of reproof was still tempered by love. As a cloud of the sunset, slow melting in heaven, As a star that is lost when the daylight is given, As a glad dream of slumber, which wakens in bliss, She hath passed to the world of the holy from this.
To the memory of Charles B. Storrs,
Late President of Western Reserve College, who died at his post of duty, overworn by his strenuous labors with tongue and pen in the cause of Human Freedom. thou hast fallen in thine armor, Thou martyr heart. In the evil days before us, And the trials yet to come.
In the shadow of the prison, Or the cruel martyrdom,— We will think of thee, O brother! And thy sainted name shall be In the blessing of the captive, And the anthem of the free.
On the death of S. Oliver Torrey, Secretary or the Boston young men's Anti-Slavery Society. gone before us, O our brother, To the spirit-land! Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. Who shall offer youth and beauty On the wa
town have been: William S. Brooks, 1812-1814; Amos Whittemore, 1818-1827; Henry Whittemore, 1831-1834; Isaac Shattuck, Jr., 1835-1839; John Fowle, 1840-1846; Edwin R. Prescott, 1847-1862; Abel R. Pro, 1833; Abel Locke, 1831, 1833, 1837; James Brown, 1831; Joshua Avery, 1832; Jesse Bucknam, 1833, 1834-1838; William Hill, 2d, 1833, 1851, Jr. 1852; Elijah Cutter, 1834; Seth Frost, 1834: Philip Whitt1834; Seth Frost, 1834: Philip Whittemore, 1834, 1835; Bowen Russell, 1835, 1858; Emerson Parks, 1835, 1836; John Jarvis, 1835; William Dickson, 1836; Levi Ingalls, 1837; Henry Whittemore, 1837; Eleazer Homer, 1837, Jr. 1838; Washington1834: Philip Whittemore, 1834, 1835; Bowen Russell, 1835, 1858; Emerson Parks, 1835, 1836; John Jarvis, 1835; William Dickson, 1836; Levi Ingalls, 1837; Henry Whittemore, 1837; Eleazer Homer, 1837, Jr. 1838; Washington J Lane, 1837, 1846, 1847; Abijah Frost, 1838, 1842, 1849-1852, 1854, 1857; George C. Russell, 1838; Timothy Eaton, 1839; Isaiah Jenkins, 1839, 1840; George Prentiss, 1839; Chester Sanderson, 1840; Jo1834, 1835; Bowen Russell, 1835, 1858; Emerson Parks, 1835, 1836; John Jarvis, 1835; William Dickson, 1836; Levi Ingalls, 1837; Henry Whittemore, 1837; Eleazer Homer, 1837, Jr. 1838; Washington J Lane, 1837, 1846, 1847; Abijah Frost, 1838, 1842, 1849-1852, 1854, 1857; George C. Russell, 1838; Timothy Eaton, 1839; Isaiah Jenkins, 1839, 1840; George Prentiss, 1839; Chester Sanderson, 1840; Joseph Hill, 1840, 1842, 1849, 1854; Abbot Allen, 1840; Josiah H. Russell, 1841, 1818, 1854, 185; Adonijah Barnes, 1841; Ebenezer Hovey, 1842; Stephen Symmes, 1842, 1843; David Clark, 1843, 1844, 1856;
Leonard Green, 1832, 1833, 1835.
Joshua Avery, 1834, 1836, 1837.
James Russell, Esq., 1838, 1839 (res
Amos Hill, 1828 (excused).
George Stearns, 1828-34.
Reuben Johnson, 1829-34.
Kimball Farmer, 1832-34.
Kimball Farmer, 1832-34.
David Dodge, 1835-41.
Benjamin Hill, 1835-37.
Mansur W. Marsh, 1839-41, 1843.
Charles Muzzey, 1834.
David Dodge, 1835-41.
Benjamin Hill, 1835-37.
Mansur W. Marsh, 1839-41, 1843.
Charles Muzzey, 1839-41.
Daniel Cady, 1843.
Abbot Allen, 1844.
Thomas P. Peirce, 1844, 1845, 1848.
Silas Frost, 1844, , 1807-25 (1826—excused).
Timothy Wellington, 1826-34.
Henry Whittemore, 1835 (excused).
Isaac Shattuwn for that year.
Timothy Wellington, 1827, 1831, 1834, 1835.
Miles Gardner, 1827.
Walter Russell, 18faithful services as one of the school committee, in 1834.
Rev. F. H. Hedge, 1830, 1832, 1833.
James Nasonac Locke, 1832 (resigned).
George A. Locke, 1833, 1834, 1849.
David Dodge.
1834-38 (excused), 1842 (excus1834-38 (excused), 1842 (excused).
Rev. David Damon, 1836-38.
Henry Whittemore, Esq., 1837, 1838, 1847, 1848.
William Hill, 2d, 1837,
cted to extensive repairs about 1871, at an expense of over $11,000.
The ministers of the Society have been:—Thomas Green, 1783-93; position of minister vacant, 1794-1818; Benjamin C. Grafton, 1818-23; John Ormsby, 1824-27; Ebenezer Nelson, 1828-34; Appleton Morse and Charles Miller, 1834-38;
So given in the Arlington Baptist Church Book, but not recognized as such in the Massachusetts Registers of the time. Timothy C. Tingley, 1838-45; George J. Carleton, 1845-51; Joseph Banvard, 1851-53;1834-38;
So given in the Arlington Baptist Church Book, but not recognized as such in the Massachusetts Registers of the time. Timothy C. Tingley, 1838-45; George J. Carleton, 1845-51; Joseph Banvard, 1851-53; Samuel B. Swaim, 1854-62; John Duncan, 1863-64; Amos Harris, 1865-75; Charles H. Spaulding, 1876-79.
Universalist Society.—A Society of this denomination appears to have existed in the town as early as 1832, but without a regular established organization till Aug. 13, 1840, when it was voted to build a meeting-house, and a Society was organized under the name of the First Universalist Society in West Cambridge.
The subscribers to a fund for building a Universalist meeting-house in the t