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Your search returned 107 results in 58 document sections:
--The theatre re-opens tonight, with Manager Hewitt's new drama, the "Log Fort, " which has been for some time in preparation.
Of course the house will be thronged.
Wells and Company are constantly bringing out novelties for the entertainment of their numerous patrons, at Metropolitan Hall.
Their performances are well worth seeing and hearing.
The "Thespian Family" or Queen Sisters, who recently played a highly successful engagement at the theatre, will open to-night at Franklin Hall.
The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1862., [Electronic resource], How the Yankees stand the climate of South Carolina . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1862., [Electronic resource], A military police. (search)
The Drama.
--Manager Hewitt will open to-night, at Franklin Hall, with the dramatic company of the late Richmond Theatre.
Sheridan's celebrated comedy of "The Rivals," and an amusing piece entitled "Sketches in India," will be produced, and the actors will doubtless exert themselves to retain the good opinion of the public.
Misfortune has overtaken them, but industry and perseverance will soon enable them to work their way out. The stage at Franklin Hall has been enlarged recently, and now affords space enough to get up a play in very good style.
The Daily Dispatch: January 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], Confederate prisoners. (search)
The Varieties.
--The dramatic company at the Varieties having succeeded admirably in the representation of light pieces, will commence this week with discreet selections from the "logitimate drama." Manager Hewitt is entitled to credit for the manner in which he has, under extremely annoying circumstances, furnished the public with pleasing performances at his new play-house.
The entertainments of the week will be diversified by the pretty ballads of M'lle Beisvert, the dances of Miss Mary Partington, and the good music of the orchestra.
The Daily Dispatch: February 18, 1862., [Electronic resource], European News. (search)
--All save one of the actors at the theatre are foreigners, and not, therefore, liable to militia duty.
They have, however, determined to organize in military style and hold themselves in readiness to do their part towards expelling the invader.
Taken all together, the employees of the concern would make quite a respectable company.
No captain has yet been chosen, but the representatives of mimic life would not have to go far to find a man bred to the profession of arms willing to be their leader.
Professor Hewitt, albeit more used of late years to the flow of musical numbers than the clash of resounding arms, is a graduate of the West Point Military Academy, and would be but too happy to don the nor of a son of Mars.
The Varieties.
--A large attendance greets the performances at Prof. Hewitt's cosy little theatre every night, despite the exigencies of the times.
Miss Ella Wren has established her reputation with the play-goers in the several pieces in which she has appeared since her recovery, and is ably seconded by Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. De Bar and others.
Mr. Dalton is playing the leading business in the "legitimate drama" with much skill and success.
His Richard on Friday night was greatly applauded.
Mr. Morton is deservedly a favorite at the Varieties; and so is Mr. Ogden, whose forts is light comedy.
Mr. Toler Wolfe lends his valuable aid to the performances, and, taken collectively, the little theatre on Franklin street presents many attractions to a person who desires to pass an evening pleasantly.
The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Richmond Varieties. (search)
The Richmond Varieties.
--Crowds continue to visit this little Theatre nightly, and the utmost order prevails.
On Monday night, Jessie Crisp Clarke, a daughter of the veteran manager, Captain Crisp, now commanding a battery in the interior, made her debut in this city, and was greeted with applause throughout.
She is a pleasing actress, and a great acquisition to manager Hewitt's corps dramatique. The stock company has also been made more substantial by the addition of Mr. Sam Hubbard.
We are glad to perceive that the "Varieties" is largely patronized by the ladies; their presence saves the police of the establishment much trouble.