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motion, allowed to practice in the Court. Joseph Parrish, a white man, and former resident of the State Prison, was tried by jury for a violent assault committed on Geo. W. Gillespie on a canal boat, and being found guilty, was fined $5. Besides the finding of the jury, the Court awarded him 60 days imprisonment in the common jail. Thos. J. Pitts was tried and convicted of an assault on George W. Murray, and fined $10 by a jury. The Court overruled a motion for a new trial, and he thereupon paid the fine. John Hughes, for a violent assault (nearly amounting to felony) committed on the person of Joseph M. Humphreys, was fined $150, and ordered to be imprisoned till the same be paid. A prosecution against Granville Montelle, for an assault on Michael Long, was dismissed on his paying costs of Court. Moses McDewitt, charged with stealing a quantity of rope belonging to Haxall, Crenshaw & Co., gave $200 bail for his appearance at the next term, and was released.
Arrived, Steamer Virginia, Kelly, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Schr. Gallego, Smith, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Julia Main, Preston, (18 days,) Attakapas, sugar and molasses, C. T. Wortham & Co. Schr. J. W. L. Sturgess, Scott, Eastern Shore, oats and potatoes, A. Millspaugh. Schr. Jenny Lind, Gausegan, Eastern Shore, oats and potatoes, A. Millspaugh. Schr. Andrew Armstrong, Matthews, Norfolk, plaster, Libby & Burton. Sailed, Schr. Burdett Hart, Harding, Rio, flour, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Industry, --, down the river, light. Memoranda. Sailed in company schr. Julia Main schr. Wm. Paxton for this port, January 31, off Sombrero Key. Spoke schr. Ross, from Matanzas, for Boston.
Port of Richmond, March 2, 1861.high water this day (Monday) at 10½ o'clk. Arrived, Schr And. Armstrong, Matthews, James River, wheat, Dunlop, Moncure & Co. Schr Mary Eliza, Moorecock, James River, wheat, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Sailed, Steamer Pocahontas, Travers, Baltimore, mdze. and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Schr William Paxson, Steverson, Charleston, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr W. W. Griffin, Rose, Norfolk, produce. Schr New York, Cornwall, down the river, light. Schr Osceola, Wilson, down the river, light. Schr Sea Gull, Warren, down the river, light
tchard, Balt., mdz. And passengers, D. & W. Currie. schr. Problem, Tyler, Philadelphia, coal, G. W. Yager. schr. Beverly, Blanche, Halifax, fish, Bacon & Baskervill. schr. Sarah Willets, Smith, Philadelphia, coal, Poitiaux & Botts. schr. Magnolia, Nickerson, Boston, mdz., D. & W. Currie. schr. Oneida, Warren, N. Y., ice, B. Wardwell & Co. schr. S. P. Townsend, Hall, Cherrytown, oats and wheat, Bridgford & Co. sailed, Brig. Linda, Eschen, Rio Grande, S. A., flour, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Mary, Turner, down the river light. New York, March 9.--Cl'd schr. Grapeshot, Norfolk, Ar'd schr. Magnet, City Point; Julia Maine, Norfolk. Alexandria, March 9.--Ar'd schr. Fleetwood, Norfolk. Charleston, March 8.--Ar'd schr. Moses Van Name, Norfolk. Passengers arrived per Steamship Yorktown, Parish, Master, from New York: Miss Hines. Geo. Whitfield. Jno. F. Whitfield, W. J. Halsev, M. Cook, lady and child, Miss Tiers, C. B. Wolverton, Wm. Callow, Jas
Supreme Court of Appeals. --The following decisions have been rendered by this Court since our last report: Murphy vs. McCourt. Argued by Robt. R. Collier for the appellant, and John Lyon for the appellee. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Petersburg affirmed. Crenshaw, &c., vs. Crenshaw's adm'r, &c. Argued by C. G. Griswold for the appellant, and August & Randolph for the appellee.--Decree of the Circuit Court of the county of Hanover affirmed. Epes vs. Williams' ex'or, and others. Argued by Wm. T. Joynes for the appellants, and James Alfred Jones and John Lyon for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Petersburg affirmed. Cockerel vs. Flowerree's adm'r, and others. Argued by Messrs. Tucker " Patton for the appellants, and Arthur A. Morson and R. E. Scott for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Fauquier county reversed. The Court adjourned to the 5th day of April next.
. Alexander. Applegate, Baltimore, guano, Hacon & Baskerville. Schr. Butterfly, Hubbard, Baltimore, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Schr. R. C. Stanard, Booze, Baltimore, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. S. & D. Harrington, Saunders, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Mountaineer, Kervy, Western Shore, tiles. City Railroad Company. Schr. Samuel Kirwan, New York,--, S. MoGruder's Sons. sailed. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdze. and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Bark Abigall, McFarland, Rio, dour, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Myers, Rhoades, Boston, Mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Access, Burnett, down the river, light.
The Freshet. --The river, though very high yesterday, did not rise within three feet of its greatest height in 1847. Communication was out off between Mayo's bridge and Vauxhall Island, and the latter could only be reached by boats. Haxall, Crenshaw & Co's flour mill, and the Manchester cotton and flour mills, were compelled to suspend work, owing to the flood. The stone embankment above the Danville depot was entirely submerged, and the water was nearly on a level with the stone embankment built to protect the lower end of Mayo's new warehouse; while a connection was formed between the Dock and river, some distance further down, on the line of 11th street. All the island and low ground below Rocketts, (as, indeed, a great part of that section of the city,) were covered with water. The companion to the "Virginia Dare," now building on the South side of the river, was introduced to her "natural element" before her builders would be willing to send her forth to "glide the water
Port of Richmond,April 16, 1861. high water this day (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock. Sailed. Steamer Virginia, Kelly, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Schr. John L. Redner, Cordery, New York, mdze., W., D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Butterfly, Hubbard, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Corno, Holbrook, New York, coal, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Alvarado, Slover, Norfolk, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. R. P. King, Leeds, down the river, light. Schr. Nelly D., Studdams, Stamford, coal, Midlothian Co. Schr. Angeline Vanclief, Lemond, down the river, light. Schr. Canvoy, Merrill, down the river, light. Schr. Rough and Ready, Moore, down the river, light. Schr. Florida, Hayes, down the river, light. Schr. Mary Jane,--, down the river, light. Brig Jaffa, (Br.,) Douglass, Halifax, flour, Hax-all, Crenshaw & Co.
t present occupied by the State, it was giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and was treason. He felt it to be his duty to remand the prisoner, as one of the guardians of the public safety and peace. The prisoner solicited his release on the grounds of ignorance of the meaning of the words Black Republican, &c. He was very drunk when he used them. He could not read — was born and brought up near Ellicott's Mills, in Maryland--was a good citizen, and worked prior to his arrest for Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. The plea of the prisoner did not avail. He was sent down as an enemy of the public peace. A man calling himself Wm. H. Frear, was also arraigned, charged with being a person of suspicious character--one having feelings and sympathies with the North. Mr. John W. Davies testified that he had heard Frear use words in conversation calculated to produce that impression on his mind. He had vaunted the superiority in numbers and efficiency of Northern troops, and said that if Lincoln
the foe. It would not consent like that prudent captain in the fable, to bid the gallant troops of the Confederacy go and fight. It preferred to say, come and do battle with us. It longed to be in the very midst of events, in the bosom of the army. It has done wisely; it has behaved gallantly; Virginia welcomes it with outstretched arms and swelling hearts. President Davis is here, worn with labor, but nerved to the high duties of his responsible position. The spacious mansion of Mr. Crenshaw, on Leigh and Thirteenth sts, the one built by Dr. Brockenbrough, has been taken for his residence. That is to be the White House of the South. There will his gifted lady, not less talented and intellectual than himself, dispense the refined hospitalities which befit the residence of the chief man and loftiest statesman of all the South. Richmond may felicitate herself upon the acquisition she has made, in the families of the President and Cabinet, to her social and fashionable circles