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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
tling with this disturbing question at Arlington his old commander, Scott, just across the river, was pleading for him to remain in the servibe worth fifty thousand men to their cause. Probably it was due to Scott that Mr. Lincoln requested Mr. Francis Preston Blair to have an intent directly from the interview with Mr. Blair to the office of General Scott, told him of the proposition that had been made me, and my deci on the second morning thereafter I forwarded my resignation to General Scott. At the time I hoped that peace would have been preserved; thaday following, Lee had a long interview with his old commander, General Scott. On the 20th the die was cast; his Rubicon was crossed, for thund and intense interest the triumphal march of the army led by General Scott, to which you were attached, from Vera Cruz to the capital of M. Lee, from Arlington, May 5, 1861 , sent the following note to General Scott in Washington: my dear General: Hearing that you desire to
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 5: invasion of Virginia. (search)
eds, and his many wounds made him famous. General Scott is reported to have said Johnston is a gresident and his advisers. The day after General Scott's last interview with General Lee he publiall number of the Southern troops. It was General Scott's original plan to make Patterson fight thps had crossed he received a telegram from General Scott ordering him to send to Washington at onced battle of that name. The explanation of General Scott's telegram is to be found in the fact thatcommand it. Up to that time it is said General Scott did not want anything done on the Virginiad should be placed for its protection. Generals Scott and Lee were organizing their respective at. He did so, and the plan was approved by General Scott, the Cabinet, and Generals Sanford, Tyler,condition was pledged, and he was told by General Scott that if Johnston joined Beauregard he shouButler, at Fort Monroe, was protesting against Scott's order to send to Washington his Illinois vol[1 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
h you; you have annihilated two armies commanded by educated and experienced soldiers. The two armies here referred to were the four thousand men under Garnett, and Pegram's small force. In his dispatch of July 12th to the adjutant general at Washington he estimated Garnett's force at ten thousand, beginning at this time a habit of multiplying the number of his enemy by two, which he never afterward abandoned. The success of the campaign, however, had a marked effect upon his future. General Scott telegraphed: The General in Chief, the Cabinet, the President, are charmed with your activity and valor. We do not doubt that you will in due time sweep the rebels from western Virginia, but we do not mean to precipitate you, as you are fast enough. After McDowell's defeat at Manassas, McClellan was selected to command the defenses at Washington, and the day after that battle, while at Beverly, was informed by Adjutant-General Thomas, at Washington, that his presence there without dela
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
he United States Army, was the senior colonel. Albert Sidney Johnston resigned a colonelcy, General Lee a colonelcy, which he had only held a short time, and Beauregard a captaincy. General Joseph E. Johnston but a short time previous to the outbreak of the war had been a lieutenant colonel of the First Cavalry, United States Army, and was ranked in that army by all the officers named except Beauregard. Upon the death of General Jesup, the quartermaster general shortly before the war, General Scott was asked to recommend an officer to fill the vacancy, and he is reported to have said that if the Secretary of War would put into a hat the names of A. S. Johnston, R. E. Lee, and J. E. Johnston, and one of said names be taken out, a good quartermaster general would be secured. Mr. John B. Floyd, who was the Secretary of War at the time, naturally threw his influence in favor of J. E. Johnston, as he came from his section of Virginia and was a relative, and he received the appointment.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
perpetual stumbling-stone in the path of the field commanders of the Federal army. His position was a most difficult one to fill. Mr. Lincoln's attention was drawn to him by his past record. Halleck graduated at the United States Military Academy in the class of 1849, and was forty-seven years old when summoned to Washington. Like Lee, McClellan, and Pope, he was an engineer officer, but resigned in 1854 to practice law, and was so engaged in San Francisco, Cal., when the war began. General Scott had a high opinion of his ability. A lawyer, a soldier, and an author, he had written on both military and legal topics. He had many of the qualifications necessary for his trying office. This appointment was made by Mr. Lincoln immediately after a personal inspection of McClellan's army on the James River. On that visit, July 8th, the Northern President ascertained that the Army of the Potomac numbered 86,500 men present and 73,500 absent to be accounted for. The tri-monthly return
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
maining lines of transportation, the Lynchburg or Southside Railroad, and the Danville Railroad at Burkesville, the junction of the two. It was calculated that Lee would largely draw troops from his lines to avert such a disaster, and in that event they could be successfully assailed by the troops on their front. On that day General Lee wrote Mrs. Lee: I have received your note with a bag of socks. I return the bag and receipt. The count is all right this time. I have put in the bag General Scott's autobiography, which I thought you might like to read. The general, of course, stands out very prominently, and does not hide his light under a bushel, but he appears the bold, sagacious, truthful man that he is. I inclose a note for little Agnes. I shall be very glad to see her to-morrow, but can not recommend pleasure trips now. The Southern lines south of James River stretched from the Appomattox below Petersburg along the territory south of the city, then ran in a southwest di
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 15: evacuation of Richmond and the Petersburg lines.--retreat and surrender. (search)
ue, not a pound of superfluous flesh, ruddy cheeks bronzed by exposure, grave and dignified, he was the focus for all eyes. His demeanor was that of a thoroughly possessed gentleman who had a disagreeable duty to perform, but was determined to get through it as well and as soon as he could without the exhibition of temper or mortification. Generals Lee and Grant had met once, eighteen years before, when both were fighting for the same cause in Mexico-one an engineer officer on the staff of Scott, the commanding general, the other a subaltern of infantry in Garland's brigade. After a pleasant reference to that event, Lee promptly drew attention to the business before them, the terms of surrender were arranged, and at General Lee's request reduced to writing, as follows: Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. General: In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst., I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following ter
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 17: military character. (search)
ll measure of Moltke's potentialities as a strategist and organizer, but perhaps Lee with the same opportunities would have been equally as skillful and far-seeing. The success of the former and failure of the latter does not prevent comparison. Kossuth failed in Hungary, but the close of his long life has been strewn with flowers. Scotland may never become an independent country, but Scotchmen everywhere cherish with pride the fame of Wallace and Bruce. If given an opportunity, said General Scott, who commanded the army of the United States in 1861, Lee will prove himself the greatest captain of history. He had the swift intuition to discern the purpose of his opponent, and the power of rapid combination to oppose to it prompt resistance. The very essence of modern war was comprised in the four years campaign, demanding a greater tax upon the mental and physical qualifications of a leader than the fifteen years of Hannibal in the remote past. Military misconceptions have been
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
his grave, 410. Lee, General Robert E., birth, 20; ancestry and education; 21; at Military Academy, 23; enters army, 24; marriage, 25 ; at Hampton Roads, 27; happy life, 28; letters, 29, 30; stationed at Fort Hamilton, 30; promotion, 31; joins Scott's staff, 33; Lee's horses, 34; at Vera Cruz, 36; battle of Cerro Gordo, 38; his gallantry, 42; brevetted, 42; letters, 44, 45; Lee's comrades, 47, 48; returns to Virginia, 49; Superintendent United States Military Academy, 51; becomes Lieutenant 119, 120, 121. Sanders, General, killed, 363. Sanford, General, Charles, 105. Santa Anna, General, 31, 32, 38. San Jacinto, battle of, 31. Schenck, General, mentioned, 143. Schofield, General John M., joins Sherman, 372. Scott, General, Winfield, mentioned, 19, 33, 40, 44, 46; notice of, 48; mentioned, 52, 54, 85, 101, 103, 105, 176; autobiography, 374; mentioned, 423. Seceding States, the, 84. Second United States Cavalry, 54, 56, 58. Seddon's dispatch from Lee, 368.
deepest anxiety depicted on his face, was tireless in his efforts to restrain the madmen who were precipitating the nation into a civil war. He remained almost incessantly in his office or closeted with some leading spirit through whom he hoped to work a change and heal the breach. His most loyal adherents were untried men. He was ignorant of their abilities and doubted their discretion. The executive departments were completely demoralized. The Treasury and arsenals were empty. General Winfield Scott, the general of the army, was old and decrepit. The army was at its lowest ebb in numbers, and was scattered all over the vast extent of the country, with the most meagre and inefficient communications or means of transportation. The Indians were more numerous and savage than to-day. Our frail naval fleet, insignificant in the number of ships and efficiency of the officers and men, was for the most part on foreign seas, the rest in Southern waters. Fearing the Supreme Court to be