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5 bushels, for soft lump; salt hall $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50. Corn.--We quote 60@62 ½ cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8 ½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.26 @3.50, from store. No North C
e the sales of some Luge and common Leaf Luge, $1.75@2.59; Leaf $3@4.50; some stemming Leaf $6 @9.50; no fine manufacturing in market. Stock on hand of the old crop very light, and mostly of inferior quality. Wheat.--Receipts light and market firm at $1.50@$1.55 for White; $1.30@ $1.35 for Red. Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 21½@22½ cents; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75 cts. @$1.50 per gallon. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $45 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $18; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Money Matters. We give below the best quotations we can obtain: Exchange on the North is scarce and rates higher. We quote on New York 6 per c
ublicans. They being a majority of the delegation cast the vote of the State, and undoubtedly cast it in opposition to what they knew to be the popular sentiment of the people, as represented in the Convention now in session at Richmond. Judge Ruffin and Gen. Morehead, of North Carolina, also entered a strong protest against the vote of that State being cast against the proposition — and no one even for a moment doubts that these two gentlemen represent the views of a large majority of the colleagues. Delaware was unanimous. It is understood that Mr. Crisfield, of Maryland, differed with his associates. The dissenters to the action of the majority of the Virginia delegation were Messrs. Summers and Rives; of North Carolina, Messrs. Ruffin and Morehead. None expressed dissent openly in the Kentucky and Tennessee delegations. In the Ohio delegation Mr. Chase was left almost alone. He exhibited much disappointment. Iowa was ultra, as were two of the Illinois delegates. Fr
soft hail $4.50. Hard lump and hail $4.50. Corn.--We quote 58@60 cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $45 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $28 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@3.50, from store. No North Carolina in market. Mackerel, large No.
arns, 7#x38;c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Flour.--There are no sales for shipment. The stock of country is very limited, and sales confined to home consumption. We quote Superfine at $6.50; Extra $7@7. 25; Family $7.7 5@$8. Feathers.--Dall at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62½per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $15 per ton; Aa Mexican $2 5; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $20; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $20; Reese's Manipulated Guane $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $25per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75 @$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@3.50, from store. No North Carolina in market. Mackerel, large No
hail $4.50. Hard lump and hail $4.50. Corn.--We quote 60@62 ½ cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 75@30 cents; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8 ½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. Dried Apples from 40 to 50 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62 ½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $45 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotla Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; a cargo of new No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings arrived and sold at $4, on 4 mo.'s time. No North Carolina
rnette, our representative in the Congress of the late United States, especially in regard to all questions relating to the separation of our State from the Federal Union; and laying aside all the old distinction of parties, we fully endorse the sentiments which he has expressed on this occasion, and deeply regret that they are not fully acted up to by the Convention now in session in Richmond. The resolution was adopted unanimously. On motion of Mr. Edwin Williams, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the Hon. Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, for the able address delivered to-day, and that we offer him a cordial welcome to the hospitalities and friendship of the people of Chesterfield. Short addresses were then made, in response to calls, by Messrs. Friend, Nash, Ruffin, and others, and, after adopting a resolution of thanks to the Chairman and Secretary, the meeting adjourned sine die. The Armory Band enlivened the assemblage with good music.
; soft hall $4.50. Hard lump and hail $4.50. Corn.--We quote 50@62½ cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bo. Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c. Cot on Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. Dried Apples from 40 to 50 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $15 per ton; A Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rholes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $49; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $33 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; a cargo of new No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings arrived and sold at $4, on 4 mo. 's time. No North Carolina
; soft hall $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50. Corn.--We quote 60@62½ cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bo. Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c. Cot on Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. Dried Apples from 40 to 50 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $45 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Ellde Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $45; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $10; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $35 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; a cargo of new No. I Halifax Cut Herrings arrived and sold at $4, on 4 mo.'s time. No North Carolina
ump; soft hail $4.50. Hard lump and hail $4.50. Corn.--We quote 80@85 cts. per bushel. Corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 95@$1; country 70@75 cts. Cotton.--8 ½ to 12 cts. Cotton Yarns, &c. Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals, Dried Apples from 70 to 75 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--Demand light. We quote Peruvian Guano $62 ½ per ton; Ruffin's Tobacco Manure $45 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $48; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40; do. Manipulated Guano $50; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--Nova Scotia cut $4.50; No. 3 Mackerel $7.50; No. 2$9. No North Carolina in market. Flaxseed.--$1.20@1.40 per bushel. Flour.--There are