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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
ed to that point with the remainder of his army, except General Ewell's division, which with a regiment of cavalry was left ond Longstreet. Jackson was in the Shenandoah Valley, while Ewell, who had been left on the Rappahannock, had retired to Gord line of railroad beyond Manassas to Culpeper Court House. Ewell, who had been on the Rappahannock with his division, was thd fighting appeared to him to be the whole duty of man. General Ewell, it is related, once said he admired Jackson's genius, is front, his flanks protected by the mountain sides, while Ewell was not far away across the mountains in his rear at Gordonackson that if he was strong enough to hold Banks in check, Ewell might, by uniting with Anderson's force between Fredericksb his force with Johnson's, and defeated Milroy and Schenck; Ewell marched then from Gordonsville to the Valley, and Banks feleral commanders, returned with great swiftness, united with Ewell, defeated the Federal forces at Front Royal, and then pushe
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
ry and guard the passes covered by your cavalry and artillery and with your main body, including Ewell's division and Lawton's and Whiting's command, move rapidly to Ashland by rail or otherwise, as Chickahominy as soon as possible in order to pursue. The seizure of the York River Railroad by Ewell's division and a portion of the cavalry under Stuart convinced the Southern commander that McCleon had just occurred from the enemy. The deserter stated that he had left Jackson, Whiting, and Ewell, and fifteen brigades at Gordonsville on the 21st, and that it was intended to attack his [McClehmond would be known. Stonewall Jackson left Lee on July 13th with his old division and that of Ewell's, both having been much weakened by hard marches and severe fighting. One week afterward Mr. Le transportation to Lee of recruits and supplies. On the same day Pope reported to Lincoln that Ewell was at Gordonsville with six thousand men, and Jackson at Louisa Court House, but a few miles di
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 9: Second battle of Manassas. (search)
e. On August 25th Jackson, with three divisions of infantry, under Ewell, A. P. Hill, and W. B. Taliaferro, preceded by Munford's Second Viro at Warrenton Junction, ten miles away. The next day, leaving General Ewell's division at Bristoe to watch and retard Pope's march to open g many others. The remainder beat a hasty retreat. That afternoon Ewell was attacked by Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps, who had bfficer were marching away from Manassas: A. P. Hill to Centreville, Ewell to the crossing of Bull Run at Blackburn Ford, and up the left bankve your division to attack the enemy, said he to Taliaferro; and to Ewell, Support the attack. The slumbering soldiers sprang from the earthis division, he had two regiments of Doubleday's, and fought two of Ewell's and three of Taliaferro's brigades of Jackson's command. A. P. H fell dead almost in each other's arms. Jackson's loss was heavy. Ewell and Taliaferro were both wounded, the former losing a leg, while Ki
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
the best troops of either army, and each claimed the advantage in the engagement which followed. Jackson reached Sharpsburg that morning from Harper's Ferry, and Walker later. At night Hood was relieved by Lawton's and Trimble's brigades of Ewell's division. Jackson's division, under General J. R. Jones, was placed on Lawton's left, supported by the remaining brigades of Ewell, while General Walker with his two brigades was placed on Longstreet's right. The cavalry were located on eitheEwell, while General Walker with his two brigades was placed on Longstreet's right. The cavalry were located on either flank. These are all the troops McClellan would have encountered if he had attacked on the 16th. Anderson's six brigades, McLaws's four, and A. P. Hill's five-making fifteen brigades-did not reach Lee until the 17th. After they had arrived the total infantry amounted to 27,255 men, which, with eight thousand cavalry and artillery, would make Lee's army at Sharpsburg 35,255. General Lee told the writer he fought the battle with 35,000 troops. Mc-Clellan reports he had in action, on t
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
he corps-commanded respectively by Longstreet, Ewell, and A. P. Hill. Ewell had been next in commaEwell had been next in command to Jackson, participating in the glories of his Valley campaign, and maintaining his reputation graduated at West Point seven years later than Ewell, and was an artillery officer in the United Stailroad from re-enforcing Milroy. On the 13th Ewell was in line of battle in front of Winchester, ssary and quartermaster stores were captured. Ewell then entered Maryland. How very daring these e thought it possible that fifteen thousand of Ewell's men can now be at Winchester? and later telr three into Maryland and take position on General Ewell's right. The same day Ewell was ordered tn your means, capture it. Stuart was to go to Ewell's right flank on the Susquehanna, provided (Leand that he must move on and feel the right of Ewell's troops, then marching toward the Susquehannaver the river into Maryland and Pennsylvania. Ewell, the first of the invaders, with Jenkins's cav[7 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
0. Total, 22,982. Confederates-Two thirds of Ewell's corps, two thirds of Hill's-four divisions-2rdered Walter Taylor, of his staff, to ride to Ewell and tell him to move on and occupy them, but t make his order for pursuit positive. He says Ewell was directed to pursue if practicable. Had Ewe against the victorious seventeen thousand of Ewell and Hill, and two hours must elapse before the house on the Carlisle road north of the town, Ewell, Early, and Rodes. The Confederate commanduced to send Colonel Venable, of his staff, to Ewell at sunrise to see whether, after viewing the pindeed, Meade was then massing there to attack Ewell. Later, Lee rode there himself, not wishing o a genuine attack if opportunity offered; but Ewell's infantry were under fire as soon as the bug After the partial success there, Lee directed Ewell to assault with his whole corps. Johnson on the facts, for, in addition to what was said to Ewell, Early, and Pendleton, he told Governor Carrol[18 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
r home of himself and personal staff, and with Ewell's corps, two detached brigades, and two divisirant at right angles, who was marching south. Ewell was on the former and Hill moved on the latter Court House to protect his moving column, and Ewell, coming down the pike about this time, met andhe plank road Hill's left did not connect with Ewell's right. Getty's division, Sixth Union Corps,s progress, and then Hancock's corps arrived. Ewell and Warren had their encounter, and then Hancoghting. Warren gained ground at first against Ewell, but was in turn driven back with the loss of , Warren, Burnside (now up), and Hancock faced Ewell and Hill, while Longstreet was rapidly marchinoon sixteen miles. The next day, when Hill and Ewell were fighting, he resumed his march, lost his , some ten miles in the rear of where Hill and Ewell had been fighting, broke camp at 12.30 A. M. o same afternoon Gordon, with three brigades of Ewell's corps, made a successful assault on Sedgwick[6 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
ething must be attempted. In the midst of the gathering gloom, Lee once more attempted to diminish the troops in his front by threatening the Federal capital. Ewell, suffering from the loss of his leg, had relinquished the command of his corps to Early, and with eight thousand muskets this officer had been sent, as already stat loss to him. Grant was present urging Birney forward, but the canister and musketry fire broke his advancing lines and caused them to fall back in confusion. Ewell was in command of the local troops on the north side, Lee joined him during the day, and at 2 P. M. on the 30th directed an assault on Fort Harrison with five brigpickets fifty yards apart. General Gordon, an officer always crammed with courage and fond of enterprise, was selected to make the attack with his corps (formerly Ewell's) and parts of Longstreet's and Hill's and a detachment of cavalry. His object was to capture the fort, thrust the storming party through the gap, and seize thre
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 15: evacuation of Richmond and the Petersburg lines.--retreat and surrender. (search)
the same point, via Chesterfield Court House. Ewell, commanding the troops in front of Richmond, Krating. In obedience to a law of Congress, Ewell, in command at Richmond, had made arrangementsfternoon of the 5th. The last of Lee's force, Ewell, it will be remembered, did not reach Amelia Cy early on the 5th with his whole force except Ewell, over twenty thousand men, and defeated him anas followed by the commands of R. H. Anderson, Ewell, and Gordon, and W. H. F. Lee's cavalry divisim and compelled him to deploy in their front. Ewell followed Anderson across Sailor's Creek, but Gto High Bridge. The Sixth Corps getting up on Ewell's rear, made him face his two divisions about- battalion in rear of his right. Anderson and Ewell were facing in opposite directions, and neitheals Ewell, Custis Lee, Kershaw, and Dubose, of Ewell's. Humphreys's Second Corps in the meantimof further bloodshed ; he had heard, too, that Ewell, then a prisoner, had said that it was the dut[4 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 17: military character. (search)
and left center by his first corps, under D'Erlon, and brought up seventy-eight cannon to fire an hour and a half, at less than a third of a mile from the crest which the English occupied; but D'Erlon was not ordered forward until halfpast one. Ewell, on Lee's left, was ordered to make a demonstration on the Federal right; cannon fired for hours, and then Pickett's assaulting column attempted to pierce the center and left center of the Union lines. Count Reille managed to get nearly the whole of his corps engaged, but effected nothing. Ewell got his troops early in action, but with no results. The fighting of both had terminated before the main operations began. Napoleon's object was to seize Mont St. Jean, in rear of Wellington's center, so as to possess himself of the principal avenue of retreat open to the Britishthe road to Brussels. Lee's object was to get possession of the Baltimore pike and road to Westminster, Meade's chief route of retreat to his base of supplies. D'