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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. Bragg and his subordinates suggestions of the Confederate War Department, 143. troops sent to Rosecrans Chattanooga to be held, 144. Sherman moves on Jackson, Mississippi. 145. Johnston attacked at and driven from Jackson, 146. destruction of property at Jackson, 147. expedition to the Yazoo River expedition against Helena, 148. battle at Helena, 149. Confederate cavalry raids, 150. General Grant at Chattanooga Hooker's Corps at Bridgeport, 151. Hooker marches toward Lookout Mountain, 152. battle at Wauhatchie, 153. the soldiers' steamboat, 154. battle of Blue Springs operations in East Tennessee, 155. Longstreet invades the East Tennessee Valley, 156. he invests Knoxville, 157. Sherman's troops move eastward from the Mississippi River, 158. they approach Chattanooga, 159. Grant and Bragg prepare for battle Thomas moves to attack, 160. seizure of Orchard Knob, 161.
Norfolk, 2.387. Worden, Lieut., bearer of important dispatches to Pensacola, 1.368; arrested and imprisoned, 1.369; commander of the Monitor in her fight with the Merrimack, 2.363; wounded, 2.366; destroys the Nashville, 3.190. Writs of Habeas corpus, practical suspension of, 1.449. Wytheville, descent of Averill on lead mines at, 3.314. Y. Yancey, William L., incendiary speeches of, 1.41. Yazoo City, Porter's gun-boats' at, 2.613; Gen. Herron's expedition to, 3.148. Yazoo River, expedition of Gen. McClernand and Admiral Porter on, 2.580; Gen. Ross's expedition on,. 2.586; failure of a third expedition on, 2.588. Yorktown, McClellan's operations before, 2.375; Johnston at, 2.376; occupation of by McClellan, 2.377;. visit of the author to in 1866, 2.440. Z. Zagonyi, Major, Charles, his celebrated cavalry charge at Springfield, 2.80. Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix K., moves a force into Kentucky, 2.75; his advance in Eastern Kentucky, and repulse at Camp Wild
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 17: evacuation of Fort Pillow and battle of Memphis. (search)
l a more glorious pride in having saved their helpless enemies than in having conquered them. The capture of Memphis was a terrible blow to the South, for this city had been of great use to the Confederacy as a base of supplies for their armies in Tennessee, which supplies we had not up to this time been able to intercept. This naval success opened the river all the way down to Vicksburg, and three other depots of supplies were soon to fall into our hands,when our fleet penetrated the Yazoo River in the heart of the enemy's country. For the second time Rear Admiral Davis won a strictly naval victory, and won it without a single mistake. He was no doubt much assisted by the two rams, Queen of the West and Monarch, which by their gallant and unexpected attack did so much to demoralize the enemy. The Confederate account of this battle differs very little from the Union one, the only exception being in the case of the General Lovell, which vessel, they say, was sunk by a shot f
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
themselves with sending the Carondelet and Taylor up the Yazoo River in company with the Ellet ram, Queen of the West. On their way up the Yazoo River, and six miles above its mouth, the two gun-boats met the iron-clad ram Arkansas advancing boldl Flag-officer Davis at first determined to occupy the Yazoo River, and from thence carry on operations against the enemy, dron. United States Gun-Boat Wissahickon, off the Yazoo River, June 29, 1862. Sir — I have the honor to submit the I proceeded, according to my orders, to the mouth of the Yazoo River, but the gun-boats named in your order, which were to jorise. We had heard that she was up at Liverpool, in the Yazoo River, and Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet informed me that the rivern board this vessel apparently from the direction of the Yazoo River, the cause of which soon manifested itself in the appearsince ascertained to be the Arkansas--escaped out of the Yazoo River. This vessel — of a similar construction to the Louisia
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
head with the Cairo, Baron DeKalb, and Pittsburg. (iron-clads,) and the Signal and Marmora ( tin-clads ) to clear the Yazoo River of torpedoes and cover the landing of Sherman's Army when it should arrive. This arduous and perilous service was welters, they could clear the river of torpedoes, but not otherwise, as there were rifle-pits all along the left bank of the Yazoo, and the enemy were supplied with light artillery. At Lieutenant-Commander Selfridge's request he was sent on this duty me twelve hundred yards from the fort, or as near as the boats could operate against such a fire. At this point the Yazoo River was very narrow and only one iron-clad could pass up at a time. There was no room for two vessels to fight abreast, cxpedition. The following morning General Sherman learned that Major-General McClernand had arrived at the mouth of the Yazoo to take command of Sherman's Army. This was a surprise to every one, for although it was known that McClernand had recei
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
t Vicksburg because no longer able to operate owing to the floods, and that the troops wanted a success after their late discouraging defeat, he became reconciled to the attack on Arkansas Post, though it was a side movement and could in no way contribute to the final overthrow of Vicksburg. Certain it is, the success at Arkansas Post had a most exhilarating effect on the troops, and they were a different set of men when they arrived at Milliken's Bend than they were when they left the Yazoo River. After the troops were settled in their tents opposite Vicksburg, it became apparent that there could be no harmonious cooperation while McClernand remained in command of all the military forces. His peculiarities unfitted him for such a command, and these peculiarities became so offensive to Generals Sherman and McPherson, and to Admiral Porter, that they urged General Grant to take command himself as the only chance for the success of the enterprise, and in consequence, the latter h
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 26: siege of Vicksburg. (search)
er in whom not an officer of the expedition could put any confidence. McClernand had come to supersede Sherman in the Yazoo River just after the troops had fallen back to the transports, and he had accompanied the Army to Arkansas Post, but with thine shops, provision boats, ordnance department, hospital, etc., (all on large steamers) were ordered to the mouth of the Yazoo; also ten of the mortar boats which had been used by Foote and Davis at Island No.10 and Fort Pillow. Besides these, tvessels. All were under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Watson Smith, who had instructions to open the way to the Yazoo River and destroy all of the enemy's means that could not be carried away. General Grant sent an Army contingent along withng position, ought to have been taken. This would have given the Federals command of the Tallahatchie, Yallabusha and Yazoo Rivers, and of course a clear way to the rear of Vicksburg. On the 18th of March, Lieutenant-Commander Watson Smith, owing
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 27: expedition through Steele's Bayou and Deer Creek. (search)
etc. About the time of the Yazoo Pass expedition, Lieutenant McLeod Murphy, U. S. N., discovered a pass through the woods some ten miles above the mouth of the Yazoo, by which it was thought the gun-boats could reach the valley of Deer Creek, and, perhaps get into the Yazoo River by the Sunflower and Yallabusha, thereby reachinYazoo River by the Sunflower and Yallabusha, thereby reaching the rear of Vicksburg. The water in the Mississippi had risen remarkably, so much so that land usually dry for miles in the interior, now had seventeen feet of water over it. The question was, could the gun-boats get through the woods and thick underbrush which abounded in that locality. The route was examined by General Grant for a century or more. Sherman had arrived at Black Bayou with part of his force, another part had started to march over from a point twenty miles above the Yazoo River, on the Mississippi, following a ridge of land not inundated. The part of the Army embarked had been transported in small stern-wheel steamers, which being ver
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 28: passage of the fleet by Vicksburg and capture of Grand Gulf.--capture of Alexandria, etc. (search)
se, on a dark night, passed down in charge of their pilots — a daring set of men who never shrunk from any dangerous service,--only one steamer was sunk by the enemy's shot. A sufficient number of gun boats had been left at the mouth of the Yazoo River to take care of the upper Mississippi, and to look out for two formidable rams that were building at Yazoo City, forty miles from the mouth of the river. Sherman remained with his division at Young's Point, ready to make another attack frombe appreciated by those who know the difficulties with which he had to contend, and particularly the nature of the country through which he had to march his Army. General Grant had made arrangements for Sherman's division to make a feint up Yazoo River the same day the gun-boats attacked Grand Gulf. Accordingly, on that day Sherman moved up the Yazoo in transports preceeded by the gun-boats, as the military historian puts it. Most of these gun-boats were what were called workshops, i. e., t
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 29: siege of Vicksburg--continued. (search)
arched from Bruensburg, and was well on the way to Vicksburg, Admiral Porter changed his station from Grand Gulf to the flag-ship Black Hawk at the mouth of the Yazoo River, ready to co-operate with the Army the moment it should make its appearance in the rear of Vicksburg. Two iron-clads were left at the mouth of the Red River,rates had evacuated Haines' Bluff, and all the rafts which blocked the river above had been removed, Lieutenant-Commander Walker, in the DeKalb, was sent up the Yazoo River with a sufficient force to destroy all the works at Yazoo City, which had been used in the construction of their rams. As this naval force approached Yazoo Cinvolved a loss to the enemy of more than two millions of dollars. The performance showed how easily the Delta expedition could have obtained possession of the Yazoo River and district as far as the rear of Vicksburg but for the delay at Helena. It also assured the success of the Steele's Bayou expedition, which was undertaken so