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The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1863., [Electronic resource], Proposal for a Confederate Credit mobilizer. (search)
liott & Co. had been chosen to build the Atlantic telegraph. The American protect in regard to Mexico, it was thought, would be presented to the French Government in the course of the week. The King of the Belgians recommended the Archduke Maximilian to insist upon certain conditions before accepting the Mexican crown. These conditions, it was said, were equivalent to a refusal. Upon acceptance, too, his political rights as a scion of the house of Austria will have to be renounced. The Polish question remained without change. A summary of the note appended to the French dispatch to Russia had been published, emphatically maintaining that the three powers have a right to demand the performance of the treaty engagements to ward Poland. The Austrian note says Poland would be tranquil if Russia had performed her engagements, and that Russia ought certainly not to object to a coherence, and in case of doing so Austria would hold Russia responsible for the consequences.
Miscellaneous. A Washington telegram, dated the 24th says that Gen. Meade's army is undoubtedly advancing towards Gordonsville, and a battle is daily looked for. General Lee's force is estimated at forty thousand. Lincoln has removed the blockade of the port of Alexandria, Va. Another Russian frigate had arrived at New York. Five more were expected in the course of a few days. The Baltimore Gazette says, whether they come by accident or for some ulterior purpose are questions it cannot satisfactorily answer. Official information has been received at Washington of the detention of the rams at Birkenhead, by order of the British Government. An official paper at St. Petersburg says that the Czar will adhere to his policy in regard to Poland. Gold advanced on Thursday to 140, but the latest quotation was 138ΒΌ
not yield one jot of its right to the menace of foreign powers. He complimented the Federal Government and Mr. Seward upon the fairness with which they discussed the matters of difference, but said there were others, including Senator Sumner, who had acted differently. He denounced the efforts of those who sought to create trouble between America and Europe, and with expressions of friendship towards America he asserted that all his efforts would be to maintain peace. Speaking of Poland, he defended England's position and remonstrated against that of Russia, but did not think that England should go to war on the subject. As regards Mexico, he thought that if the Mexicans approved of what was being done for them they should be allowed to do so. The London Times says Earl Russell in this speech is interpreted as meaning that the vessels will be detained, even if the existing law is in their favor, and Parliament be called to pass measures for the purpose. European
eve the fact, in spite of all that unscrupulous politicians like Russell may assert for diplomatic purposes, or all that the mad bulls of Bashan may roar forth from Exeter Hall. It does not militate at all against this fact that England is unwilling to go to war with the United States. Nations are governed by their interests, not their sympathies, and England may well wish us success, and yet recoil from the dangers which she sees in a state of war. Who doubts that she sympathizes with Poland, but will her Government go to war with Russia on that account?--Sympathy, which bears no fruits, may be a very unprofitable thing, but it is better than hatred. It has at least a moral weight in the contest, and may in the end produce practical results. Such as it is, the fact of English sympathy with the Southern cause is undeniable, and we do not know that it is more barren than the sympathies of a good many of our own people, who would knock a man down if he denied their loyalty to the
ny way allude to the Archduke Maximilian. The Paris correspondent of the Times thinks it doubtful that the French Chambers will accede to the guarantees demanded by the Archduke, viz: the integrity of the new Empire and a loan. The Polish question. The Memorial Diplomatique has published a dispatch to the French Minister at Vienna, containing proposals for guaranteeing Austria against eventualities in case Russia refuses to adopt the course suggested by the allies in reference to Poland. it is dated in June last. A great number of important arrests are reported in Warsaw, including forty members of the municipality. The Saxon Consul has been confined to his house and his effects sealed up. Numerous engagements and the dispersal of some strong insurgent hands are reported. The Nord says there is no truth in the report that Russia is building war vessels in the Black Sea and that her relations with Turkey have been disturbed. Liverpool cotton Market.
Latest from Europe. The steamer Asia has arrived at St. John's, with Liverpool dates of the 1st inst. Among her passengers was that noisy Connecticut Yankee, Henry Ward Beecher: A Paris paper publishes a statement to the effect that at a banquet given to the cavalry officers in Versailles, where Marshal Magnan was present, one of the Colonels delivered a speech, in which, referring to Poland, he expressed a belief that, at no distant day, the Emperor would summon them to measure swords with the oppressors of a people sympathetic with France. The accession of Gen. Burgevine, with his American legion, to the cause of the Chinese rebel leader, is treated by the London Times as an event fraught with serious consequences to the cause of the Emperor and the future government of the empire. Mr. Beecher delivered a speech to a numerous party of friends in Manchester, England β€” the very capital of "King Cotton." The London Post asserts in an editorial that Mr. Beecher has a
nd; render it a duty to foresee the eventuality of non success, which might either occur from a direct refusal upon the part of Russia, or a negative result of the conference of the Powers which signed the final act of 1815, then suggested to be field at Brussels. For this purpose it would be requisite to agree upon the wording of a diplomatic act either in the form of a convention or a protocol. By means of third document the three Courts would solemnly renew their engagement to place Poland in the conditions of a solid and durable peace, and in re-unite their efforts to attain the common end in case of methods of persuasion being exhausted without result. In the dispatch dated June 21, which the Due de Grament read two days afterwards to Count Rechberg, the French Cabinet declared that it fully understood the circumspection which prudence rendered necessary for the Court of Vienna in the Polish question. France was far from attributing to Austria any idea of timidity, whi
itish Parliament. An address, in reply to the Queen's speech, was adopted in both houses of Parliament without amendment. In the House of Lords Earl Derby reviewed at length the foreign policy of the Government contending that it was injurious and humiliating to England. The rejection of the Emperor Napoleon's proposal for a European Congress, and of his invitation to recognize the Government of the Confederate States, together with the fruitless negotiations with Russia respecting Poland, and the interference in the Dano German difficulty, were severally referred to by End Darby, and although he did not oppose the address he severely censured Earl Russell's foreign policy. Earl Russell, in reply, explained the Dano German difficulty, and showed that England was quite unfettered in the matter, never having given the slightest promise of assistance to Denmark. In the House of Commons Mr. Disraeli spoke in a similar strain to Earl Derby, assailing the foreign policy o
prediction. There never can be peace on the Continent of North America until the North and South are independent and distinct nations. There might be a temporary peace; such a peace as you have seen effected by overpowering a gallant man, putting manacles upon his limbs, and throwing him into a dungeon; such a peace as exists until he wrenches the bars, scales the walls, and strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies when they dream they are most secure. You would have such a peace as Poland has to-day. She has obtained peace again and again; but so clearly has God drawn a distinction between the Poles and the conquerors that they refuse to mix, and have retained their inherent nationality, though every quarter of a century demands for it a sacrifice of blood. For a while peace would reign in Warsaw, but some act of oppression β€” the whipping of delicate ladies on the bare back in the public streets, for instance β€” would cause the people to boil over in a fresh ebullition of in
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1865., [Electronic resource], Religious duties of masters to slaves. (search)
like the other sovereigns, to abandon the cause of Poland; and, with glorious persistence, the generous Pontiff showed himself the only organ of the protests of the martyr nation. Very recently, M. de Meyendorff addressed himself to Cardinal Antonelli, and to the Pope himself, to request that His Holiness would at least promise to abstain from any manifestation during the stay of the Grand Duke at Rome. --The Holy Father refused that abandonment, even temporarily, of his heroic children of Poland, and it was in consequence of that reply to the overtures of M. de Meyendorff that the announced visit of the Czarewitch was countermanded. The French and Papal Governments have concluded a telegraph treaty.--After New Year's day, a simple dispatch from Paris to Rome, and vice versa, will cost only five francs instead of thirteen francs and fifty centimes. The municipal elections just over in Prussia have all resulted in the success of Liberal candidates. A Paris letter in th