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The Pretest of the Democratic members of the New Hampshire Legislature against appropriations for war against the South. During the session of the New Hampshire Legislature, in June last, ninety-one members of that body protested against the passage of the bill making appropriations for war against the South. The circumstance was noticed at the time as a favorable indication, though it had no effect upon the bloody-minded Black Republicans of the North. We append the protest of these ninety-one true men, which is as eloquent in language as truthful in sentiment: The undersigned claim their constitutional right of entering upon the journal of the House this their protest against the passage of a bill entitled an "act to aid in the defence of the country," with the following, their reasons' herefor: 1.Because the bill compels us to approve, ratify, and confirm "all payments made by the Governor and Council, or by their authority and direction, in order to furnish troo
The crops. --In a recent trip through Russell, Scott, Lee and Wise, we took pains to inquire as to the prospect of the crops. Rye, Oats and Wheat are all harvested. The Wheat crop is represented to be one of the finest ever raised. The Rye is equally good, but the dry weather in June cut short the Oats: though generally well filled and heavy, the straw is short. The prospect for Corn is unusually fine. Having heard many conflicting reports from farmers in this county, we are unprepared to venture an opinion as to the general result.--Abingdon Dem.
e from Port Spain, Trinidad, to the effect that the privateer Sumter had put into that port to coal, and also to land the captain of the bark Joseph Maxwell, of Philadelphia, which vessel was taken as a prize by the Sumter off Porto Cabello. The U. S. steamer Hoystone State, Scott, commander, sailed from St. Thomas on the 8th instant in search of privateers. Mr. Henry Knowles, master of the schooner Transit, of New London, Connection, which was captured off Hatteras Inlet, on the of June, by the rebel steamer Winslow, arrived in New York on Wednesday from Liverpool, in the British steamship Edinburg. After their capture, Capt. K. and crew, (three in number, two having joined the privateer,) were taken to Newbern, N. C., where they were discharged on parole. Fortunately they were enabled to ship on a New Orleans vessel at Wilmington, N. C., bound to Liverpool, and from thence reached New York. An Irish view — the Black horse cavalry supposed to be negroes. [From the G
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], One hundred and Fifty Dollars reward. (search)
$100 reward. --Ran away from the subscriber, on the 6th inst., at Vienna, Virginia, a mulatto boy named Sam. Said boy is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white Oznaburg pants and a checked shirt, no coat; is rather slow spoken; no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said boy in effecting his escape; or twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--1m* of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
$100 reward, --Ran away from the subscriber, on the 6th inst., at Vienna. Virginia, a mulatto boy named Sam, Said boy is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white Osnaburg pants and a checked shirt, no coat; is rather slow spoken; no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said boy in effecting his escape; or twenty-five dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--1m* Of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
$100 reward, --Ran away, from the subscriber, on the 6th inst., at Vienna, Virginia, a mulatto boy named Sam. said boy is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white Osnaburg pants and a checked shirt, no coat; is rather slow spoken; no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said boy in effecting his escape; or twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--lm* Of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
The Daily Dispatch: September 13, 1861., [Electronic resource], A French correspondent's view of the war in America. (search)
One hundred Dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th instant, at Vienna, Virginia, a Mulatto Boy named Sam. Said Boy is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white oznaburg pants and a cheeked shirt; no coat; is rather slow spoken; no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said Boy in effecting his escape; or twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--1m* Of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
One hundred Dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th instant, at Vienna, Virginia, a Mulatto Boy named Sam. Said Boy is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white oznaburg pants and a checked shirt; no coat; is rather slow spoken; no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said Boy in effecting his escape; or twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--1m* of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
One hundred Dollars Reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th instant, at Vienna, Virginia a Mulatto Boy named Sam. Said Boy is about 26 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. He had on when he left a pair of white oznaburg pants and a checked shirt; no coat; is rather slow spoken, no particular marks remembered. The above reward will be given for sufficient proof to convict any white person of assisting said Boy in effecting his escapes; or Twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his safe delivery either to myself or in any jail where I can get him. A. K. Tribble, au 27--1m* Of the 3d Reg't S. C. Vols.
Northern Texas for unsoundness on the Southern question. A Mr. Esry, of Capt. Brinson's company, was hung for another and different offence, but one as bad and as shocking to every sense of manliness. Affairs in San Antonio.--From the San Antonio News, of the 18th ult., we cull the following items: A soldier was shot here yesterday for desertion. In attempting to arrest him, a Mexican was also shot and killed by a soldier, a mile from town. A woman in this town died on the 6th inst., named Gambert from a wound inflicted by her husband with a large butcher knife. Her husband made his escape. Cart loads of cotton are daily passing through this place into Mexico, whose ports are virtually blockaded by Lincoln. San Antonio presents quite an active appearance, with troops constantly arriving and departing. Flour is selling here at $6 to $8 per hundred lbs. Pork 8 cents per lb. Bacon 12 to 15 cents per lb. Coffee and sugar scarce, but money plenty; change for