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st division to move. Marched to Elk River, where I rejoined the Second division. The enemy showed himself in force, the Seventh Pennsylvania skirmished with him a short time. Camped one mile south of the river, the Fourth Michigan remaining on the north side to guard Stokes's battery. July 3.--Marched to Decherd, the Fourth Michigan making a dash into that place, but finding that the rebs had removed, camped a mile and a half from Decherd. July 4.--In camp, Fourth Michigan sent to Tullahoma for rations. July 5.--In camp, rejoined by Third Indiana. July 6.--Marched to within five miles of Salem and went into camp. July 7.--In camp. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, Robt. H. G. Minty, Colonel Commanding. General Wheeler received a severe wound (shot through the body a little above the left groin) while crossing the river. One hundred and eighteen dead rebels have been taken out of the river. Fifteen were buried on the field, and in every house was
d about two o'clock on the morning of the twenty-eighth, we encamped in the southern outskirts of the town. June 28.--We marched about seven miles, toward Tullahoma, Tenn., and encamped for the night. June 29.--Remained in camp all day. Lieutenant Corbin was sent to the front with one section of the battery for picket. Left camp at six P. M. June 30.--Lieutenant Corbin returned to camp with the section at seven A. M. July 1.--Marched to Tullahoma. The enemy were gone, evidently having left in great haste. We encamped one mile south of the town. July 2.--Marched from Tullahoma in the direction of Decherd, Tennessee. Arrived at Stearns's MiTullahoma in the direction of Decherd, Tennessee. Arrived at Stearns's Mill at ten o'clock A. M., where we halted to await orders. General Negley soon ordered me to the front on double-quick. Arriving at the front. I found that the position which I was to occupy was filled by two batteries from his own division. In compliance with General Beattey's order I remained in the road, directly in their rea
the Duck River Valley and the country southward. Tullahoma, a large intrenched camp, situated on the barrens routes passing southward from Murfreesboro toward Tullahoma and line of the enemy's communications. 1. By McMinnville it is seventy-five miles to Tullahoma. Its length precludes it, while the intermediate by-roads betion at Shelbyville, and that we must expect him at Tullahoma, only twelve miles distant. It was therefore neces that Bragg would fight us in his intrenchments at Tullahoma. Wilder returned from his expedition, reportingvalry battle showed also the enemy's withdrawal on Tullahoma, and the general expectation that he would fight tosition, to gain the rear of the rebel position at Tullahoma, and who reported favorably thereon, preparations m General Thomas that the enemy had retreated from Tullahoma during the night. Brannan's, Negley's, and Sheridan's divisions; entered Tullahoma, where the infantry arrived about noon. Negley's and Rousseau's divisions
on. He raised the siege, and prepared for offensive action. In the last days of the year he issued from Nashville and delivered a sanguinary battle at Stone River, which gave him possession of Murfreesboro. Bragg retreated to Shelbyville and Tullahoma, and there again rested and intrenched. A long period of needed rest was now employed by the respective parties in increasing the strength and efficiency of their armies; but this repose was broken by frequent skirmishes, and by cavalry expedifront of our forces. While the stirring events which have been related were occurring in the East and in the West, General Rosecrans advanced upon Bragg, who, with little fighting, hastily abandoned his fortified positions of Shelbyville and Tullahoma, in Southern Tennessee. General Rosecrans took, and he yet holds them, while Bragg, with severe loss in a hurried retreat, has fallen back to Chattanooga. It is understood that his army had been already much weakened by detachments sent from i
rmy of Middle Tennessee. In obedience to this order I at once proceeded to Tullahoma. On my arrival I informed the Secretary of War, by a telegram of March ninetd was reported to the Secretary of War. On the ninth of May I received, at Tullahoma, the following despatch of the same date from the Secretary of War: Proceeen I took direct charge of that department. From the time of my arrival at Tullahoma until the fourteenth of April, General Pemberton's reports, all by telegraph,sfied Rosecrans will be reeforced from Grant's army. Shall I order troops to Tullahoma? On the seventeenth of April General Pemberton telegraphed the return of G Under this conviction I telegraphed to General Pemberton, on May first, from Tullahoma: If Grant's army lands on this side of the river, the safety of Mississippi dssissippi River. Vicksburgh was greatly imperilled when my instructions from Tullahoma to concentrate were neglected. It was lost when my orders of the thirteenth
army of the Cumberland: You have made a grand and successful campaign; you have driven the rebels from Middle Tennessee. You crossed a great mountain range, placed yourselves on the banks of a broad river, crossed it in the face of a powerful opposing army, and crossed two other great mountain ranges at the only practicable passes, some forty miles between extremes. You concentrated in the face of superior numbers; fought the combined armies of Bragg, which you drove from Shelbyville to Tullahoma, of Johnston's army from Mississippi, and the tried veterans of Longstreet's corps, and for two days held them at bay, giving them blow for blow, with heavy interest. When the day closed, you held the field, from which you withdrew in the face of overpowering numbers, to occupy the point for which you set out — Chattanooga. You have accomplished the great work of the campaign; you hold the key of East-Tennessee, of Northern Georgia, and of the enemy's mines of coal and nitre. Let th
e rebels in Tennessee. A rebel review of General Bragg's campaign. North--Georgia, October, 1863. To the Editor of the Whig: The following resume of the late operations of the army of the Tennessee may possess sufficient interest to the country to ask its publication: It may be remembered that, in consequence of a flank movement on the right, and the threatened danger to its communications, toward the last of June, the army of Tennessee was put in retreat from Shelbyville and Tullahoma on or toward Chattanooga. The retreat was effected with slight or inconsiderable loss in men or transportation, and Chattanooga was occupied during the days of the first week of July. Polk's corps, except Anderson's brigade, of Withers's division, which was ordered to Bridgeport, where the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad crosses the Tennessee River, for purposes of observation, was retained in and around Chattanooga, and Hardee's corps was distributed along the line of the Knoxville R
er; no coffee or sugar. Coffee only costs (when there is any) twenty shillings a pound, and sugar five shillings; salt, four shillings a pound; shoes, six pound ten shillings; coat, twenty-eight pounds; trowsers, eight pound five shillings; boots, fifteen pounds; flour, seventeen pounds a barrel of two hundred pounds; eggs, four shillings a dozen; chickens, five shillings each; butter, five shillings and sixpence a pound; ink, eighteen shillings a pint; pens, sixpence each; common tallow candles, three shillings each; shirts, two pounds five shillings; and every thing else in proportion. The ladies cut up their carpets to make blankets for the soldiers. When you have something good to eat, just think of me in America, twenty-six years old this year, going on seven years since I left home. Oh! I do so long for the time to come for me to go home; and I hope God will spare my life until that end is attained. army of Tennessee, Tullahoma, Tenn., Confederate States of America, April 5.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
iles north-west of Stevenson, and had all the supplies at Stevenson transferred to that place. On August 6th, during this advance from Stevenson to Decherd, Brig.-Gen. Robert L. McCook (of Thomas's division; brother to Alex. McD. McCook), who, being ill, was riding in an ambulance, was mortally wounded by the enemy's scouts near New Market.--editors. Two parallel mountain ranges, running north-east and south-west, separated him from Chattanooga. A railroad, connecting McMinnville and Tullahoma, ran nearly parallel to the north-west slope of these mountain ranges. Already he had located General Thomas at McMinnville with Wood's and Ammen's divisions, while the divisions of Schoepf, McCook, and Thomas L. Crittenden were near the Nashville and Stevenson Railroad within easy call of headquarters at Decherd. Buell seemed impressed with the belief that Bragg's objective point was Nashville, and that he would take the short route over the mountain by way of Altamont, which movement,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.67 (search)
e of the most obstinately contested and bloody of the war, in proportion to the numbers engaged. [See articles to follow.] The result of this action compelled the Confederate army to fall back and place itself behind Duck River, at Manchester, Tullahoma, and Shelbyville. Early in December Grant projected an enterprise against Vicksburg under Sherman's command. He directed that officer to embark at Memphis with about 30,000 men, descend the river with them to the neighborhood of the place, so employed, I received a telegram from the Secretary of War, in which he ordered me to direct General Bragg to report at the War Department for conference; and to assume, myself, direct charge of the army in middle Tennessee. On my return to Tullahoma under this order, I learned that the general was devoting himself to Mrs. Bragg, who was supposed to be at the point of death. So the communication of the order to him was postponed, and the postponement and the cause reported to the Secretary