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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
ter sketched it, early in May, 1866, when fortifications thrown up by the Nationals were seen on both sides of the Pike, on the Murfreesboroa side of the stream. The shores of the stream are rough with bowlders, and some have supposed that these gave the name to it, which is generally called Stone River. Its name was derived from a man named Stone, and its proper orthography is that given in the text. In the above picture redoubt Brannan, named in honor of General Brannan, whom we met at Key West (see page 861, volume I.), is seen on the right of the Pike. It was one of a series of redoubts which, with lines of intrenchments, the whole seven miles in extent, were erected by the Nationals and named Fort Rosecrans. of a flank movement of the foe. The Nationals were speedily driven in confusion across the river, with heavy loss, closely followed by the increasing numbers of the Confederates--the entire right wing of Bragg's army — in three heavy lines of battle, who swept down the sl
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
g that stream, captured Feb. 12. a train of army-wagons; and at Simmsport, a little farther on, a quantity of stores. Returning to the Red River, she went up that stream also, and, a little above the mouth of the Black River, captured the small steamer Era, laden with corn and other supplies, and bearing a few Texan soldiers. These were paroled, and the Era was left in charge of a guard. The Queen of the West pushed on about twenty miles farther, toward a battery on the river called Fort Taylor, making the captured pilot of the Era ply his vocation on the ram. When turning a point near the fort the fellow ran her aground, when the Confederate guns opened upon her so severely and accurately that she was soon utterly disabled, and Ellet and his crew were compelled to leave her as a prize and retreat on floating bales of cotton. The De Soto, lying just below, picked them up. Going down the river, that vessel was also run into the bank by the treacherous pilot, and lost her rudder,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
ton, from which points the spires of the city were easily seen. Unfortunately, the gun-boats were unsupported by land troops, and their presence served only to announce to the Confederates an evident preparation for attacking Charleston. General Hunter had been for some time making preparations for throwing troops suddenly upon James's Island, and then advancing rapidly upon Charleston, where General Pemberton was then in chief command. He had called General Brannan with his force from Key West to Hilton Head, and began the concentration of troops on Edisto Island. It was expected to have the latter co-operate with the gun-boats when they entered the Stono, but for lack of transportation they were unable to do so. It was nearly a fortnight after the steamers reached Wappoo before a part of the troops. were landed June 2, 1863. on James's Island, under the immediate command of General Benham, accompanied by General Hunter; and it was nearly a week later before General Wright arr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
e gallant army, might never have been achieved but for the co-operation of the navy. To the common observer it, in many instances, seemed to be only an auxiliary, or wholly a secondary force, when, in truth, it was an equal, if not the chief power in gaining a victory. Without it, what might have been the result of military operations at Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh and all along the Mississippi River, especially at Vicksburg, Port. Hudson, and New Orleans; what at Mobile, Pensacola, Key West, along the Florida sea-board, the sea-coast Islands, Charleston, and the borders of North Carolina, and even in holding Fortress Monroe and Norfolk? The energy displayed by the Navy Department, under the chief management of Gustavus Vasa Fox, See page 308, volume I. the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, was most remarkable. The weakness and the position of the navy in the spring of 1861 have already been noticed. See page 299, volume I. It was a navy reduced to smallest proportions
d surrender of, 1.310-1.334; excitement occasioned by the fall of, 1.325; Dupont's attack on with iron-clads, 3.195; bombardment of by Gillmore, 3.207; unsuccessful boat expedition against,.2.210; old flag raised on by Gen. Anderson, 3.465. Fort Taylor, re-enforcements thrown into, 1. 363. Fort Tyler, capture of by La Grange, 3.520. Fort Wagner, unsuccessful assaults on by Gen. Strong, 3.202-3.204; evacuated by Confederates, III. .210. Fort Walker, capture of, 2.120. Fortress Mons in, 2.71-2.78, 85-91,190-196, 498-511: loyal action of the legislature of, 2.75; end of neutrality in, 2.76; provisional government organized in, 2.189. Keokuk, iron-clad, sunk in Charleston Harbor, 3.196. Kernstown, battle of, 2.370. Key West, saved to the Union, 1.363. Kilpatrick, Gen., Judson, defeated by a stratagem of Stuart's, 3.105; his raid against Richmond in 1864, 3.288; expedition of against the West Point and Macon railway, 3.391; surprised by Wade Hampton, 3.497. Ki
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 7: sea-coast defences..—Brief description of our maritime fortifications, with an Examination of the several Contests that have taken place between ships and forts, including the attack on San Juan d'ulloa, and on St. Jean d'acre (search)
rleston carry some two hundred guns. They are one-half constructed. Georgia. The defences of Savannah carry about two hundred guns, and are nearly three-quarters finished. Florida. The works projected for the defence of St. Augustine, Key West, Tortugas, and Pensacola will carry some eight or nine hundred guns. Those at St. Augustine and Pensacola are essentially completed, but those at Key West and Tortugas are barely begun. Alabama. The works for the defence of Mobile will carKey West and Tortugas are barely begun. Alabama. The works for the defence of Mobile will carry about one hundred and sixty guns. These are nearly constructed. Louisiana. The works for the defence of New Orleans will carry some two hundred and fifty or three hundred guns; they are nearly completed. The works north of the Chesapeake cost about three thousand dollars per gun; those south of that point about six thousand dollars per gun. This difference in cost is due in part to the character of the soil on which the fortifications are built, and in part to the high prices paid in
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 18: capture of forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
ere will be attached to your squadron a fleet of bomb-vessels, and armed steamers enough to manage them, all under command of Corn. D. D. Porter, who will be directed to report to you. As fast as these vessels are got ready they will be sent to Key West to await the arrival of all, and the commanding officers will be permitted to organize and practice with them at that point. When these formidable mortars arrive, and you are completely ready, you will collect such vessels as can be spared fr Merrimac seemed to show for the first time the great utility of such craft. The action of the Federal Government in this matter seems inexcusable. By the middle of March, the following ships, assigned to Farragut's command, had assembled at Key West, the rendezvous: Hartford, 25 guns, Com. Richard Wainwright; Brooklyn, 24 guns, Capt. T. T. Craven; Richmond, 26 guns, Com. James Alden; Mississippi, 12 guns, Com. Melancton Smith; Pensacola, 24 guns. Capt. H. W. Morris; Cayuga, 6 guns, Lieu
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
ffered to share with us, in fact. everything he has, which will supply many of our wants; but justice to myself requires me to say that I required all these supplies some time before I left Hampton Roads, and others immediately on my arrival at Key West or Ship Island, and I suppose accidental causes have stopped them on their way out here. The ordnance and hospital stores were shipped on the United States steamer Kensington. which was prevented by bad weather, breaking of machinery, and otater, and nothing was left visible but her upper rail. Two men were wounded in the Carleton. Acting-Master Charles Jack came out in this vessel from New York; he lost his mainmast in a gale off Cape Hatteras. but persevered until he arrived at Key West. and sailed with the flotilla to Ship Island He went through another gale, but got into port safe. He was almost always up with the rest in working up the river under sail with his one mast; and when his vessel sunk he volunteered his services
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 37: operations of the East Gulf Squadron to October, 1863. (search)
to be able to chronicle their names also, for no seamen ever deserved better! Acting-Ensigns Randall and Koehler were wounded, and four men were made prisoners. This is the last of Rear-Admiral Bailey's operations up to October, 1863, and although they were not remarkably important, they show a determination to break up the blockade-running, and it was done effectually. Of fifty-two vessels that attempted to run the blockade, only seven succeeded, the rest being taken into the port of Key West. Nearly one hundred were captured in the space of six months. The command of this station, although a compliment to Admiral Bailey, was scarcely a reward commensurate with his character and services. He was not a man whose appearance would attract attention, except from those who could appreciate the honest and simple character of an old-time naval officer, but he was a man who had no superior in the Navy in point of dash,energy and courage, and, if he had ever had the opportunity of c
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
, between Berwick City and Franklin, on the Bayou Teche, directly on the line of march for Alexandria and Shreveport. Small garrisons were left at Brownsville and Matagorda Bay, in Texas--positions which, under instructions from the President and subsequently from Lieutenant-General Grant, were not to be abandoned — at New Orleans and at Port Hudson, which was threatened by a vigorous and active enemy. Smaller garrisons at Baton Rouge and Donaldson ville on the river, and at Pensacola and Key West on the coast, constituted the balance of forces under my command, It had been arranged that the troops concentrated at Franklin should move for the Red River on the 7th of March, to meet the forces of General Sherman at Alexandria on the 17th. But, for causes stated by General Franklin, their march was delayed until the 13th, at which time the advance, under General A. L Lee, left Franklin, the whole column following soon after and arriving at Alexandria, the cavalry on the 19th, and th