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ohnston's removal from the command of the Army of Tennessee. When Hood withdrew his army from Sherman's front and turned towards Tennessee, the great raider debated whether to follow Hood or pursue his raid through Georgia and the Carolinas, thus left open to him. He did not long ount, and sent Wilson with his men dismounted to help Thomas to beat Hood, while he marched on his way to the sea with none to make him afraidenemy, and was therefore ill-fitted to cope with the veteran army of Hood. So impatient was the Federal Government of the delay of Thomas in attacking Hood, that on the 9th of December he was ordered to be relieved from the command of the army. The order was, fortunately for Haon city generalissimo, Halleck, complained that Thomas did not press Hood's army. I have never heard anybody who was in Hood's army at thatHood's army at that time justify Halleck's complaints on this score. Thomas' own letter, replying to these indiscreet strictures, shows the stuff of which the w
re such a work demands, and has been aided and sustained by the cordial co-operation of many who could efficiently contribute to his success. The tribute to General Buell (pages 82 to 87) is well expressed and well merited by the illustrious soldier, who was so much undervalued by the politicians of his country. The fairness n Horne thinks, but they did not administer the coup de grace to the beaten army of the Union as they might have that evening, and thereby opportunity was afforded Buell to retrieve the disaster of the day and establish the Federal lines in the positions from which they had been driven. The author pays a handsome and deserved compliment to General Beauregard for his conduct of the battle after General Buell had reinforced General Grant. But he falls into some mistakes as to the conduct of the Confederate army after the Battle of Shiloh. April 7, General Beauregard took position at Corinth, and threw up earth works about the place. During the month of Ma
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): chapter 6.35
is but one who added strength to the opposing section. Thomas, alone, of them all, was able and efficient in the armies of those to whom he transferred his allegiance. And while Virginia holds up to the emulation of her youth the examples of Lee, of Jackson, and of Johnston, she will ever deplore that a son so brave and so able as Thomas was did not fight by their side. He has now gone to his account. What motives, what influences decided his course, God alone knows. But he was a losn dismounted Wilson's cavalry to furnish the cavalry reserved with his own wing with a better remount, and sent Wilson with his men dismounted to help Thomas to beat Hood, while he marched on his way to the sea with none to make him afraid. General Lee once said of Sherman's march to the sea: There was nothing to oppose him, and the only military problem to be solved was a simple calculation as to whether his army could live on the country by taking all the people had. It was well for She
Joseph E. Johnston (search for this): chapter 6.35
one more able and brave Virginian fighting in defence of principles cherished throughout his life, and for his home and for his kindred. Of all those native-born Virginians who turned their swords against Virginia, there is but one who added strength to the opposing section. Thomas, alone, of them all, was able and efficient in the armies of those to whom he transferred his allegiance. And while Virginia holds up to the emulation of her youth the examples of Lee, of Jackson, and of Johnston, she will ever deplore that a son so brave and so able as Thomas was did not fight by their side. He has now gone to his account. What motives, what influences decided his course, God alone knows. But he was a loss to the Southern army, and a tower of strength to the army of the North. They had none like that Virginian Thomas. He was sedate, reflective, calm, self-reliant, resolute. There was in his demeanor, in the massive proportions of his person, in his clear blue eye, in
William T. Sherman (search for this): chapter 6.35
the Army of the Cumberland follows hard upon Sherman's Memoirs of his own life and campaigns, and eneral of the Army. The publication of General Sherman is not without its value of a procreativeself conceit which breathe from every line of Sherman's remarkable narrative are eminently provocato bore the brunt of the fierce conflicts, General Sherman so flippantly discusses and so often avoile and inactive, and the only consolation General Sherman should ever derive from his effort at hishings. The Southern army lost nothing when Sherman decided to fight against Louisiana. Had Gerrative between the characters and conduct of Sherman and Thomas after Johnston's removal from the taking all the people had. It was well for Sherman and for his government that the general with alled by the dangers of the position in which Sherman had thus placed him. It is charitable to bn movements and for the defence of Nashville, Sherman must have estimated the personal resources of[8 more...]
John Letcher (search for this): chapter 6.35
march to the sea. Nor have said in his official reports and in his testimony before the claims commission that General Wade Hampton burned Columbia, when he knew he did not. Nor have written and published his story of all these things. The Southern army lost nothing when Sherman decided to fight against Louisiana. Had General Thomas followed his natural inclinations and adhered to his allegiance to Virginia, and accepted the commission of Colonel, which he had procured from Governor Letcher, his native State would have been the better off by one more able and brave Virginian fighting in defence of principles cherished throughout his life, and for his home and for his kindred. Of all those native-born Virginians who turned their swords against Virginia, there is but one who added strength to the opposing section. Thomas, alone, of them all, was able and efficient in the armies of those to whom he transferred his allegiance. And while Virginia holds up to the emulat
Stonewall Jackson (search for this): chapter 6.35
who added strength to the opposing section. Thomas, alone, of them all, was able and efficient in the armies of those to whom he transferred his allegiance. And while Virginia holds up to the emulation of her youth the examples of Lee, of Jackson, and of Johnston, she will ever deplore that a son so brave and so able as Thomas was did not fight by their side. He has now gone to his account. What motives, what influences decided his course, God alone knows. But he was a loss to the Seneral demoralization. Then Sidney Johnston fell, in the very crisis of the great victory he had planned and almost won, and the disconcertment and arrest of plan and execution usual on such a calamity befell the Confederate army as it did when Jackson fell more than two years afterwards. Our lines were not repulsed, as Mr. Van Horne thinks, but they did not administer the coup de grace to the beaten army of the Union as they might have that evening, and thereby opportunity was afforded Bue
History of the army of the Cumberland. By Chaplain Van Horne. published by Robert Clark & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Review by General D. H. Maury. The History of ich the author opens his subject might have been judiciously omitted, for Chaplain Van Horne does not seem to know that in the South the leaders were behind the peoplson fell more than two years afterwards. Our lines were not repulsed, as Mr. Van Horne thinks, but they did not administer the coup de grace to the beaten army ofence of Nashville. We note with pleasure the dignified rebuke with which Mr. Van Horne censures the devastation of South Carolina by General Sherman. There is a wide difference between the sympathies of Chaplain Van Horne and our own regarding the war and its leading actors, and it will be excused in us to feel that he is spprove and commend this book, and if all the generals had historians like Chaplain Van Horne it would be better for their fame, and greatly facilitate the labors of t
Joseph Johnston (search for this): chapter 6.35
bborn front and covered the escape of the routed Federals into Chattanooga. While our author claims abundant glories for his own people, he accords high praise to the valor, constancy and ability of his antagonists. He highly esteems General Joseph Johnston, and makes a fair and strong exposition of his conduct and efficiency. The crowning success of the book is the contrast presented by the narrative between the characters and conduct of Sherman and Thomas after Johnston's removal from Johnston's removal from the command of the Army of Tennessee. When Hood withdrew his army from Sherman's front and turned towards Tennessee, the great raider debated whether to follow Hood or pursue his raid through Georgia and the Carolinas, thus left open to him. He did not long debate, but selecting such corps and divisions as would make up a well organized army of 65,000 men, he sent the debris to Thomas. He even dismounted Wilson's cavalry to furnish the cavalry reserved with his own wing with a better remount
Wade Hampton (search for this): chapter 6.35
did, at the First Manassas. Nor have been surprised and routed at Shiloh. Nor defeated at Chickasaw Bluff by one-tenth of his force. Nor have been repulsed by Hardee at Missionary Ridge. Nor have been driven out of the Deer Creek country. Nor have fled from Enterprise to Vicksburg on the defeat of his expedition against Mobile and Selma. Nor have made his march to the sea. Nor have said in his official reports and in his testimony before the claims commission that General Wade Hampton burned Columbia, when he knew he did not. Nor have written and published his story of all these things. The Southern army lost nothing when Sherman decided to fight against Louisiana. Had General Thomas followed his natural inclinations and adhered to his allegiance to Virginia, and accepted the commission of Colonel, which he had procured from Governor Letcher, his native State would have been the better off by one more able and brave Virginian fighting in defence of princip
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