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Railroad, between the Big Black river and the city of Jackson. To engage the enemy our forces had to leave their strong positions around Vicksburg, and cross that stream, which runs in a southwesterly direction, and empties into the Mississippi some thirty miles below the city. After the battle our forces fell back behind the Big Black, on the Vicksburg side of which our line of fortifications commence. The presence of Gen. J. E. Johnston will infuse new confidence in our soldiers, and the country will feel measurably relieved when it is generally known that he is to command in person at so important a point. The following is a copy of the dispatch of Gen. Johnston: Camp Between Livingston and Brownsville, May 18, 1863. Gen. S. Cooper: Lieutenant General Pemberton was attacked by the enemy on the morning of the 15th inst., near Edwards's Depot, and, after nine hours fighting, was compelled to fall back behind Big Black. J. E. Johnston, General Commanding.
roy the bridge after him. This would seem to place him in no very hazardous position, particularly as we are assured that Vicksburg is well supplied with provisions. The dispatch of Gen. Johnston is dated Monday, May 18th, at camp between Brownsville and Livingston. Brownsville is a village in Hinds county, twenty miles northwest of Jackson, and Livingston is a village in Madison county, twenty miles north by west from Jackson. Edwards's Depot, where the battle of Saturday was fought, iBrownsville is a village in Hinds county, twenty miles northwest of Jackson, and Livingston is a village in Madison county, twenty miles north by west from Jackson. Edwards's Depot, where the battle of Saturday was fought, is on the Vicksburg and Jackson Railroad from twenty-two to twenty-five miles west of Jackson, and nearly midway between the latter point and Vicksburg. The mention made of Gen. Loring's position in the dispatch published yesterday is difficult to understand. It says he was "on the left, (which we understand to be in the line of battle of Saturday,) was cut off, but cut his way through to Crystal Springs, twenty-five miles south of Jackson." What his loss was is unknown, or what damage h
fifteen hundred negroes. A soldier from Niblett's Bluff reports that Col. Tom Green succeeded in capturing sixty wagons on the 24th, and five hundred negroes. The Brownsville Flag, of the 15th ult., published a report that a French man-of-war had made her appearance off the bar at the mouth of the Rio Grande, and that she was examining vessels arriving to ascertain if they carried articles contraband of war. If this be so, the Rio Grande is doubly blockaded, but while Lincoln excludes everything, (except, perhaps, munitions and supplies for the Mexicans under Adams's pass,) the French only shut out articles contraband. There was a surplus of merchandize at Brownsville, (on the Texas side of the Rio Grande,) and goods could be had at very low rates, especially by the cargo, and even by the package. Cotton was declining on account of the scarcity of specie to pay the export duty and other charges. But it was arriving freely, and could be bartered to advantage for goods.
France and the United States. The Matamoras Bulletin describes a grand fete given in honor of the Federal Military Governor of Texas, "Don A. J. Hamilton" and staff, by Don Jesus de la Serne, Governor of the State of Tamaulipas, in which Matamoras is situated. The Don Hamilton is quartered at Brownsville, opposite Matamoras. The entertainment is described in glowing style, and must have been conducted in flowing style, as "wines and delicate champagnes" were abundant, and mental congratulations and pledges between the Governor and the Don were copious. The Governor's "allocation" congratulated the American Union on the triumph of its arms and the speedy pacification of the Republic!" The Governor was quite "swipey" about then! The liquor was no less stimulating on Don Hamilton, who felicited Don Jesus upon his return to the Constitutional Government of Tamaulipas, "lauded the heroism of the Mexicans" in defence of their Nationality, whose rights, he said, were identical with