209, 272, 285, 294; his Twice-Told Tales, mentioned, 72, 130; on Voices of the Night, 141; married, 162; suggests Evangeline to Longfellow, 194,195; on Kavanagh, 199.
Healy, George P. A., 223.
Heard, Tom, 131.
Heath, Mr., Book of Beauty, mentioned, 121.
Heidelberg, 111, 113, 128.
Herwegh, Georg, 161.
Hiawatha, 187, 221, 258; commenced, 208; newspapers on, 209.
Hillard, George S., 168, 284.
Hilliard, Gray & Co., 69.
Hingham, Mass., 61.
Hirm, Me., 12.
Holm, Saxe, 122.
Holmes, Dr., Oliver Wendell, 1, 6, 57, 68, 146, 197, 273, 285, 294; on Evangeline, 194; on Longfellow, 287.
Home Circle, the, quoted, 279.
Homer, 5, 235.
Hook, Theodore, 10.
Horace, 19, 45.
Howe, Dr. Samuel G., 284.
Howe family, 214.
Howells, William D.,
ctator, the London, 69.
Stackelberg, Baron, 95.
Stael, Madame de, 121.
Stephenson, Samuel, 14.
Stettin, 98.
Stockoe, Mr., 95.
Stockoe, Mrs., 95.
Stockholm, 90, 92, 96, 97, 102, 103, 108.
Storer, Robert, 101.
Story, Judge, Joseph, 11, 86.
Strasburg, 8.
Strasburg Cathedral, 238.
Sudbury, Mass., 214, 215.
Sumner, Charles, 57, 80, 146, 147, 162, 164, 173, 206, 216, 271, 272, 284, 289, 292, 294; elected to U. S. Senate, 186; on Evangeline, 195; struck down in Senate, 240.
Sweden, 87, 94, 101, 105,135; Longfellow's opinion of, 97.
Swinburne, A. C., 6, 216, 218.
Switzerland, 8, 113, 171, 223, 263.
Symons, Capt., 92.
Talleyrand, Prince, 118.
Tasso, Torquato, 54.
Taylor, Bayard, 143, 209.
Taylor, Miss, Emily, 62.
Taylor, Thomas, 131.
Tecumseh, 77.
Tegner, Esaias, 196; Longfellow's review of his Frithiof's Saga, 134.
Tennyson, Alfred, 3, 6,9, 139, 216-218, 270; his remark about short poems, 268; his Life, quoted, 268; description of, 282.
Thacher, M