urch visited Washington, some of them were in Congress.
He wished there were more Christian men there, (Amen.) The ground occupied by the Church South, was the conservative ground — suitable a like to Kansas and Nebraska, to Virginia and to Maryland--(a voice, and Maine,) yes, to Maine, and if anything will suit all New England, to all New England.
It was not proposed to ask any one for a contribution, a quid pro quo was given in every instance, and more than a quid for each quo.
Rev. Mr. Edwards expressed a desire to discuss the question, but said that as the session had already been lengthened, he would prefer to do so to-morrow.
On his motion, the subject was laid on the table.
During the day, in passing the characters of ministers, the name of Wm. P. Twyman was called.
Bishop.--"Anything against Brother Twyman I"
Mr. Ware, P. E.--"Nothing."
Bishop.--"Let him ire".
P. E.--"He has retired from labors to rewards — he is dead!"
Harrison, Hackley, Hunter, Warner T. Jones, Kemper, Locke, Lockridge, Lucas, Magruder, Wm. Martin, Massie, Matthews, Maupin, McCamant, McCue, McDowell, McGruder, John R. Miller, Montague, Morgan, Myers, Newton, Orgain, Patterson, Preston, Rutherford, Saunders, Seddon, Sibert, Isaac N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Tyler, Walker, Ward, Welch, Willcox, Witten, and Woolfolk--63.
Nays.--Messrs. Arnold, Bassel, Bell, Booker, Brown, Burks, Cassin, Childs, Collier, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edwards, Ferrill, Friend, John Gilmer, C. H. Gilmer, Hoffman, Hopkins, Hunt, Leftwich, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, Thomas Martin, McGehee, Medley, Miles, Mong, Morris, Phelps, Pretlow, Pritchard, Richardson, Wyndlram Robertson, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Scott, Shannon, James K. Smith, Tomlin, Arthur Watson, West, Wilson, Wingfield, and Yerby--48.
So the bill was lost, for want of a constitutional majority.
On motion of Mr. Graham, the vote was reconsidered.
On motion of Mr. Chapman, the bill
haer, Kohler & Co.
Schr.John Francis, Frost, James River, lumber, L. J. Mercer & Co.
Schr.Georgeanna, Booth, James River, lumber, J. S. Steverson.
Schr.Charles, Higgins, James River, lumber, J. A. Belvin
Schr.Chief, --,Eastern Shore, oats, A. Milspaugh.
Schr.Surprise, --, Eastern Shore, oats, A. Milspaugh.
Schr. J. W. L. Sturgess, Scott, Eastern Shore, oats.
A. Milspaugh.
Schr.Emma D., Warren, Eastern Shore, oats, A. Milspaugh.
Schr.King William, Fleming, Pamunkey River, wheat, Dunlop, Moncure & Co.
Schr.D. C. Geryther, Kerwin, Norfolk, corn, Stearns & Co.,
Schr.Virginia, Espil, Norfolk, oyster shells.
Schr.Fashion, Huffman, Eastern Shore, oats, A. Milspaugh.
Stoop New Packet, Edwards, Smithfield, corn, W. H. Pleasants.
Schr.Belle Conway, Delany, Petersburg, sugar and molasses, C. T. Wortham & Co.
Schr.Aunie Cole, Crockett, down the river, light.
Schr.William Nelson, Nelson, down the river, light.