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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 30 (search)
ding position. General G. will see this despatch. The battle is quiet now. I think we will be all right until night. I have sent all the trains back. When night comes it can be told better what had best be done. I think we can retire; if not we can fight here, as the ground appears not unfavorable with good troops. I will communicate in a few moments with General Slocum, and transfer the command to him. Howard says that Doubleday's command gave way. Your obedient servant, Winfield S. Hancock, Major General Commanding Corps. General Warren is here. General Butterfield, Chief of Staff. Headquarters army of the Potomac, March 9, 1864. Official copy: Chas. E. Pease, A. A. G. L Headquarters army of the Potomac, July 1, 1863—7 P. M. commanding officer, 5th Corps: The major general commanding directs that you move up to Gettysburg at once upon receipt of this order, if not already ordered to do so by General Slocum. The present prospect is that our genera
6. Greene, George S., II, 91, 92, 94, 101, 359. Gregg, David McM., II, 8, 15, 25, 60, 65, 71, 90, 94, 95, 100, 109, 126, 130, 288, 370, 383. Gregg, M., I, 291, 294. Griffin, Mrs., I, 364. Griffin, Charles, I, 235, 280, 364, 368, 372; II, 231, 268, 281. Grout, W. W., II, 350, 351. Grover, C., I, 286, 289, 293, 315. Gunnell, I, 234. Gurowsky, II, 188. H Hall, Frederick, I, 10. Hall, James A., II, 46, 47. Hampton, Wade, II, 22, 94, 101, 129, 267. Hancock, Winfield S., I, 196; II, 7, 22, 25, 35-41, 54-56, 62-64, 66, 70, 78, 86-88, 92, 95, 96, 100, 104, 108-110, 136, 161, 163, 164, 182, 185, 188-190, 198, 201, 205-209, 212, 214, 215, 219, 222-225, 235, 237, 248, 249, 254, 264, 288, 328, 342, 349, 353, 354, 356-358, 360, 379, 390, 391, 401, 409, 410, 415-419, 422. Hardie, J. A., II, 1, 2. Harding, Geo., I, 336; II, 165, 167, 171, 176, 178, 183, 184, 187, 208, 220, 253, 266. Harding, Mrs. Geo., II, 266. Hare, George Harrison, I, 69. Har
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
Smith's division. D. E. Works occupied by Hancock's brigade. mained to cover the trains. When,elected. Davidson's brigade was also under Hancock's command at this time, and he detailed for tenant Crowen's New York battery of six guns. Hancock's Official Report. Making a wide detour to thsuccessful attack afterwards made on Hancock. Hancock had thus seized, proved to be a very importanemed to be occupied by at least some force. Hancock put his battery into position to play upon thng him to fall back to his first position. Hancock: Report of Williamsburg. Hancock, appreciatinHancock, appreciating the commanding importance of his position, delayed doing so as long as possible. But about five loss was heavy, numbering over five hundred; Hancock's total loss was one hundred and twenty-nine. arms. But Williamsburg was really won., for Hancock held the key of the position; and during thelly done at last by the flank movement of General Hancock, who, with slight loss, determined the is[5 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 6 (search)
ing that flank. This manoeuvre was, however, frustrated by the skill and promptitude of Colonel Cross of the Fifth New Hampshire (Caldwell's brigade), who, detecting the danger, moved his regiment towards the menaced point. Between his command and the Confederate force there then ensued a spirited contest—each endeavoring to reach the high ground, and both delivering their fire as they marched in parallel lines by the flank. Report of Richardson's division. (This report is made by General Hancock, who was assigned to the command on the field of Antietam-General Richardson having been mortally wounded during the forenoon.) The race was won by Cross. The effort to flank on the right was handsomely checked by Brooke, French, and Barlow—the latter of whom, changing front with his two regiments obliquely to the right, poured in a rapid fire, compelling the surrender of three hundred prisoners with two standards. A vigorous direct attack was then made, and the troops succeeded in ca
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 7 (search)
, Lieutenant-Colonel Bull, of Zook's brigade, Hancock's division, Couch's corps. Several hours passtown at noon, to be followed and supported by Hancock's division. Couch: Report of Fredericksburth New York.—Couch: Report of Fredericksburg. Hancock's division followed and joined the advance of French. Hancock's formation was the same as that of French: brigade front with intervals of two from the enemy. Close behind French came up Hancock, and, being joined by such portions of Frenchn immortal minutes. Of the five thousand men Hancock led into action, more than two thousand fell n five-and-twenty paces of the stone wall. Hancock took five thousand and six men into action, arolonged. These were veteran regiments, says Hancock, led by able and tried commanders.—Report of Fredericksburg. To relieve Hancock's and French's hard-pressed battalions, Howard's division now cauosity, and advanced to nearly the same point Hancock had previously reached, close up to the stone[1 more...]<
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 8 (search)
hus gained. The ground on which I had posted Hancock in support of Sykes, was about one and a half, which Sykes had been ordered to abandon. Hancock: Report of Chancellorsville. The force thwith the charge of the skirmish line covering Hancock's front, he so disposed his thin line, well iSaturday and Sunday, were never able to reach Hancock's line of battle. On the 2d of May, says HanHancock, the enemy frequently opened with artillery from the heights towards Fredericksburg, and from attack, while the rest of Slocum's corps and Hancock's division of Couch's corps formed the centreom the remainder of Lee's army, while part of Hancock was thrown back, facing eastward, so as to guancellorsville to attack Slocum, and assailed Hancock with McLaws' division. The latter was repulsand the whole front appeared to pass out, and Hancock, with a portion of Slocum's corps under Gener Chancellorsville House towards the enemy. Hancock's testimony: Report on the Conduct of the War[8 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
oaching shock of the two armies; and on which Hancock, assisted by Generals Howard, Warren, and Bufn, where General Meade still remained. General Hancock reported that the position at Gettysburg isadvantage that it might be turned: in fact, Hancock's representations were such that General Meaden instructed to take position on the left of Hancock, on the same general line, which would draw i out of position. To support that flank, General Hancock sent forward two regiments from Gibbon's ckles was severely wounded, losing a leg. General Hancock hereupon took direction of the Third Corpsecond New York, under Colonel Mallon), which Hancock had sent out to his assistance, finding that rs were killed and wounded. When, therefore, Hancock ordered a counter-charge, the enemy easily gas assault that it fairly thrust itself within Hancock's line. It happened that the full strengthnd among the wounded were Generals Gibbon and Hancock; but the latter did not leave the field till [19 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
three corps--the Second, under Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock, the Fifth, under Major-Generalal between Warren's corps on the turnpike and Hancock's on the plankroad. The Union line of battles cautioned officially to beware of this. Hancock: Report of the Battle of the Wilderness. It wof march, this caused General Meade to retain Hancock's division all day at Todd's Tavern. though e map]. The assigned position was taken up by Hancock on the morning of the 19th, when he received , and preceded by Torbett's cavalry division, Hancock, on the following day, pushed his advance to as savagely assailed on the other side; while Hancock had to fight on the north bank for a crossingorce was drawn up in the order already given— Hancock's corps on the left; then the Sixth Corps; thhe advance of the Sixth Corps on the right of Hancock, and that of Smith on the right of the Sixth,in front of it was the sunken road from which Hancock's left division dislodged the enemy, and then[114 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
force; for he left both General Meade and General Hancock wholly unaware of his design to secure the capture of that place. Hancock was directed to remain at the point at which he had crossed till march during the day, and the circumstance of Hancock's non-arrival at an earlier hour is due exclult was ordered to be made about four P. M. by Hancock and Burnside-Smith on the right to demonstratd Bailey's Creek, where he effectually barred Hancock's approach to Chapin's Bluff. This position they were withdrawn to the intrenchments. As Hancock's instructions were to break up the railroad owed a strong force of cavalry and infantry, Hancock withdrew Gibbon's division within the intrenctail the operations of the detached column of Hancock, whose part in the plan of action has been abalted at Armstrong's Mill. The attack on General Hancock must have occurred while I was near Genervalry, with which they had intended to assail Hancock at daylight of the 28th. The Confederate Gen[81 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
paign, the, 402; reorganized into three corps-Hancock, Sedgwick, and Warren, 410; Sheridan appointe of Pickett's troops, 361; Wilcox's attack on Hancock, and its failure, ends the battle, 362; Lee's assault—the enemy driven on whole line, 509; Hancock and Burnside's renewed assault, 510; Grant conforcing Hancock, 537; Hancock's losses, 538: Hancock's letter to author on the battle. 538. Retrs turning movement across Hatcher's Run, 542; Hancock's isolated position on Boydton plankroad, 542; Hancock withdraws across Hatcher's Run, 546; losses on both sides, 546. Spottsylvania, Grant'see at, and across Grant's line of march, 446; Hancock's unfortunate movement across the Po, 447; res right carried by Upton, but abandoned, 450; Hancock's successful attack on Lee's right centre, 4ition after twenty hours fighting to dislodge Hancock, 454: diary of attempts to pierce Lee's line tack on Hancock interrupted by his fall, 433; Hancock again assaulted by troops of Longstreet and H[19 more...]