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Unof 449 1 Browse Search
September 28th, 1865 AD 435 435 Browse Search
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Osgood Lowell 200 2 Browse Search
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) 192 0 Browse Search
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Nathan W. Josselyn (search for this): chapter 11
Company H. Nathan W. Josselyn, 1st Sergt. Boston, 21, a; clerk. Sept. 22, 1862. Disch. disa. Nov. 2, 1863. Francis H. Carver, Sergs. Natick, 37, m; printer. Sept. 19, 1862. Disch. Nov. 28, 1864, to accept commission as 1st Lieut. 81st Regt. U. S.C. Infantry. M. O. Nov. 30, 1866. Patrick J. Monks, Sergt. South Boston, 41, m.; teamster. Oct. 15, 1862. Disch. July 21, 1865. Edward Barker, Corp. Charlestown, N. H., 39, m; minister. Oct. 11, 1862. Disch. Feb. 15, 1863, to become Chaplain 91st N. Y. Vol. Resigned July 28, 1864. William J. Beck, Corp. Boston, 36, n; carpenter. June 18, 1862. Died of wounds May 18, 1864. Thomas S. Benson, Corp. Farmington, Me. en. Boston, 32, s; physician. Sept. 26, 1862. . Disch. disa. Aug. 24, 1863. George E. Long. Corp. Northfield, 22, s; engineer Sept. 30, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Joseph Marckres, Corp. 24, m; bar-tender. Sept. 20, 1862. Deserted Feb. 1, 1865. John McNAMARA, Corp. Roxbury, 33, m; soldie
John Sullivan (search for this): chapter 11
5, m; laborer. Sept 9, 1862. Disch. disa. Jan. 18 1864. Unof. Solomon Shumway, Belchertown, 31, m; clerk. Jan. 5, 1864. Disch. June 9, 1865. Bernard Smith, Boston, 41, s; printer. Oct. 15, 1862. Disch. May 8, 1865 John Spellman, Boston, 32, m; cook. Sept. 22, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Cornelius Splann, Boston, 25, s; sailor. Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. Aug. 2, 1863. Alvin B. Studley, Natick, 18, s; hatter. Jan. 6, 1864. Died Jan. 27, 1865, Baltimore, Md. John Sullivan, Boston, 43, m; laborer, Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. May 8, 1864. John Trahan, Boston, 28, s; baker. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C. Sept. 22. 1864. M. O. Oct. 18, 1865. Matthew Trumbull, Lowell, 18, s; laborer. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3d Regt. V. R.C. Sept. 22, 1864. M. O. Oct. 18, 1865. Patrick Tully, Boston, 33, m; marble polisher. Sept 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 31 Regt. V. R.C. Sept 22, 1864. M. O. Oct 18, 1865. John Vaughan, South
Thomas Geer (search for this): chapter 11
nn, Boston, 37, s; marble-worker. Oct. 26, 1862. Trans. to V. R. C. April 22, 1864. Unof. Henry Frost, Boston, 25. Oct. 23, 1862. Deserted Nov. 9, 1862, New York city. Edwin Gardner, Dennis, 25. Oct. 25, 1862. Deserted Nov. 29, 1862, Jamaica, Long Island. Reuben A. Garlick, Dartmouth, 20, s; farmer. Feb. 22, 1864. Killed in action, Sept. 19, 1864, Winchester, Va. John Gately, Clinton, 21, s; shoemaker. Jan. 5, 1864. Killed in action, Sept. 19, 1864, Winchester, Va. Thomas Geer, East Kingston, N. H., 30, m; sailor. Oct. 18, 1862. Died June 10, 1865. John Gilmore, New Bedford, 21, s; seaman. March 28, 1864. Deserted Sept. 1864. Thomas Gill, Barre, 23, s; farmer. Nov. 6, 1863. Deserted Aug. 1864. Erastus Gould, Lawrence, 39, m; laborer. Sept. 27, 1862. Trans. to 5th Co. 1st Batt. V. R.C. April 22, 1863. Disch. April 18, 1864. Gros. Granadino, Boston, 32, m; sailor. Oct. 15, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Eli Hawkins, Boston, 25, s; sailor.
er. Sept. 27, 1862. Trans. to 5th Co. 1st Batt. V. R.C. April 22, 1863. Disch. April 18, 1864. Gros. Granadino, Boston, 32, m; sailor. Oct. 15, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Eli Hawkins, Boston, 25, s; sailor. Sept. 30, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Robert Hill, Rockport, 22, s; sailor. Oct. 22, 1862. Deserted, Nov. 30, 1862, Jamaica, L. I. James Hickey, Worcester, 24, s; mechanic. Jan. 16, 1864. Deserted Aug. 1864. Martin Healey. Clinton; 28, s; laborer. Jan. 5, ZZZ6. Disch. June 26, 1865. Francis T. Hazlewood, Boston, 43, m; piano-maker. Sept. 22, 1862. Died Jan. 29, 1864, New Orleans, La. Unof. William H. Holden, Stoneham, 30, m. Sept. 28, 1862. Died Sept. 19, 1863, Baton Rouge, La. Randall F. Hunnewell, Salem, Me. 28, s; laborer, Oct. 22, 1862. Killed in action, May 1, 1864. Unof. Thomas F. Johnson, Charlestown, 38, m; carver. Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. Unof. John Kelly, Boston, 26, m; sailor. Sept. 30, 1862. Wounded Sept. 1
Eli Hawkins (search for this): chapter 11
1864, Winchester, Va. Thomas Geer, East Kingston, N. H., 30, m; sailor. Oct. 18, 1862. Died June 10, 1865. John Gilmore, New Bedford, 21, s; seaman. March 28, 1864. Deserted Sept. 1864. Thomas Gill, Barre, 23, s; farmer. Nov. 6, 1863. Deserted Aug. 1864. Erastus Gould, Lawrence, 39, m; laborer. Sept. 27, 1862. Trans. to 5th Co. 1st Batt. V. R.C. April 22, 1863. Disch. April 18, 1864. Gros. Granadino, Boston, 32, m; sailor. Oct. 15, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Eli Hawkins, Boston, 25, s; sailor. Sept. 30, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Robert Hill, Rockport, 22, s; sailor. Oct. 22, 1862. Deserted, Nov. 30, 1862, Jamaica, L. I. James Hickey, Worcester, 24, s; mechanic. Jan. 16, 1864. Deserted Aug. 1864. Martin Healey. Clinton; 28, s; laborer. Jan. 5, ZZZ6. Disch. June 26, 1865. Francis T. Hazlewood, Boston, 43, m; piano-maker. Sept. 22, 1862. Died Jan. 29, 1864, New Orleans, La. Unof. William H. Holden, Stoneham, 30, m. Sept. 28
William Pethie (search for this): chapter 11
, N. S., 22, s; farmer. Oct. 1, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. James Noonan, Charlestown, 21, m; hostler. Sept. 24, 1862. Wounded Sept. 19, 1864. Prisoner of war, October 19, 1864. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Christian Oberlander, Boston, 39, in; cook. Sept. 22, 1862. Deserted Nov. 19, 1862, Jamaica L. I. James Palmer, Blackstone, 24; laborer. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. James Pearson, Boston, 27. m; tailor. Sept. 24, 1862. Disch. disa. March 13, 1863. Unof. William Pethie, Worcester, 21, s; hostler. Sept. 25, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Samuel W. Prescott, Lowell, 40, n; laborer. Oct. 18, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. Patrick Riley, Boston, 35, m; laborer. Sept 9, 1862. Disch. disa. Jan. 18 1864. Unof. Solomon Shumway, Belchertown, 31, m; clerk. Jan. 5, 1864. Disch. June 9, 1865. Bernard Smith, Boston, 41, s; printer. Oct. 15, 1862. Disch. May 8, 1865 John Spellman, Boston, 32, m; cook. Sept. 22, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28,
John Vaughan (search for this): chapter 11
Md. John Sullivan, Boston, 43, m; laborer, Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. May 8, 1864. John Trahan, Boston, 28, s; baker. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C. Sept. 22. 1864. M. O. Oct. 18, 1865. Matthew Trumbull, Lowell, 18, s; laborer. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3d Regt. V. R.C. Sept. 22, 1864. M. O. Oct. 18, 1865. Patrick Tully, Boston, 33, m; marble polisher. Sept 22, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 31 Regt. V. R.C. Sept 22, 1864. M. O. Oct 18, 1865. John Vaughan, South Boston, 42, m; baker. Oct. 18, 1862. Died on Govt. Trans. May 10, 1864. Unof. John Veliscross, Boston, 21, in; sailor. October 15, 1862. Missing in action April 8, 1864. No further record. Unof. Patrick J. Waters, Boston, 33, s; clerk. Sept. 19, 1862. Disch. May 21, 65. Unof. Samutel A. Wentworth, Boston, 41, in; provision dealer. Sept. 22, 1862; Disch. disa. May 3, 1864, Galloupe's Island. Thomas White, Boston, 37, s; plasterer. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans. to
Thomas S. Benson (search for this): chapter 11
inter. Sept. 19, 1862. Disch. Nov. 28, 1864, to accept commission as 1st Lieut. 81st Regt. U. S.C. Infantry. M. O. Nov. 30, 1866. Patrick J. Monks, Sergt. South Boston, 41, m.; teamster. Oct. 15, 1862. Disch. July 21, 1865. Edward Barker, Corp. Charlestown, N. H., 39, m; minister. Oct. 11, 1862. Disch. Feb. 15, 1863, to become Chaplain 91st N. Y. Vol. Resigned July 28, 1864. William J. Beck, Corp. Boston, 36, n; carpenter. June 18, 1862. Died of wounds May 18, 1864. Thomas S. Benson, Corp. Farmington, Me. en. Boston, 32, s; physician. Sept. 26, 1862. . Disch. disa. Aug. 24, 1863. George E. Long. Corp. Northfield, 22, s; engineer Sept. 30, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Joseph Marckres, Corp. 24, m; bar-tender. Sept. 20, 1862. Deserted Feb. 1, 1865. John McNAMARA, Corp. Roxbury, 33, m; soldier. Nov. 28, 1863. Disch. June 16, 1864. John H. Harmon, Musician, Boston, 16, s; clerk. Oct 27, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 6, 1865. Dedrick Thomas, Music
Solomon Shumway (search for this): chapter 11
, 1862. Deserted Nov. 19, 1862, Jamaica L. I. James Palmer, Blackstone, 24; laborer. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. James Pearson, Boston, 27. m; tailor. Sept. 24, 1862. Disch. disa. March 13, 1863. Unof. William Pethie, Worcester, 21, s; hostler. Sept. 25, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Samuel W. Prescott, Lowell, 40, n; laborer. Oct. 18, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 20, 1863. Patrick Riley, Boston, 35, m; laborer. Sept 9, 1862. Disch. disa. Jan. 18 1864. Unof. Solomon Shumway, Belchertown, 31, m; clerk. Jan. 5, 1864. Disch. June 9, 1865. Bernard Smith, Boston, 41, s; printer. Oct. 15, 1862. Disch. May 8, 1865 John Spellman, Boston, 32, m; cook. Sept. 22, 1862. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Cornelius Splann, Boston, 25, s; sailor. Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. Aug. 2, 1863. Alvin B. Studley, Natick, 18, s; hatter. Jan. 6, 1864. Died Jan. 27, 1865, Baltimore, Md. John Sullivan, Boston, 43, m; laborer, Sept. 26, 1862. Disch. disa. May 8, 1864.
Jacob Williams (search for this): chapter 11
Oct 27, 1862. Disch. disa. Feb. 6, 1865. Dedrick Thomas, Musician, Boston, 18, s; shoemaker. Oct. 27, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C. Sept. 20, 1864. David Haines, Cook, en. Port Hudson, La. 20. Nov. 1, 1863. Deserted July 28, 1865, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. John Johnson, Cook, en. Port Hudson, La. 20. Dec. 12, 1863. Absent, sick, Sept. 1864. No further record. Unof. Thomas Mitchell, Cook, en. Port Hudson, 26. July 1, 1863. Disch. disa. Nov. 15, 1865. Unof. Jacob Williams, Cook, en. Port Hudson, La. 21. Oct, 1, 1863. Disch. disa. Nov. 9. 1865. Unof. Walter D. Allen, North Bridgewater, 21, s; Feb. 13, 1864. Wounded Sept. 19, 1864, and died of wounds, Oct. 29, 1864. John A. Baily, Charlestown, 43, m; carpenter. Sept. 26, 1862. Died June 28, 1863. Edward E. Barker. Disch. July 27, 1863. George W. Beal, Natick, 36, m; photographer. Jan. 2, 1864. Killed May 18, 1864. Louisiana. Unof. Frank Bemis, Boston, 43, in; wool-dresser. Oct. 27, 1
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