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The Daily Dispatch: October 27, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1864., [Electronic resource], Treasury Department, Confederate States of America, Richmond, November 28, 1864. (search)
Virginia Legislature.[extra session.] Senate. Saturday, December 17, 1864. After the usual organization of the Senate, the Rev. Dr. Doggett led in prayer. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, offered a resolution having for its object the prevention of speculation in salt and other necessaries of life. Agreed to. A resolution inquiring into the propriety of making appropriations so as to continue at the Military Institute the full number of cadets, was presented by Mr. Ball. Agreed to and properly referred. On motion of Mr. Johnson the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 M., Opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Jeter. The bill to increase, one hundred per cent, the salaries of certain officers of the State Government was called up on its third reading and passed. The bill is retrospective as well as prospective in its action, and fixes upon July last as the date from whence the increase shall begin. After the introduction o
er at 12 o'clock M. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Jeter. A bill, reported from the House of Delegates, authorizing the transfer of the Bank of Pittsylvania from Chatham to Danville, was read twice and referred to the Committee on Banks. A bill was introduced by Mr. Collier, by leave of the Senate, providing for a change of the name of the Southside railroad to that of the Petersburg and Lynchburg railroad. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, from the Committee on Military Affairs, presented a bill providing an additional appropriation to the Virginia Military Institute, which was read twice. Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, introduced joint resolutions upon the subject of slavery, taking ground against placing them in the military service of the Confederate States. Lie over under the rules. A number of resolutions were offered, among which were the following, which were referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr
Virginia Legislature. [Extra session.] Senate. Monday, January 16, 1865. The Senate met at 12 M. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, from the Committee on Public Institutions, to whom had been referred a resolution inquiring into the expediency of changing the location of the Virginia Military Institute, asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, it being, in the opinion of the committee, inexpedient to legislate on the matter. Mr. Christian, of MiddleMiddlesex, offered the following preamble and joint resolution, which, upon being explained by him, was agreed to, the rules being suspended for that purpose: "Whereas, the ninth section of an act entitled 'an act amending and re-enacting an act passed October 18, 1863, in relation to an increase of the salaries of certain offers of the Government, passed January 22, 1864, providing that at the end of each year the Superintendent of the Penitentiary may receive an additional sum of one thousand
Virginia Legislature. [Extra session.] Senate. Wednesday, January 25, 1865. The Senate was called to order at noon. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, offered a resolution instructing the Committee for Courts of Justice to inquire what is the proper construction to be given to the ninth section of chapter eighteenth of the Code of 1860, in relation to the vacation of the appointment of certain public offices. Agreed to. The following bills were rea persons, for certain causes, of the right to institute suits in the courts of this Commonwealth. Senate bill to provide relief for the families of soldiers living within the lines, or under the control, of the enemy. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, by leave of the Senate, presented a bill to amend and re-enact the 1st section of the act passed October 23, 1863, in relation to the payment of certain claims against the Eastern Lunatic Asylum. Read the first time and referred to Committee
Senate. Monday, January 30, 1865. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock A. M. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, from the Committee on Public Institutions, presented a bill to amend and re-enact the act passed March 4th, 1864, entithe passage of the bill, and resulted in the negative by the following vote: Yeas, 18; nays, 21. Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, offered a resolution, instructing the Committee on Public Institutions to inquire and report to the Senate how many pa a committee to wait upon Colonel Mosby and inform him of the action of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, the joint order of the day being the election of superintendent of the penitentiary, was then taken up. The President announced that the Senate was ready to receive nominations, when Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, put in nomination Colin Bass, the former superintendent. There being no other nominations, the Senate proceeded to an election, and Colin Bass wa
To amend the second section of chapter one hundred and eighty four of the Code, so as to increase the fees of surveyors. The Committee of Finance reported a bill imposing taxes for the support of the Government. On motion, the Committee on Finance was increased one member by the addition of the Senator from Warren, Mr. Thomas. A bill to amend an act in relation to the payment of certain claims against the Eastern Lunatic Asylum was taken up, explained by the Senator from Middlesex, and passed. A bill to authorize county and corporation courts to act on militia fines in the hands of the collectors of the same, and on claims against the militia, was taken up and passed and sent to the House for its concurrence. Mr. Nash moved to take up House bill to provide for the payment of claims due to clerks, attorneys and jailors, on the certification of judges in vacation, for services actually rendered, when, by reason of the public enemy, the courts cannot be held.
Mr. Lewis also called up the resolutions in response to the answer given by the Federal Government to the commissioners sent by the Confederate Government to treat for peace. The resolutions were read the second time and passed. A communication from the Governor, in relation to the inadequate fees of inspectors of tobacco throughout the Commonwealth, and recommending an increase thereof, was read and referred to the Committee on General Laws. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, the Senate went into secret session. House of Delegates. Mr. Anderson, from the Military Committee, reported a bill to amend and reenact an act entitled "An act to empower the Governor to have made out and filed in the State Department complete lists of Virginia forces, and to repeal an act to provide for having an accurate list and record made of the military forces of Virginia." Read the first time and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Richardson submitted a series of
nfederates Government; also, the Senate bill entitled an act to legalize the ferry of Benjamin Figet, at Dunkirk, King and Queen County. House joint resolution provision for the appointment of a committee to visit Chimborazo Hospital and inquire into the condition of the sick and wounded Virginia soldiers thereat, and to take into consideration the best means to be adopted for their comfort and general welfare, was read by the clerk. An amendment was offered by Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, recommending a conference between the committees from the two Houses of the General Assembly and the Confederate authorities, in order to ascertain whether any legislation on the matter is necessary. The question upon the adoption of the amendment being put, it was rejected; after which the resolution, as adopted by the House of Delegates, was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Senate. The Chair appointed Messrs. Garnett, Quesenberry and Nash as the Senate committee. Mr. Ch
uch manner — as soldiers or otherwise — as the General-in- Chief may deem most expedient." The following was the vote by which the foregoing resolutions were passed at the time in secret session: Yeas.--Messrs. Alderson, Armstrong, Ball, Christian of Augusta, Coghill, Douglas, Frazier, Garnett, Garrison, Hunter, Keen, Lewis, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Newman of Mason, Newman of Madison, Stevenson, Spitler, Tayloe, Taylor and Thomas--22. Nays.--Messrs. Bales, Bruce, Christian of Middlesex, Collier, Dickinson, Dulaney, Graham, Guy, Hart, Jones, Logan, Lynch, Quesenberry, Saunders, Wiley and Witten--16. Admiral Buchanan appearing in the hall, on motion, the chair was vacated for ten minutes, in order to give the members of the Senate an opportunity to be introduced to him. When the President resumed the chair, the order of the day, being the Senate bill imposing taxes for the support of Government, was taken up and amended, and discussed till the hour of adjournmen