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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
n Buffalo, N. Y. Richardson, Richard C., Assistant Surgeon. Nov. 4, ‘63, ordered to report to E. A. F., Medical-Director. Dec. 1, ‘63, ordered to report to General Hardee. Dec. 30, ‘63, relieved from present duty, and ordered to report to E. K. Smith. Richardson, D. T., Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Macon, Miss., Dec. 2, ‘63. Sept. 30, ‘63, 7th Texas Regiment. April 30, ‘64, 7th Texas Regiment. Rice, M. J., Assistant Snrgeon. April 30, ‘64, 17th Alabama Regiment. Roberts, Dearing J., Assistant Surgeon (promoted). Passed Board Nov. 24, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 20th Tennessee Regiment. Passed Board at Shelbyville, Sr. Surgeon, June 6, 63. June 30, ‘63, 20th Tennessee Regiment. Roper, J. P., contract $80, $100, made Feb. 15, ‘63, by J. P. Logan, Nov. 8, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Atlanta, Ga. Jan'y 31, ‘63, Gate City Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Roy, G. G., Assistant Surgeon. Dec. 31, ‘62, Provost Battalion, Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 31, ‘63, Roy Hospital, Atlanta.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Forty-Ninth N. C. Infantry, C. S. A. [from the Charlotte, N. C., Observer, October 20, 27, 1895.] (search)
firing a shot from small arms or artillery. On the night of the 2d the column retraced its steps through the deep, muddy swamp roads, illuminated by the blazing pine trees, whose turpentine boxes had caught from the camp-fires on the way down. The next expedition, after returning to our winter quarters, was from Weldon, via Franklin and South Mills, in the direction of Norfolk. The enemy was met along the Dismal Swamp canal, driven in after the capture of a number of prisoners by Colonel Dearing in command of the cavalry, and the capture of Norfolk threatened. This march was made in very severe weather, in the early part of March, 1864. It was immediately succeeded by the attack on and capture of Suffolk, on March 9th, 1864. This was a most exciting little affair, in which our troops met negro soldiers for the first time. Quick work was made of their line of battle, and their retreat was soon converted into a runaway. Their camps were hastily abandoned, arms thrown away, a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
n in on our wagon-train near Flat Creek, burned many wagons, and scattered Lamkin's mortars, which were being transported in wagons along the road. The familiar occupation of Lamkin and his boys was gone, but they readily dropped into other arms of the service as they had changed from field to mortar battery before, and faced the enemy again on the last day at Appomattox. Immortal foot cavalry. At Amelia Springs young James Rutherfoord, assistant inspector-general on the staff of General Dearing, was killed, and I saw his bleeding body brought past, lying across his saddle, followed and supported by one of his brother staff-officers, weeping bitterly over the limp form of his young friend. That night, as I lay upon the ground with a few dying embers close by, and was trying to get to sleep, but could not on account of the thoughts that kept crowding my mind, those inspired by the momentous events then passing, jostling those that came welling up from childhood's memories, as
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The career of Wise's Brigade, 1861-5. (search)
from battery No. 1 below the city to the plank road. The 46th and 26th were posted on the left from battery No. 1 to battery No. 6; tho 34th from battery No. 14 in the centre, and the Georgia battalion and the militia and irregular forces on the extreme right. Whilst in this position, the enemy numbering 22,200, including Hincks' corps of colored troops, commanded by (Wm. F.) Baldy Smith, advanced from City Point and Cobbs, at 3:30 o'clock A. M., and attacked Graham's battery and some of Dearing's cavalry below our line on the river road, by 8 A. M. on the 15th of June, 1864, and advanced in a body upon our left, from No. 1 to No. 5 where the worst constructed line of the war made a sharp salient angle, leaving the most commanding ground outside of our line in front. The battle was pressed hard upon the left until about 1 P. M., without making an impression, but our whole force had to be closed to the left, and at that hour a portion of the enemy deployed and advanced upon our cen
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
cils held by their superior officers. It was known that the government was preparing to build boats on the Neuse river at Kinston; in fact, one was under way. The movement was finally made, the forces engaged on the south of the Neuse river, consisting of Generals Hoke's and Clingman's North Carolina brigades and a portion of Corse's brigade, with the 38th battalion of artillery, consisting of the Richmond Fayette artillery, Caskie's battery, Stribling's battery and Latham's battery; General Dearing, with his cavalry and three regiments of infantry, was to threaten the north of the Neuse, while Benton's and Terry's Virginia brigades and Matt. Ransom's North Carolina brigade, with some cavalry and artillery, were to move on the Trent road. At the time of issuing of orders for the above movement, the Fayette Artillery, of Richmond, was in winter-quarters at Petersburg. The men had erected good quarters, and were greatly enjoying the rest so much needed by them. In fact, they we
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.22 (search)
kept, and Hoge pulling away. In a very few minutes the whole expanse of water was lighted up, and you may be sure we struck out with a vim to rendezvous at Swift creek, about six miles up the river, on the opposite side from New Bern, where General Dearing had a small cavalry camp. As we were pulling up we could hear now and then the boom of the guns of the Underwriter as they were discharged by heat from the burning ship, and just before reaching our landing place we heard the awful explosioall of them brought away. Two were missing and afterwards accounted for. The Federal loss was nine killed, eighteen wounded and nineteen prisoners—about thirty of her crew escaped. The wounded and prisoners were promptly taken care of by General Dearing's command, and sent up to Kinston. Captain Wood proceeded to Richmond at once. As soon as proper arrangements could be made the command was summoned to pay the last rite of burial of the dead. At three o'clock in the afternoon, under the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
ordered his staff-officers, four in number (Major Charles Pickett, Captain Baird, Captain Symington and myself), to Generals Armistead, Garnett and Kemper, and to Dearing's Artillery Battalion, which earlier in the day had been ordered to follow up the charge and keep its caissons full. Orders to the other staff officers I did notolonel Williams fell earlier in the fight. His mare went up rideless almost to the stone wall and was caught when walking back by Captain William C. Marshall, of Dearing's Battalion. His own horse, Lee, having been killed, he rode Colonel Williams' mare away after the fight. When I returned to General Pickett from giving the ordme into line of battle, sweep around our flank and shut us up. He said, I have been watching my left all the time, expecting this, but it is provided for. Ride to Dearing's Battalion; they have orders to follow up the charge and keep their caissons filled; order them to open with every gun and break that column and keep it broken.
Baton Rouge and seized all the excellent arms and war material there contained. Thus was the State relieved in twelve hours of the U. S. troops, and enriched by the possession of the largest ordnance buildings in the country — the property and military debris of which has been estimated at three millions of dollars. The artillery are excellently officered--Major Walton, who is greatly and deservedly estimated by this men, having been engaged in the Mexican war, while Capt. Rosser and Lieuts. Dearing and Garnet are graduates of West Point Military School. Capt. Rosser is highly appreciated for his thorough and practical acquaintance with military science. The standard of the Washington Artillery is very magnificent, and cost $1,000. It was presented by the ladies of New Orleans on the 22d of February last in presence of three thousand troops.--The flag itself is of fine yellow silk, richly embroidered on either side with State and military emblems. The fringe is deep and elegant,
arker, in hand; a J Rice, hand; Jas a Hogan, severely in shoulder; Admire Turner, severely in wrist; Jno W Bibro, severely in shoulder; John L Morris, severely in thigh; Robt D Mitched, slightly in foot; Tazewell Whorley, in back; Uriah Ayers, slightly in hand; Jno H Creasy, severely in knee; Lewis G Creasy, slightly in face; Andrew J Skinnell, severely in shoulder Jesse Stephens, slightly in shoulder; Thos P Williams, slightly in hand and shoulder; Jno D Williams, slightly in hip; Calvin P Dearing, slightly in shoulder: Josiah Williamson, severely in thigh; Jno Roberts, in hand; Milton H Ferguson, severely in shoulder; a L Scott, severely in breast; C S Nance, in arm; Lewis Bates, slightly in leg; Geo R Turner, slightly across the body; and W a Morgan, arm broken. J N Angel and T G Hubbard, missing. Company I--Lieut Gish commanding: Privates a M Brooks, wounded in hand, and Benjamin Gatherie, slightly in shoulder. Company K--Capt Robertson commanding: killed none; Lieut Youn
ter, Corp'l Patterson, Privates Alex Farris, Jas G Richardson, and Wm J Sunpson. Missing: E W Martin. Company F. Capt. Hugh Nelson, commanding.--Wounded: 1st Serg't M M Lowry, Serg't J H Ellis, John C Rucker, Corp'l M V Shelton, Privates Thos Pucket, Thos Monroe, J B Tanner, John R Wilson, L B Wright. A P Wright, W H Mitchell, Gharles Padget, M B Claytor, W F Wright, Jno R Ellis. Company G, Lt. Holland, commanding, severely wounded in each thigh. Wounded: Stephen Chaffin, O V B Dearing, R A Foster, R M Johnson, R Mitchell, J D Williams, W A Walker. Missing: W C Creary. Company I Lieut A H Hoge commanding, severely wounded in shoulder.--Killeds Privates Ro S Phillips and Jas Murry. Wounded: Sgt A Lewis, in hand and arm; Corp'ls A Ramsey, arm broken; W L Williamson, arm and leg broken; P W Loyd, slightly in side; Privates Samuel M Brown, slightly in hand; David Collins, in body; Jno W Hix, slightly in shoulder; Jos P Lemon, in hand; O J Moseley, slightly in thigh; W