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Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 1 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 1 1 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Louisiana, 1864 (search)
S--3d Cavalry. May 4-5: Engagement, David's Ferry, Red RiverOHIO--56th Infantry; Steamer "Covington" destroyed; Gunboat "Signal" and Transport "Warner" captured. May 5: Engagement, Dunn's BayouU. S. Navy. May 5: Action, NatchitochesMISSOURI--Battery "A," 1st Light Arty. OHIO--56th Infantry. May 5: Action, Graham's PlantationINDMay 5: Action, NatchitochesMISSOURI--Battery "A," 1st Light Arty. OHIO--56th Infantry. May 5: Action, Graham's PlantationINDIANA--46th, 47th, 49th and 69th Infantry. IOWA--24th, 28th and 34th Infantry. KENTUCKY--22d Infantry. OHIO--16th and 114th Infantry. WISCONSIN--29th Infantry. May 6: Skirmish, Bayou LaMourieILLINOIS--119th Infantry. INDIANA--9th Indpt. Battery Light Arty.; 52d and 89th Infantry. May 6: Skirmish, Boyce's PlantationILLINOIS--41st, May 5: Action, Graham's PlantationINDIANA--46th, 47th, 49th and 69th Infantry. IOWA--24th, 28th and 34th Infantry. KENTUCKY--22d Infantry. OHIO--16th and 114th Infantry. WISCONSIN--29th Infantry. May 6: Skirmish, Bayou LaMourieILLINOIS--119th Infantry. INDIANA--9th Indpt. Battery Light Arty.; 52d and 89th Infantry. May 6: Skirmish, Boyce's PlantationILLINOIS--41st, 81st and 95th Infantry. IOWA--3d Infantry. MISSOURI--Battery "M," 1st Light Arty. WISCONSIN--14th and 33d Infantry. May 6: Raid on NapoleonvilleNEW YORK--90th Infantry (Detachment). May 6: Skirmish, Wells' PlantationILLINOIS--41st, 81st and 95th Infantry. IOWA--3d Infantry. MISSOURI--Battery "M," 1st Light Arty. WISCONSIN--14th a
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, North Carolina, 1864 (search)
Skirmish on Trent RoadNEW YORK--23d Cavalry (Detachment). May 4-6: Operations about Newberne, and in Albemarle SoundRHODE ISLAND--5th Heavy Arty. and U. S. Navy. May 5: Skirmish, CroatonRHODE ISLAND--5th Heavy Arty. (Co. "A"). U. S. Gunboats "Ceres," "Sassacus," "Commodore Hull," "Miami," "Seymour," "Whitehead," "Mattabesett" and "Wyalusing." Union loss, 5 killed, 26 wounded. Total, 31. May 5: Engagement in Roanoke River, with Ram "Albemarle"  May 5: Skirmish, South Side Trent RiverNEW YORK--3d Light Arty. RHODE ISLAND--5th Heavy Arty. and U. S. Navy. May 26: Torpedo Explosion, Batchelder's CreekNEW YORK--132d and 158th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--58th InfaMay 5: Skirmish, South Side Trent RiverNEW YORK--3d Light Arty. RHODE ISLAND--5th Heavy Arty. and U. S. Navy. May 26: Torpedo Explosion, Batchelder's CreekNEW YORK--132d and 158th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--58th Infantry. Union loss, 35 killed, 19 wounded. Total, 54. June 20-23: Expedition from Batchelder's Creek to near KinstonCONNECTICUT--15th Infantry. NEW YORK--12th Cavalry (Co's "B," "D"); Battery "C" 3d Light Arty.; 132d Infantry. Union loss, 1 killed, 3 missing. Total, 4. June 20-25: Expedition against Wilmington & Weldon R. R.NEW YOR
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1864 (search)
4: Skirmish, Bermuda HundredUNITED STATES--4th Colored Infantry. May 4: Affair, Callaghan's StationOHIO--34th Infantry. May 5: Combat, Parker's StoreMAINE--7th Infantry. NEW YORK--5th Cavalry; 43d, 49th and 77th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--61st Infantery Light Arty. PENNSYLVANIA--5th and 11th Cavalry. For loss see Kautz's Raid on Richmond and Danville R. R., May 12-17. May 5: Skirmishes, Birch Island BridgesDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--1st Cavalry. NEW YORK--3d Cavalry; 8th Indpt. Battery Light Arty. PENNSYLVANIA--5th and 11th Cavalry. Union loss, 10 killed, wounded and missing. May 5: Capture of Fort Powhatan, James RiverNEW YORK--Battery "M" 3d Light Arty. UNITED STATES--10th and 37th Colored Infantry. May 5: Combat, Craig's Meeting HouseCONMay 5: Combat, Craig's Meeting HouseCONNECTICUT--1st Cavalry. ILLINOIS--8th Cavalry (Detachment). INDIANA--3d Cavalry. NEW YORK--2d and 8th Cavalry. PENNSYLVANIA--18th Cavalry. VERMONT--1st Cavalry. UNITED STATES--Battery "M" 2d Arty., Battery "C & E" 4th Arty. Union loss, 50 killed, wou
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, West Virginia, 1864 (search)
th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "B," 5th Arty. April 10: Skirmish, Little CacaponPENNSYLVANIA--54th Infantry (Co. "K"). May 2-19: Expedition (Crook's) against Virginia & Tennessee R. R.KENTUCKY--1st Battery Light Arty. OHIO--12th, 23d, 34th (Detachment), 36th and 91st Infantry; 1st Indpt. Battery Light Arty. PENNSYLVANIA--3d and 4th Reserve Infantry. WEST VIRGINIA--5th and 7th Cavalry; 9th, 11th, 14th and 15th Infantry. May 3: Raid on BulltownWEST VIRGINIA--6th Infantry (Detachment). May 5: Raid on Baltimore & Ohio R. R. between Bloomfield and PiedmontILLINOIS--Battery "L," 1st Light Arty. (1 gun); 23d Infantry (Detachment). May 5-19: Raid (Averill's) on Virginia & Tennessee R. R.OHIO--34th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--14th Cavalry. WEST VIRGINIA--1st, 2d and 3d Cavalry. May 6: Skirmish, PrincetonOHIO--12th Infantry (Cos. "A," "D"). May 9: Affair, HalltownPicket Attack. May 10: Skirmish, Lost River GapPENNSYLVANIA--22d Cavalry. May 10: Skirmish, Newbern BridgeOHIO--91st Infant
T. M. Bryan, Jr Col. 18th Penn. CavalryApr. 30, 1864, to May 5, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 18th Penn. CavalryFeb. 12, 1864, to Apr. 12, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac
John S. Crocker Col. 93d N. Y. InfantryMay 5, 1864, to May 18, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
Alexander Hays Brigadier GeneralApr. 17, 1863, to Apr. 26, 1863. 3d Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, Twenty-Second Army Corps, Department of Washington Brigadier GeneralDec., 1862, to Feb., 1863. 3d Brigade, Casey's Division, Military District of Washington, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralFeb. 2, 1863, to Apr. 17, 1863. 3d Brigade, Casey's Division, Twenty-Second Army Corps, Department of Washington Brigadier GeneralJan. 4, 1864, to Feb. 10, 1864. 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralJune 28, 1863, to Aug. 15, 1863. 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMarch 25, 1864, to May 5, 1864.Killed.2d Brigade, 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 6, 1863, to June 26, 1863. 3d Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, Twenty-Second Army Corps, Department of Washington Brigadier GeneralSept. 6, 1863, to Dec. 14, 1863. 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Po
John R. Kenly Brigadier GeneralApr. 2, 1864, to May 5, 1864. District of Delaware., Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralDec. 13, 1864, to June 1, 1865. District Eastern Shore., Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralJan. 5, 1863, to Feb., 1863. Harper's Ferry, Maryland Brigade, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralJanuary 11, 1863, to January 18, 1863. 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralJuly 11, 1863, to March 24, 1864. 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralJune 5, 1865, to July 31, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralMarch 24, 1865, to June 5, 1865. District of Delaware., Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralMarch 27, 1863, to June 26, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department Brigadier GeneralMay 16, 1864, to July 20, 1864. 3d Separate Brigade, Eighth Army Corps
John B. McIntosh Brigadier GeneralAug. 6, 1864, to Sept. 19, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, Department of the Shenandoah Col. 3d Penn. CavalryFeb. 17, 1863, to May 13, 1863. 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 3d Penn. CavalryJan. 9, 1864, to May 2, 1864. Cavalry Division, Camp Stoneman., 11th and 20th U. S. Reserve Corps, Department of Washington Col. 3d Penn. CavalryJune 11, 1863, to Oct. 1, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 3d Penn. CavalryMay 5, 1864, to Aug. 6, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Poto
24, 1864. District of Florida., Department of the South Brigadier GeneralJuly 6, 1863, to July 19, 1863. Seymour's 2d Division, Department of the South Brigadier GeneralJune 18, 1862, to June 30, 1862. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralJune 30, 1862, to Aug. 26, 1862. 3d Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 16, 1862, to June 12, 1862. 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Department of the Rappahannock Brigadier GeneralMay 5, 1864, to May 6, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralOct. 18, 1863, to Nov. 10, 1863. U. S. Forces Morris Island, S. C., Department of the South Brigadier GeneralOct. 19, 1864, to Dec. 6, 1864. 3d Division, 2d Division, Sixth Army Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, Department of the Shenandoah Brigadier GeneralSept. 12, 1862, to Sept. 17, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Second Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier