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Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Capital punishment (1855) (search)
t. The whole current of legislation is to give it up. We have given it up in almost all cases, and we are safer than we were. No State that has abolished it has ever taken a backward step voluntarily. It was re-established in Tuscany by a foreign power, and is not executed even-there. I understand that the Grand Duke of Tuscany promised his sister never to obey the law forced upon him by Napoleon, and you see murderers walking in their parti-colored dress along the streets of Leghorn and Florence; yet Tuscany is the most moral and well-behaved country in Italy. So it is with our States. All experience points one way. The old barbarous practices have gradually given place to others more humane and merciful. Once a prisoner was not allowed to swear his witnesses; then they would not allow him counsel. Now he may swear his witnesses, and is entitled to counsel; yet the government is safe. Men used to say, We cannot get rid of the .gallows. Why, murder is so rife in the land that
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Suffrage for woman (1861) (search)
istory of the race shows that the upper classes never granted a privilege to the lower out of love. As Jeremy Bentham says, the upper classes never yielded a privilege without being bullied out of it. When man rises in revolution, with the sword in his right hand, trembling wealth and conservatism say, What do you want? Take it; but grant me my life. The Duke of Tuscany, Elizabeth Barrett Browning has told us, swore to a dozen constitutions when the Tuscans stood armed in the streets of Florence, and he forgot them when the Austrians came in and took the rifles out of the Tuscan's hands. You must force the upper classes to do justice by physical or some other power. The age of physical power is gone, and we want to put ballots into the hands of women. We do not wait for women to ask for them. When 1 argue the Temperance Question, I do not go down to the drunkard and ask, Do you want a prohibitory law? I know what is good for him a great deal better than he does. [Applause.] W
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Letter from Naples (1841). (search)
nd where every prospect pleases, and only man is vile. Here one seems really to stand on the matchless shores of that sea where have passed some of the most interesting events in the history of our race. All Europe is, indeed, the treasure-house of rich memories, with every city a shrine. Mayence, the mother of printing and free trade; Amalfi, with her Pandects, the fountain of law, her compass of commerce, her Masaniello of popular freedom; Naples, with her buried satellite of Pompeii; Florence, with her galaxy of genius; Rome, whose name is at once history and description,--will, indeed, ever be the Meccas of the mind. One must see them to realize the boundless wealth, the luxury, the refinement of art, to which the ancients had attained. The modern world deems itself rich when it gathers up only the fragments. But all the fascinations of art, all the luxuries of modern civilization, are no balance to the misery which bad laws and bad religion alike entail on the bulk of the p
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, A Glossary of Important Contributors to American Literature (search)
ining to Religion (1842); Miscellaneous writings (1843); Sermons on Theism, Atheism, and popular theology (1852); occasional sermons and speeches (2 vols., 1852); Ten sermons of Religion (1853); Additional speeches and addresses (2 vols., 1855); Trial of Theodore Parker for the Misdemeanor of a speech in Faneuil hall against Kidnapping (1855); a volume of Prayers (1862); and one entitled Historic Americans (1870) includes discourses on Franklin, Washington, Adams and Jefferson. Died in Florence, Italy, May 10, 1860. Parkman, Francis Born in Boston, Mass., Sept. 16, 1823. Graduating at Harvard in 1844, he studied law, but devoted himself to literary work, contributing articles to the Knickerbocker magazine, which were collected and published as The Oregon Trail (1849). Other publications are The Conspiracy of Pontiac (1851) ; Pioneers of France in the New world (1865); The book of Roses (1866); Jesuits in North America (1867); discovery of the great West (1869); The old Regime
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (search)
me. She lived some time at Pisa, and thence removed to Florence, where the remainder of her life was passed. For nearlen years, says the writer from whom we have quoted above, Florence and the Brownings were one in the thoughts of many Englis(written in 1848) describes the popular demonstrations in Florence occasioned by the promise of Duke Leopold II. to grant arty had been crushed, describes the return of the Duke to Florence under the protection of Austrian bayonets, and gives utte an English gentleman, who, while making a brief visit to Florence, fell in love with and married a beautiful Italian woman.inues her journey to Italy. The party make their home in Florence. After some months had passe, Romney unexpectedly appearMrs. Browning was buried in the English burying-ground at Florence. The municipio have placed over the doorway of Casa Guiderse a golden ring binding Italy and England. Grateful Florence placed this memorial, 1861. To those who loved Mrs. B
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Eminent women of the drama. (search)
e and bridegroom united. Some time after their marriage, which was hastily contracted at a little church near Cesena (Ristori being then on her way from Rome to Florence, to fulfil a professional engagement in the latter city), del Grille had to make his escape from potent and dreaded parental vigilance, disguised as a peasant and mounted on a mule-wagon,--in which trim he passed safely through many perils, and came at last to Florence and to his wife. Finding their opposition vain, the parents presently relented, and a general reconciliation was attained. In the meanwhile the marriage of Ristori and del Grille, originally one of public proclamation,--acompass of her voice, and the felicitous method of her execution, speedily became themes of praise with European connoisseurs of music. At Naples, Genoa, Rome, Florence, Madrid, aid Lisbon, her first success was repeated and increased. So, for two years, she prospered, on the continent of Europe, receiving the applause of the p
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
re is enough to consume all that time in one round of pleasant study. There is no news stirring at Paris. You know that the Warrens and Cabots are in Italy, to return to Paris or London in May; and the Farrars are there also. Mrs. Sears is here. The Ticknors and Mr. Gray leave for London in a week or fortnight. Walsh and his family of daughters are here. Walsh himself has been quite sick, having been confined to his chamber for some time. Thiers says he is engaged upon a history of Florence at present; but he is notoriously so immersed in politics that I should doubt if he had time or inclination for writing a quiet book. Mrs. Fry has been at Paris, exciting some attention on the subject of prisons. The French, by the way, are just waking up on that subject; and also on that of railroads. A good letter, my dear Longfellow, to the care of the Barings, London, is the amend to be made for past negligence. As ever, faithfully yours, Chas. Sumner. Journal. Feb. 27, 18
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
ly yours, C. S. Journal. April 10. To-day was presented by Colonel White Joseph M. White, delegate to Congress from Florida from 1823 to 1837. He died at St. Louis in 1839. to Madame Murat, Caroline Bonaparte, Napoleon's youngest sister, was born at Ajaccio, March 26, 1782. As the wife of Murat, whom she married in 1800, she became Queen of Naples in 1808. After his execution, in 1815, she assumed the title of Countess of Lipona. She lived at Trieste many years, and died in Florence, May 18, 1839. In 1838, the French Assembly granted her a pension. Her son, Napoleon Achille, died in Florida in 1847. the sister of Napoleon and ex-queen of Naples, and widow of the great captain of cavalry. She is now at Paris to prosecute a claim against the Government for the Palais de laElysee Bourbon. She is full sixty, but appears to be forty-five. She received me quite cordially in her bedroom, where there were already three or four ladies, and, in the true French style, was p
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 20: Italy.—May to September, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
f August. Rome and the Campagna have attractions at this season which are withheld in winter, and he always regarded the time of his sojourn there as well chosen. Mr. Ticknor wrote to him, Dec. 3, 1839: I agree with you about the season for seeing Italy. I have been there every month of the year except August, and give me the sunshine even at the expense of the heat. He afterwards referred to these days as the happiest of his whole European journey. Thence he went, by way of Siena, to Florence, where he passed a fortnight; and then with a vetturino to Bologna, Ferrara, Rovigo, Padua, and across the plains of Lombardy alone, in a light wagon with a single horse, harnessed with ropes, old leather, and the like. Leaving Venice on the last day of September, after a week's visit, he arrived, Oct. 2, without breaking the journey, at Milan, where his Italian tour ended. Three days later, he took a seat in the malle-poste to cross the Alps by the Stelvio Pass for Innsbruck. Such, in
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 22: England again, and the voyage home.—March 17 to May 3, 1840. —Age 29. (search)
ning I breakfasted with Rogers,—old Rogers, as he is called. It was delightful to listen to his wisdom-dropping voice; but I started when he said Manzoni's Promessi Sposi is worth ten of Scott's novels. Say thirty! said I. Well, thirty, said the wise old man; I only said ten for fear of shocking you. And this is the judgment of one of the ancient friends of Sir Walter Scott. Ah! I remember well the pleasure I had from that book. I read a copy belonging to you, on the road from Rome to Florence, and I cried sincerely over many of the scenes. At Heidelberg I passed a sad day, after I read of the loss of the Lexington. I have read Longfellow's Hyperion, and am in love with it. I only wish that there were more of it. The character of Jean Paul is wunderschon. I hope to induce somebody to review it here. But in this immensity of London everybody seems engaged,—every moment of the present and future occupied; so that I fear I may not succeed. Sir Charles Vaughan speaks of your kind