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Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 22: (search)
rse back towards his old position near Falmouth, so did our troops commence at about noon their march towards their old camping-ground near Fredericksburg. A. P. Hill, having now entirely recovered from his slight wound, assumed the command of Jackson's corps; and as his men marched past us they spontaneously raised an enthusiastic cheer for General Stuart, thus testifying their admiration of the gallant chief who had led them so splendidly against the enemy, and directed them to the achievemside was severe, amounting to nearly 10,000 men in prisoners, killed, and wounded-our beloved and everfamous Stonewall being among the latter, a fact which filled every soldier's heart with grief. It was not at that time at all anticipated that Jackson's wounds would end fatally; and several days after the unfortunate incident, I heard from the mouth of the surgeon who attended him, that the General was doing very well, and that from the state of his health at that time there was every prospec
songs. In Culpeper the infantry were electrified by the laughter and singing of Stuart as he led them in the charge; and at Chancellorsville, where he commanded Jackson's corps after that great man's fall, the infantry veterans as they swept on, carrying line after line of breastworks at the point of the bayonet, saw his plume flhe Blue Ridge; the crowding 'em with artillery on the night at Fredericksburg; the winter march upon Dumfries; the battle of Chancellorsville, where he commanded Jackson's corps; the advance thereafter, and the stubborn conflict at Fleetwood Hill on the 9th of June; the hard, obstinate fighting once more to guard the flanks of Lee his capacity to fight infantry, for such were the dismounted cavalry; and he held his ground before swarming enemies with a nerve and persistence which resembled Jackson's. It was in the raid, the flank movement, the charge, and the falling back, with cavalry proper, however, that he exhibited the most conspicuous traits of th
d, galloped up to Jackson and groaned out, General, they are beating us back! Jackson's set face did not move. Sir, he said, we will give them the bayonet. Withould Harbour, when the writer of this was sent by General Stuart to ascertain if Jackson's corps had gone in, and what were his dispositions for battle. A group near never saw a deeper suppression of concentrated anger than that which shone in Jackson's eye, or heard a human voice more menacing. There were other times when Jch beat under that calm exterior, making its possessor one altogether lovely. Jackson's appearance and manners, on the contrary, were such as conciliate a familiar,re those who said that all this indicated a partial species of insanity ā€” that Jackson's mind was not sound. Other stories are told of him which aim to show that hi possessed a sanity for all practical purposes difficult to dispute. Iv. Jackson's religious opinions are unknown to the present writer. He has been called a
hafing at being compelled to retreat, no sight could be more agreeable. Here was an opportunity to vent his spleen; and charging the two mounted men, he was soon upon them. One fell with a bullet through his breast; and, coming opposite the other, Ashby seized him by the throat, dragged him from his saddle, and putting spur to his horse, bore him off. This scene, which some readers may set down for romance, was witnessed by hundreds both of the Confederate and the Federal army. During Jackson's retreat Ashby remained in command of the rear, fighting at every step with his cavalry and horse artillery, under Captain Chew. It was dangerous to press such a man. His sharp claws drew blood. As the little column retired sullenly up the valley, fighting off the heavy columns of General Banks, Ashby was in the saddle day and night, and his guns were never silent. The infantry sank to sleep with that thunder in their ears, and the same sound was their reveille at dawn. Weary at last
first defeat, we can give statistics nearly official, procured from an officer of rank who held a high command during the campaign, and who had every opportunity of knowing. Early's infantry consisted of Gordon's Division2,000 Ramseur's Division2,000 Rodes' Division2,500 Breckenridge's Division1,800 Total Infantry8,300 Cavalry-Fitz Lee's Division Wickham's Brigade1,000 Lomax's old Brigade6000 Lomax's Division McCauseland's Brigade800 Johnson's Brigade700 Imboden's Brigade400 Jackson's Brigade300 Total Cavalry3,800 Artillery Three Battalions Light Artillery40 guns One Battalion Horse Artillery12 guns Total guns52 guns About one thousand artillerists. This recapitulation embraces all the forces of Early's command. General Sheridan, according to official statements, had under his command over thirty-five thousand muskets, eight thousand sabres, and a proportionate quantity of artillery. The force of Sheridan is not a matter of dispute: that of Early is def
ry took its place upon the flanks, and no sooner had the movement begun, than, leaving his headquarters in the grassy yard of the old Hanover Court-House where Patrick Henry made his famous speech against the parsons, Stuart hastened to put his column in motion for the lower waters of the Rapidan. Such was the situation of affairs when the little incident I propose to relate took place. Fitz Lee's brigade was ordered to move by way of Verdiersville to Raccoon Ford, and take position on Jackson's right; and General Stuart hastened forward, attended only by a portion of his staff, toward Verdiersville, where he expected to be speedily joined by General Fitz. Stuart reached the little hamlet on the evening, I believe, of the 16th of August, and selecting the small house which I have described for his temporary headquarters, awaited the approach of his column. Half an hour, an hour passed, and nothing was heard of the expected cavalry. General Stuart's position was by no mean
Jackson's death-wound. I. There is an event of the late war, the details of which are knowesult of the consultation was the adoption of Jackson's suggestion to attack the enemy's right. Evof the thickets on each side of the road. Jackson's assault was sudden and terrible. It struckparing for a new and more determined attack. Jackson's plan was worthy of being the last military ls which follow are given on the authority of Jackson's staff officers, and one or two others who wey was fired from the Confederate infantry in Jackson's rear, and on the right of the road-evidentlhis fire has never been discovered, and after Jackson's death there was little disposition to invesd in the wood lay many wounded and dying men. Jackson's whole party, except Captain Wilbourn and a ed, or dispersed. The man riding just behind Jackson had had his horse killed; a courier near was ptain Forbes was killed; and Captain Boswell, Jackson's chief engineer, was shot through the heart,[3 more...]
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Facetiae of the camp: souvenirs of a C. S. Officer. (search)
traggler, who would not stop at his order, and was discharging at him a perfect torrent of curses, when, chancing to turn his head, he saw close behind him no less a personage than the oath-hating and sternly-pious General Stonewall Jackson. Jackson's aversion to profanity was proverbial in the army. It was known to excite his extreme displeasure. Colonel Wtherefore stopped abruptly, hung his head, and awaited in silence the stern rebuke of his superior. It came in these words, uttere soldiers of the Stonewall Brigade. Curse the Yankees! I wish they were in hell, every one of them! I don't. Why don't you? Because if they were, Old Jack would be following 'em up close, with the old Stonewall Brigade in front! Jackson's face writhed into a grin; from his lips a low laugh issued; but he rode on in silence, making no comment. Xii. General Cā€” was proverbial for his stubborn courage and bulldog obstinacy in a fight. In every battle his brigade was torn to
cite! The very mention of the famous band is like the bugle note that sounds to arms! These veterans have fought and bled and conquered on so many battle-fields that memory grows weary almost of recalling their achievements. Gathering around Jackson in the old days of 186 , when Patterson confronted Johnston in the Valley of the Shenandoah-when Stuart was a simple Colonel, and Ashby only a Captain ā€” they held in check an enemy twenty times their number, and were moulded by their great commahout shoes-over roads so slippery with ice that men were falling and guns going off all along the line, and at night lay down without blankets or food upon the snow, to be up and moving again at dawn. When Shields and Fremont were closing in on Jackson's rear, they marched in one day from Harper's Ferry to Strasburg, nearly fifty miles. On the advance in August, 1862, to the Second Manassas, they passed over nearly forty miles, almost without a moment's rest; and as Jackson rode along the line
l give you one of my own in place of him, for he has enabled you to bring me information, upon the receipt of which the result of the battle at Manassas depended. I wonder if General Patterson contemplated such a thing, General, when he sent me the horse. Doubtful! replied Johnston, with his calm, grim smile; and saluting me, he rode away rapidly. Six hours afterwards his army was in motion for Manassas, where the advance arrived on the night of the zoth of July. On the next day Jackson's brigade held the enemy in check, and Kirby Smith ended the fight by his assault upon their right. Jackson and Smith belonged to the Army of the Shenandoah, and this will show you that without that army the battle would have been lost. I brought that army, my dear friend, by means of General Patterson's bay horse! Such was the narrative of Captain Longbow, and I would like to know how much of it is true. The incident of the hard ride, and the death of the Captain's horse especia