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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sherman, William Tecumseh 1820-1829 (search)
he stirring air and words, John Brown's soul goes marching on! For thirty-six days that army moved through Georgia, with very little opposition, subsisting off the country. It was a sort of military promenade, requiring very little military skill in the performance, and as little personal prowess. It was grand in conception, and easily executed. Yet on that march there were many deeds that tested the prowess and daring of the soldiers on both sides Kilpatrick's first dash across the Flint River and against Wheeler's cavalry, and then towards Macon, burning a train of cars and tearing up the railway, gave the Confederates a suspicion of Sher man's intentions. There was wide-spread consternation in Georgia and South Carolina, for the invader's destination was uncertain. Beauregard was sent from the Appomattox to the Savannah to confront the Nationals. He sent before him a manifesto in which he said, Destroy all the roads in Sherman's front, flank, and rear, and, be trustful in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
oston, ships first load of ice to Savannah......1817 First mission of American board of commissioners among the Cherokees commenced at Spring Place, Murray county......1817 William H. Crawford appointed Secretary of the Treasury......Oct. 22, 1817 David B. Mitchell resigns governorship and is succeeded by William Rabun, president of the Senate......Nov. 4, 1817 Three hundred Georgia infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Arbuckle repulse Fowltown Indians 12 miles from Fort Scott on Flint River......Nov. 23, 1817 Ex-Governor Mitchell, United States agent to the Creek Indians, concludes treaty, ceding lands in northwest Georgia to the United States to be annexed to Georgia......Jan. 22, 1818 First transatlantic steamship Savannah sails from Savannah for Liverpool (passage took twenty-six days)......May 26, 1819 Governor Rabun dying, is succeeded by Matthew Talbot, president of the Senate......Oct. 24, 1819 Macon laid out, and first court held......March 20, 1823 Wi
f all persons propagating such rumors, and, after tracing them to their original source, to arrest forthwith whoever was guilty of thus disturbing the public mind. In less than two weeks time, and before three arrests had been made, the habit was broken, and from that time forward no more trouble was experienced on this score. General Beauregard's attention had already been attracted to the construction, or rather completion, of a railroad from Thomasville, Georgia, to Bainbridge, on Flint River, some thirty-six miles, and a branch from Grovesville to the Tallahassee Railroad —about sixteen miles—which would add greatly to the military facilities for the defence of Middle and Eastern Florida, and for sending troops rapidly from Savannah or the interior of Georgia to any point threatened in Florida. The matter was again referred to him, on the 18th, by Judge Baltzell, and he strongly advised the Government to take immediate action in regard to it; but scarcity of iron, it was all
the same day plans and instructions for placing obstructions, by piling, etc., in the Chattahoochee (Florida) and Flint River (Georgia) were forwarded to Captain F. Moreno, Corps of Provisional Engineers, at Columbus, Ga. And General Finegan, at hiscover the obstructions, for two 32 and one 24 pounder pieces. At Rack Bluff, fifty-four miles above the junction with Flint River, another obstruction is to be established, with three batteries commanding it, one for three 32-pounders, one for two two 18-pounder guns. At the Narrows, at Fulton's Bend, on the Appalachicola, sixteen miles below junction with the Flint River, other obstructions and a battery for one 24 and one 18 pounder gun are likewise to be constructed. In this way will just named are all regarded as favorable for the end in view. Captain Moreno will be further instructed to examine Flint River, with a view to finding a good position (on the north bank, if possible) for a battery for three or five guns, and obs
n, Chief of Staff: After an unavoidable delay I have turned over the coin to Mr. Metcalf, taking receipt, and await orders. A. G. Rice, A. D. C. Headquarters, Department S. C. and Ga., Charleston, S. C., Oct. 18th, 1862. Judge Thomas Baltzell, Charleston, S. C.: Dear Sir,—I have no hesitation in saying, upon the information communicated to me by you relative to the present condition of the railroads in Florida, that the completion of the one from Thomasville to Bainbridge, on the Flint River (thirty-six miles), and of the branch from Groversville to the Tallahassee Railroad (sixteen miles), would add greatly to the military facilities for the defence of Middle Florida, by enabling troops from the interior of Georgia, or oriently of Savannah, to be sent rapidly to any point in that part of the State which might be threatened by the enemy. I remain, Sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Comdg. [Memorandum.] Savannah, Ga., Oct. 20th, 1862.
Creek, say ten (10) miles, and bivouacked. Sent back by train those sick and unable to march, say four hundred men. Tuesday, December 27. Waded bayou at four A. M., and marched down on north side of Tennessee, nearly opposite mouth of Flint river, and awaited orders. The enemy shelled the transports sent to convey my command over but no casualties resulted therefrom. Signalled General Steedman information of the enemy's strength, etc., at Decatur, obtained from Colonel Prosser. and On the twenty-third of December, 1864, moved from Murfreesboro by rail, and on the twenty-sixth of December disembarked from the cars about nine miles east of Decatur, Alabama, and moved within a mile of the Tennessee river, near the mouth of Flint river. Was placed in command of the Second provisional division, consisting of the First and Second colored brigades and reserve brigade. On the twenty-seventh, in accordance with orders from the General commanding, I moved my command to the riv
Tuesday, December 27. Waded bayou at four A. M., and marched down on north side of Tennessee, nearly opposite mouth of Flint river, and awaited orders. The enemy shelled the transports sent to convey my command over but no casualties resulted therefrom. Signalled General Steedman information of the enemy's strength, etc., at Decatur, obtained from Colonel Prosser. and one of my staff officers. Crossed the river and lagoon beyond, and halted to receive rations from the transports at four P. M., as directed by Major-General Steedman. Soon received orders from him to move up to support Colonel Thompson's division, which had been advanced towards Decatur, and had been engaged during the afternoon in skirmishing with the enemy. The command was brought up as rapidly as possible, and formed in line on Colonel Thompson's right. The enemy opened fire with two pieces of artillery. Some of the shots fell near my line, but without damage. An advance was ordered, and both divisions m
ision, skirmished with, and gradually drove the enemy to Flint river. Here, the destruction of the bridge, the depth of th Fifteenth. corps, in advance. On reaching the head of Flint river, about a mile from Jonesboroa, skirmishers were found one right and attacked Kilpatrick, holding the bridge over Flint river. Kilpatrick held them at bay until relieved by General s kept up with but little delay the entire day, crossing Flint river, driving him from the other side, repairing the bridge a advanced east; met cavalry behind works on east bank of Flint river. My brigade was formed, Ninth Indiana, Eighty-fourth Ilows substantially the ridge or divide between the waters of Flint and Ocmulgee rivers, and from East Point to Jonesboroa makeand pushed on toward Jonesboroa, saved the bridge across Flint river, and did not halt until darkness compelled him, within h. General Kilpatrick was sent south, down the west bank of Flint, with instructions to attack or threaten the railroad below
nd an immense amount of cotton, all of which were burned. The same day, the sixteenth of April, La Grange captured Fort Taylor, at West Point, above Columbus, on the Chattahochee, after assaulting it on three sides, the defence being stubborn. Three hundred prisoners, three guns, and several battle-flags were taken, besides a large quantity of supplies. On the eighteenth the march toward Macon was resumed, Minty's (late Long's) division leading. By a forced march, the bridges across Flint river, fifty-four miles from Columbus, were secured, compelling the abandonment by the enemy of five field-guns and a large amount of machinery; forty prisoners were captured, and two cotton factories destroyed.. At six P. M. on the twentieth of April, the authorities of Macon, under protest, surrendered the city to the Seventeenth Indiana, Colonel Minty's advance regiment, claiming, under the provisions of an armistice then reported existing between the forces of Generals Sherman and Johnston,
ad toward Macon, and to send a detachment forward that night to seize the double bridges over Flint river. Captain Van Antwerp of my staff, accompanied this party. He speaks in the highest terms of hard, of the former regiment, with orders to march all night and gain the double bridges over Flint river by day-break, and to save them at all hazards. I followed with the division at about seven P moved at daylight on the morning of the eighteenth, and camped at twelve o'clock at night at Flint river, having marched forty miles; next day made fifteen miles, camping five miles east of Thomsonv of the Fourth Michigan cavalry, had captured, by forced marches, the double bridges over the Flint river, forty four miles from Columbia. We arrived there at twelye M. The Flint river here is very Flint river here is very rapid, and not easily fordable. A further march of ten miles brought us to Thomaston, a village of about fifteen hundred inhabitants; after having crossed Big Potato creek, camped at six P. M. at Th