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ils were sent together to Russia, where they entered the military service as cadets. Their friendship, dating thus early, was continued in Paris. The Major used to be fond of recounting how he took part in the battle of Leipsic, and road into Paris with his regiment of Russian Hussars. But of late years he left off telling these stories, because they made him out to be older than he wished to be thought, and he was a singularly well preserved man for his age. He left the Russian service in 1827, with the rank of major, and ever after lived in Paris, in an apartment in the large house on the Boulevard des Italians, belonging to the Marquis of Hertford. The furniture of these rooms was simple, and not for proportion to the high rent of lodging in that quarter. There was little to be seen in them beyond an iron bedstead, a large map, a bearskin, a large assortment of polished leather boots, and a barrel of express wine always on tap for the accommodation of friends. One day when
nd 1847, it was 84,000 per annum. Between 1840 and 1847, 249,800 were taken to Brazil and 52,027 into the Spanish colonies. Slavery was abolished in Pennsylvania in 1780. In New Jersey, it was provisionally abolished in 1784; all children born of a slave after 1804 to be made free in 1820. In Massachusetts, it was declared after the Revolution that slavery was virtually abolished by their constitution (1780). In 1784 and 1797, Connecticut provided for a gradual extinction of slavery. In Rhode Island, after 1784, no person could be born a slave. The ordinance of 1787 forbid slavery in the territory northwest of the Ohio.--The constitutions of Vermont and New Hampshire abolished slavery. In New York it was provisionally abolished in 1799, twenty-eight years ownership being allowed a slave born after that date; and in 1817 it was enacted that slavery was not to exist after ten years, or 1827. There were 1,602,535 male, and 1,601,778 female slaves in this country in 1850.
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