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Your search returned 189 results in 44 document sections:
France and the United States.
The Matamoras Bulletin describes a grand fete given in honor of the Federal Military Governor of Texas, "Don A. J. Hamilton" and staff, by Don Jesus de la Serne, Governor of the State of Tamaulipas, in which Matamoras is situated.
The Don Hamilton is quartered at Brownsville, opposite Matamoras.
The entertainment is described in glowing style, and must have been conducted in flowing style, as "wines and delicate champagnes" were abundant, and mental congratulations and pledges between the Governor and the Don were copious.
The Governor's "allocation" congratulated the American Union on the triumph of its arms and the speedy pacification of the Republic!" The Governor was quite "swipey" about then!
The liquor was no less stimulating on Don Hamilton, who felicited Don Jesus upon his return to the Constitutional Government of Tamaulipas, "lauded the heroism of the Mexicans" in defence of their Nationality, whose rights, he said, were identical with